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Broke 7000 again. Whoopsie.



Wow! You've been spoiling us with the chapter lengths lately, haven't you? Far be it for me to complain!


hi, thanks for the new chapter typo being able it and the others later +to sell (i assume that is what you mean?) -->being able to sell it and the others later


Man i just enjoy this story so much i don't even notice how long it is. Super great work here bud.


I hope he gets his way!!


Some really good dialog this time. Even managed to make me laugh. That + system info/talk + plot? Helllll yes. That's one damn satisfying trifecta. Also. FINALLY. Another frame of reference so we know how badass Rain's armor is! Unless sharpness has nothing to do with hardness, seems like standard swords are spectacularly screwed against Rain's armor. And that mana conversion rate? Pshhh. At least it explains Carten's reactions to spells, even if his force armor were a little better.


Excellent chapter.


Well the staff is better than nothing. I'm sure he can find someone at the Watch to train him to use it.


Or Val could do it. Thats where he got his current level of staff proficiency, low though it may be.


Bug report. -"Plus, he was counting on being able it and the others later." Honestly not sure what you meant to put here. -"The statue wobbled on its base, then settled to a halt just as the door opened","(;) revealing the man that Velika had placed in charge of the day-to-day operation of Fel Sadanis." recommendation, not an error. -"Tel were one of the things that he habitually scanned for" ...honestly I can't figure out if "were" or "was" is right here, again. But pointing it out anyways lol. -One paragraph has Rill "chuckled softly" and "chuckled to himself". Nothing technically wrong here, but might want to change one so it's less repetitive. -"Whatever you’re attached to, they must be someone significant." Did you mean to put "whatever" here or did you mean to go with whoever/whomever?


Nice, now if he could get Tallheart to enchant the staff with something cool when they get reunited... Something like hardness or impact enchantment for better melee, or make it like a focus for his auras, if that's even possible. Can't wait.


-Fixed -; would need the second bit to be a full sentence. Leaving as-is for now, might fully restructure once I've had more coffee. -Tel is both singular and plural. Like Moose. Insert Moose into the sentence. Makes sense to me. -Fixed -Fixed Thanks.


Thank you for the chapter!

Nick Rodriquez

I almost wish I could go into a small coma just so when I wake up I'll have multiple chapters to read. I'm addicted lol


He'll soon be known to all Merchants as "the guy you can't haggle with". ^^ hm... 30000 mana to charge to get the staff for free... It really seems like the shopkeeper doesn't that Rain is the reason, that the Watch can provide the winter aura at night.

L Pedersen

Would it kill Rain to be at least a little suspicious or weary of Rill? :S I can't help but think that the tel wasn't payment for services rendered so much as a possible hold on him.


The easy bet is that Velkana is going to press Rain regarding Tallhart. My bonus prediction is that she's going to get miffed and slap him which he seems to weather just fine (Force Ward). Incised at having done nothing and/or thinking he's a tough cookie, she swings harder but now his mana is depleted and he gets super fucked up. And now she's in a shit position because he's a keystone person in operation "Not Become Medium-Rare, also, freshwater is pretty important because sewer water is how you shit yourself to death oh gods below Cholera" I'm kinda blarg on 'Rain Bartering'. For this guy, ehh, sure. Kind of a stretch but okay. But for Mr. Weird Merchant in the last chapter, it felt kinda out of character. They were on pretty decent terms with each other and done some good deals. At worst, even if he only had like 30 tel, I'm surprised he didnt offer to make up the difference with some charging. In this case, he's getting 'store credit' for charging and he *definitely* does not have as much rapport with this shop keeper. It just kinda...bugs me.


Is that.. A POWER POLE! yes must buy.

Sebastian Viller

Fuck man, I am SO happy with how far you've come with this story. I don't know why, but I almost dropped and didn't continue reading this somewhere between the 20s and 30s chapters, but after I came back to it, and then subscribed to your patreon, and kept reading, it's like you're on a consistent upward curve of quality writing. To the point where you've blown past the dozen other author's I support on here, and every time I check patreon for new chapters, I'll open all of them in separate tabs, but I always put yours to the first tab I'm going to read. I'm mildly tipsy admittedly, but to prove my point I just came on here thinking "wouldn't it be great if there was another Delve chapter out?" even while inebriated, and lo and flippin' behold, thou hath provideth. In the spirit of every drunk person, everywhere, I love you.


I didn't notice where/if you said, but are you going to be releasing 2 chapters a week from now on?


wasnt rain supposed to tell melka why he didnt know anything? kinda was looking forward to that and he just never reciprocated after she talked about her dagger skills...


Last official word was, Sunday chapters every week with extra chapters when he has time (no guarantee). Two does seems to be the norm, and once we got three.


My guess it got rainchecked (pun intended) due to the need to visit the noble, he still owes Melka the story.

R2k Thief

Any way to post on site too? The link styles are hard to read on my phone. :)


Val is planning on sneaking into the Fel's about now too. So good chance there will be some kind of run in. Velikia would be within her rights to punish Val for trying something like that. Which could put Rain in a bad situation. Question is how do lairs and groups work? do lairs have an occupancy cap? and do people get forced to complete a lair before been able to exit. If Val sneaks in beforehand we could end up with a situation where Rain plus the 6 unawakened and Val are stuck in the Lair with no Velikia.


We've definitely got some "empire attacks Fel Sedanis" foreshadowing. We had Lavarro ominously talking about getting her daughter back, now we have characters bring up there was pretty much no reason to force the guild members to stay in town. Unless, of course, they're needed to help defend the town. I can't really think of another reason to need a few hundred awakened onhand. Clever of the DKE. A total dick move, but clever.


I'm also curious how that works. We definitely know that 8 is the max party size from this and other chapters. But no idea if the lair won't let anyone else in at that point, if they're just considered a separate party or what.

And Then There Was None

Here's something i'm curious about. The limit of eight applies to a dungeon, but does it apply outside a dungeon? I'm guessing it does so, otherwise the watch would have someone bring the blue outside.


Seems like Rain was lacking a big stick :p


I can think of three other reasons why Westbridge kept the guild in. One, he didn't do the maths and just assumed that the Guilds mana would count for more Two, he wants to test/sabotage Velkia and leaving an angry guild in, is good for that Three, something about the way the Barrier authorisation works means its a bad idea for him to add Guidies names. Possiblility of them taking control or some such?. Plus he did not want to drop the barrier as that would let the outside Watch back in + spies and messages out. Just had another thought, maybe the reason Velikia is having trouble with linking to the rest of the DKE is because the barrier is blocking her. Only Westbridge is listed as allowed so she has only been able to speak to him, possibly only when he calls


There's no known "party system" outside of lairs, and we know of no way to bring a blue out from the lair considering it seems like you're unable to escape unless you kill every monster, or crack the core.

Scott Frederiksen

I recommend downloading a free epub reader like moon reader (it's what I use) for the epubs. Best phone experience I have found. 👍👌✌️🖖

M van Dongen

We dont mind the 7000 words. Please continue.


I do not think it is necessary for the shop to charge items on display, Mana is expensive, they can do that as an after service. Plain waste of money.


It is a waste of money in some sense, but think about it like this: at a kids store the toys that are on display to be looked at and touched that use batteries, are the batteries full or empty? Plus add a difference in culture in medieval time period where appearance is king.


Why isn't this story on topwebfiction.com?


Huh? Where's 84? How come 85 was uploaded instead


That was awesome, Rains backbone is at its finest when he's haggling lol