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I’m on vacation. Chapters on Sundays as usual. I will fix any typos you find upon my return next decade. Happy Festivus everyone.



we just got dad joked >.>


I really liked this chapter, and I'm excited to see what happens at the meeting


Back to math and HUD development! I enjoyed the last few chapters, but it's exciting to see Rain do some more exploration of the game layer. Thanks!


Good...but, considering there's a lot of PLOT occuring and the opening raised a plot thread, seguing to the entire thing being Mathhammer definitely left me wanting more. I wonder how it would have played out if there was Math first, and then the upcomming Plot Event was used as a chapter-stinger to setup the next one. As is, knowing that there's a meeting didn't really matter much? More of a structural/pacing discordance to me.


Staavocould mad about it


I love the math components. Really feels like Rain is taking things into his own hands, pushing boundaries and hitting forbidden knowledge... Or common ignorance...


Damn wanting the week to go by faster just for the next release. Anyone read anything similar to this?


worth the candle, azarinth healer (but it's more light and fun and no blue skreens, just text, but i highly recomend it)


Am i right, one chapter per week on patreon same as on RR?

And Then There Was None

This chapter makes me wonder about the economics of clarity rings. Would it make more financial sense for Wallace to get a loan from the bank to buy his permanent clarity boosting item? Would the total amount of interest be more than the amount he spends on temporary Clarity rings?


Sounds like Clarity gets pushed more helping you cope with mana spend more than mana regen. As Wallace's rings all went explody as he was burning lots of mana, rather than due to constant regen use. So Clarity ring cost is linked to total healing done and not just time dependant.


I quite enjoyed this chapter. There's an error in some of the Adaptation panels shown though. In a few of them the Total column doesn't equal the Base column added to the Buff column. It looks like you just pasted in the values from the first full Adaptation panel, before Rain started fiddling with the Buff amounts.


Normally it’s two chapters per week. The holidays plus real world issues have dropped the releases to once per week for now but that’s only temporary.


great chapter! hope you are having an excellent holiday


The cost is probably so high the bank wouldn't loan it to him unless he could demonstrate a consistently high income. And in Medevial-ish banking interest rates of 50%+ were normal BTW. And that wouldn't necessarily be on a yearly basis. It could be monthly, quarterly, or even weekly back then. There really wasn't anything like a set time period or even much in the way of regulation or enforcement to prevent loan sharking from ANY lender back then at all. Generally there weren't any real rules against usury for commoners and even most nobles debt and debtor's prisons were a thing (and basically amounted to slavery, though legally they were viewed as different back then, which is why rules against usury exist today) so it'd be QUIIIIIITE reasonable for him to not want to risk it. The insane interest rates + predatory lending practices common to the time period + lack of regulation is a big part of the reason why it was normal for there to be riots that resulted in money lenders being killed back then. And yes race/religion/politics played a big role too but those are a whole other issue I'm avoiding here for hopefully obvious reasons...


Its probably based on the amount of mana you expend rather than time or amount of healing performed so if he had a high lvl of healing, which should improve his efficiency, the rings would last longer. Mana regen rates seem to be a huge problem for almost everyone but Rain though so even with a high lvl heal his rings probably pop fairly regularly and far sooner than he can really afford hence his debt issue.


Thanks for the chapter. Minor typo He just hoped that Staavo had survived so he could (be) mad about it.


I told myself I wasn’t going to look at the comments, then I did, and there were typos and I had to stop packing to fix them. I couldn’t not. Fixed now, thanks.


I told myself I wasn’t going to look at the comments, then I did, and there were typos and I had to stop packing to fix them. I couldn’t not. Fixed now, thanks.


Refresh and try again. This happens when I make changes. Should fix itself.


Looks like Rain has been getting a point or two of Tollerance per day for each stat. At that rate it should take him about a week to be able to use 180 extra point stats. It will then slow down as he will need to concentrate on a smaller and smaller number of stats. It would take 2-6 months to be able to use all 180 points on a single stat, and that assumes pratical needs for stat distribution are ignored. He should be able to increase the speed with understanding the process, optimising for gains and actively working on it. Workouts to enable the increase in tollerance will hopefully also raise his Potential % too. Hmm, I wonder if increasing his Potential % reduces Tollerance. As in say he has built his tollerance to Strength up to 180 points. Then raises his Potential from 23% to 100% with workouts only at his base 10. Before a 190 strength would give 44 effective Strength, would he get to jump straight up to an effective 190 strength?

Ole Halvorsen

I'm not so sure, he actually can put more points into each stat than he has Tolerance for. So he's total tolerance might be a lot easier to train.


Rain seems pretty stupid showing his full support powers like that ...


Hi there I'm the new guy! What brought me here was the start of some proper continuous storytelling with suspense and action in 71... and now we're back at clubbing the reader around with the latest CSS skills it seems ^^. I love the story in between the 90% of deliberations of how to format your menu and number crunching.


pretty traumatic chapter, as it reminded me of how my wife takes forever to tweak the UI every time she tries a new mmorpg.