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That's a lot of 2s.

How about 2 chapters?

This message would have made more sense tomorrow...


Alric Good

Is there a way to get these where I don't have to download?


Unfortunately, Patreon doesn't support complex formatting, so tables and things get all messed up. I can't just post things directly for that reason.


holy moly, you're on a roll


Val, you damn fool!


See as no one else is saying anything I might be the only one who has a problem Downloading the files for this chapter. I can get chapter 83 and 85 but this one gives me an "AttachmentNotFound" error.


Refresh and retry. That error happens when I make changes. It should fix itself eventually.


Thank you!

Empty Shelf

Ah, so Val snuck in. Seriously, is everyone trying to get themselves killed around here?


I wonder if he snuck himself in using his 'light magic' to refract the light around him to make him invisible?


I love Kettel. He is gonna get himself killed but his filterless words will be nothing but the truth!


is it just me or are the links not working?


val, you done foucked oup


Loving the recent chapters! Just a small gripe tho. Isn't 0.005 MP per second not a problem for Rain? That's like literally 18 mana an hour, something he can regen in seconds. It's not like he needs to have it active, considering the smell isn't too bad according to him, but it just seemed strange to me so I had to point it out.


Not sure where the 18 mana an hour figure is coming from. I see it in the table just, not sure what it represents. Possibly it's an error?. Purify at 15% costs 15 mana a minute, his base regen is about 12-13 so it is more than he can keep up