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Rain needs to get something to control the shape of his auras already so he can shoot frost nova lasers at people.

Empty Shelf

Well, that was easy.


Who is downvoting this before they even read it? I enjoyed it immensely. Thank you very much SS. I see various ways in which Rain kills a blue and accesses the barrier stone, I think it'll be a very exciting few weeks here.

Mr. Bigglesworth

Glad there's no one that could charge that artifact that will allow Halgrave back in, like, NO. ONE....


If you're talking about the skipping stone, it bounced off the barrier without passing through. The only artifact that can let anyone in or out is the barrier stone. At least, according to Westbridge.


Rain can only access the Barrier Stone if Westbridge dies; no one else can access it as long as there is a surviving member of the List (which is only Westbridge now). I almost expected Jarro to pull out his bow and shoot Westbridge in the back of his head after it was mentioned Jarro used to be a Mage-killer

Colby Last

I honestly hate alternate perspectives like this. They just act as spoilers for the rest of the novel. Take the smug superior for example, he basically just revealed that something is going to happen in the next month. Does that mean the empire is attacking then? Now I feel like the next plot twist was just spoiled for me.


it's been a good run but the combination of the stupidity and weakness of the watch plus the secret easy instant win hidden artefact have become too much to stand. I liked this story because it was logical and despite the MC being unique he was not special so the introduction of this OP bs, elevated person, one man army crap ruins this story. I was expecting some form of consequences for this action but everyone in the DKE seems like it's just another Tuesday not like they have just pissed off two major powers and possibly started a war. just what level of pathetic pushovers are the watch that someone can take their city and not give a f'k about them? it's the equivalent of launching a nuke at another country and expecting them to just accept the loss.

Arnon Parenti

I am torn, really need Rain to start kicking names and grabbing ass, my favourite chap was when he beat down the old scholar, needs more of them.


The combination of slower releases and a complete shift in perspective and characters had made the pace of the story crash completely. I used to be looking forward to the next release, but now I dont even care that much. To be extremely blunt, the main draw and strongest point of the story has always been its mathy skill progression. I don't care about a month of trope filled cookie cutter citizen Kane.

Peter Christensen-Calvin

Yeah, this was painful to read. Not because it's bad, but because I know it's gonna take forever to reach s point where I'll be pleased by progression again. Our main characters are pretty much powerless against these fucks, so I'm gonna have to live with their arrogance while the story trundles on. Honestly, I think you should go on hiatus and finish this arc, and then release it all in one go. I'd have no problem with this if it was a published book, but the delay between chapters is gonna make this really hard to read. Like, I think I'm going to cut my donation level hard to read.


He expects her to crash and burn because she's selfish, arrogant and thoughtless. It's not really a spoiler if it's obvious she's going to fail miserably and cause some kind of retaliation.


seeing the variety of negative comments, i just want to thank you for making a story where the world is also living around the MC. I enjoy immensely these chapters :)


“ “For now, being acknowledged as an equal to the most powerful individuals on the content short of Fecht would do.” - continent

Mr. Bigglesworth

Does killing higher level opponents act the same as killing a 'blue' in this story?


I like the story very much, and I have enjoyed the perspective shifts. Westbridge is a very fun character. Keep writing as you like, this is not too slow. I can wait.


The way the entire world is set up is the higher level you are, the more ridiculously overpowered you are. The Citizens are a large organization of Goldplates. They can afford to piss off another organization and politic with them. Just because they've accomplished their immediate goal doesn't mean there will be no future consequences for them. The Watch outside Fel Sedanis doesn't even know this has happened yet. The Watch doesn't have a ton of goldplates to throw around like the DKE does. They didn't have the manpower to put a goldplate in Fel Sedanis. All pretty reasonable and expected.


mm this arc feels a little like im reading a different story set in the same world at least in style and tone, feels like your changing the genre to be more epic fantasy and less adventure. Nothing in the writing or plot is bad but its a really jarring change. Would have enjoyed it if the story had always been an epic about world powers and multi pov's but in context not so much.


While I'm all about reading chapters from Rain's perspective, this series of events would've been MUCH less entertaining or illuminating from his POV. We would've gotten a random message and barrier, explosions in the distance and shelter running; instead of getting to see a goldplate battle and understand what's going on. While I haven't been as excited for releases from alternative POVs, you did them well enough where I still thoroughly enjoyed them. Looking forward to getting back to Rain.


Despite other people disliking the lack of focus on Rain, I absolutely love the lack of maths and showing the power struggle without having the MC suddenly become bullshit. He knows he's relatively powerless in the big pond and I know that he will go through an arc of getting Good Finally, and the fights and stuff are genuinely good


Rain is going to become more focused on getting stronger now that he has seen how powerful Golds are

Rip Woodham

I can relate to Rain. That's great, I hope I can always relate to Rain. That said, he needs to grow into less of a sissy and he needs to be more than situationally useful. I was hoping for an invasion he could play a role in thwarting with the guard, while experiencing more of the harsh realities of life and growing from it. Instead it's this way over the top boring Citizen business where again, Rain is but a weak little babe and not having to really struggle, take any life, watch others die etc. Rain's way of thinking, personality, etc was great initially. He was an average person landed in another world. He needed to GROW from that. He still seems like the same person he was. Oh I'm sure there's slight differences, but come on. Sigh. And his build isn't helping that. I don't see an improvement in sight. Maybe from this he grows as a leader. I doubt even that, but he's not ready to be a leader yet. Growing as a person is about having your beliefs challenged, and he hasn't been challenged enough.

And Then There Was None

To me it feels more like a second book. It definitely is a massive tonal shift, but it occurred immediately after the road trip in which Rain paid his fine, mastered the language, and solved the problems that have been his overriding concern. I could see book one ending just before the DKE arrived. With these few champers being the opening setup for book two.

And Then There Was None

These non-rain POV chapters feel quite necessary. We wouldn't be able to understand what's going on without seeing things from the high level's POV. And it was good to see what a goldplate tier fight looks like. However I hope we're about to get back to Rain and stick with him as he deals with the problems the DKE has caused. (I do hope the DKE plans to keep supplying food and water)


Yeah these chapters are good for establishing both a baseline for the most powerful and giving us the details on what is happening in terms of politics for the area. I think if the author gave Rain some 'screen time' and showed what he was doing for a bit rather than just focusing on these other people he'd probably get better ratings for this chapter but on the whole it really is quite solid backstory and world building which we were quite short on. Good job SS


While I enjoy chapters from Rain’s perspective more than others and there has been an increase in the amount of perspective shifts. I honestly think this was a good way to set the next arc up where it will hopefully shift to Rain’s perspective again. Also thanks for the chapter 😊


Rain will have tons of required growing to do before he has a shot at dealing with those at the top. He has only been in the new world a few months now right? You really expected him to go and have a direct role, even as a supporter, to beat down the likes of Halgrave or Westbridge already in story?? Even in the cheaty OP 'eat the world' litRPG stories where the MC gets handed power left and right the MC typically can't do that....


I really liked that chapter. I also feel like your writing has gotten better since you started ! I kinda want to tell you to not listen to the negative reviews on this one... We know we're going to get some hard maths with Rain when he goes back to leveling and improving. What the story needs at this moment is world building so that the improved Rain can navigate in it and that's exactly what you are doing. If you didn't have those chapters Rain would have no goal and there would be no way to deepen his character. You could have stayed on the path of just math progression but honestly a story like would just die out on its own. And the same people complaining about a lack of Rain pov would complain about lack of character improvement. Thanks a lot for chapter, can't wait to read the next one ! Edit : At least you know you wrote a good story otherwise people would not comment so much about it. Well done !


If there wasn't this "month of trope filled cookie cutter citizen Kane" the next arc would be extremely boring and there is no way we would have known so much about the DKE and the general situation in which our MC is right now. Rain training by himself and increasing his level without interacting with the world around him can only go so far.


Since everyone is throwing their opinion around, I like these chapters more than the ones where he just sat in the woods and thought about math. To everyone who is only interested in the protagonist's progression; there are no stories that are 100% about a protagonist's progression because that's not a story at all. A story has to have multiple elements to be considered interesting.


"I like these chapters more than the ones where he just sat in the woods and thought about math." HEATHEN! Burn them in the name of almighty Math and blue boxes!


This chapter was a disappointment. Tellingly, the most interesting bit was about the merchant. The rest of the writing felt disengaged, flat and boring. We were not even afforded a fight to relieve the tedium, just the aftermath of one. This is NOT an appropriate chapter for a story in serial format!

Orion Dye

Sounds like this chappy was pretty controversial. Personally I enjoyed it pretty well. No OP bullcrap from the MC and no obvious “why didn’t you think of that” bullcrap from the DKE. Everything proceeding in a very logical manner. No I get to look forward to the noble lady and her interactions with the watch/adventurers/citizens and MC. Gonna be interesting. 😁


eh, I just don't like how it stops the MC from progressing in skills/levels, which is the main reason I read the story. It also sets the story up for a lot of drama, my second least favorite thing. I also hate all the side character pov, I'd rather just learn things as Rain learns them. It's not bad enough to consider dropping or anything. But if it heads towards tragedy, I will drop without a second thought.


He needs levels and a blue first, which based on the events won't for a long time.

Ole Halvorsen

What? so unless the MC goes out and whips his dick around to fight and lvl it will not work in a serial format?


What level do you think the dungeon under Fel Sadanis is? It has at least one blue in it, 25+ ?. The guard is mostly Bronze plates but they do have some Silver rankers so its possible.


Well, given that the lair is within the dome of the city, and that you need a "true" mage to access the obelisk should the mage die to escape it, i think we got ourself a situation which will require the noble to help Rain get high enough level, giving us a way past his current cap in a storybuilding way, which can even go way past 25


Also a timelimit with limited food and water which will give credibility to choose the one mage who can level fast enough to save them in time


Let me guess... Westbridge will die and Rain accesses the Barrier Stone? XD Well at least we now know, which Lair Rain visits next. I mean... he only has access to one and we know, that there must be a Blue in it, that's over 25 since the Watch has Silverplates.

L Pedersen

Honest I'd love to see Rain go delving either solo or with a small party. It might force him to finally work out his fighting style


I didn't enjoy this chapter, and the last one. I liked them a lot, but I didn't enjoy them. While I think they were very well written and show that you've grown from being a writer into an author, they didn't make me want to come back in a week to see what is going to happen next, because I knew I'd be waiting a week. If this is how you're going to write the story going forward, I think you should consider switching from weekly releases to books that come out every 6 months or so. The narrative development is too slow and complex for a serialized format. While you can continue to release in this medium, and others have done so successfully, I do not think that it is the best medium in which to deliver and convey complex, slow world-building kind of story you are trying to tell. I'm gonna keep reading and donating regardless though, keep up the good work.

Robert Rosenthal

Without registered user present anyone who can hhandle the mana ca use the stone, so with westbridge out of town, and no indication that veika is authorized or even aware of the controls, rain can use it if he finds it based on everything indicated so far. If she was authorized than she could let herself out afterall. I wonder if rain will be able to find anyone besides amelia (maybe the merchant) since we know he hates the adamant empire, dislikes the dke, and the guild is not willing to fight them. ANd the wathc apparently is ineffectual if they are actually interested in their stated goals.


while I agree the world-building is needed. I feel it is a very late addition and clouds out the MC who has been nearly the sole focal point of the series so far. The lack of his presence in the last 5 very long chapters is very jarring. I do hope we get back to the focus soon. a compromise would have been to at least have his perspective shown in each of the chapters at some point. but there has been one very short Rain perspective in the whole of this sidebar.

Colby Last

It's not that we wouldn't understand what is going on, but there would be a sense of mystery because it wasn't directly explained to us. We'd be looking at it through Rain's eyes asking "how the hell did they errect a forcefield around the whole city?" It would be something he could investigate and "reveal" later in a shocking plot twist.


I wish releases where back to 4/5 days instead of every Sunday. It just feels like every cliff hanger ends me just a little bit. It's also easier to forget about the story with the current release schedule. It seems to me most complaints aren't about your wonderful story but about the release schedule.


Hmm. Not a bad chapter; but definitely one that works better in a 'more chapters to read' like a complete book rather than being able to sit alone/based off previous chapters like a web serial. Still, lots of little tidbits brought up. Ventria is still an ass.


Couldn't have said it better myself; web serials with update schedules similar to SenescentSoul’s tend to lend itself more towards short episodic content rather than complex narrative arcs. The last few chapters read more like they should be part of a complete book rather than something posted slowly over the course of a month. Compare this to the current available public chapter 67 “Footrace” and you can see how different the style is. I can see where SenescentSoul’s issue is here; Rain is lacking in agency and SenescentSoul needs time for worldly exposition in order to properly set up his character motivations. Rain functions more of a character reacting to events around him rather than one who takes initiative. So far this hasn’t been too much of a problem because he was strung along with short term goals (Surviving->Learning the language->Paying back his debt) but now Rain is at the stage where “just leveling-up” just doesn’t cut it anymore. Weekly serials have been around much longer than webfiction and has shown that an overarching story plot or at least a long-term character goal works best to tie the story together. I can also empathize with the folks here for their short, episodic math fun though, so I can understand why they are frustrated. Someone here for that type of content has no way of knowing how many weeks or months it can take to get that content back. Either way, I’m glad SenescentSoul is improving and appreciate the work and care put into the story.


$2.5 for 4-5 chapters a month is more expensive than most published novels. Not really happy with this release rate.


Its fine, I give $10 a month to several Authors that release 3 times a week and Senescent's chapters are longer

Ole Halvorsen

I think that the problem is that people want different things from the story, and when it's not going the way they want they get mad.

Ole Halvorsen

so you don't care about the word count only the chapters? Not saying it's wrong just curious. To me the word count is a lot more important.


I have a question why is no text in chapter i don't like downloading staff is it some vote or smth? or aouther just did it from the start, really strange)