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Wow, I wonder why their marriage didn't last, those two seem very even tempered.


Grade A stuff. People are going to give out about his auras now though. No one is going to protect him from Lavaro finding out.


This chapter is real dumb. Lavaro knows the watch doesn't like adventurers and especially doesn't like the use of magic in the city. And now she is tossing people around in town with magic in a really obvious way...


Im a little confused on the ranking system you set up for your chapters. Is a 5 supposed to be a perfect chapter that we cant think to improve? It just feels like there's a crap ton of 5's every chapter which kind of defeats the purpose of a system that's supposed to show what the readers enjoy or dislike the most. If that is in fact its purpose. I almost feel like i need to throw out a 1 to get realistic rating. I mean, I won't, but it still feels that way.


I definitely enjoy the characters not being one-dimensional. Halgrave was an ass about Rain, and it was reasonably explained why. Then he tells his ex-wife to fuck off and even defends Rain and the others from her because they're in the guild (and he's tired of her shit) even though probably would've been easier to let her have what she wants. We knew Lavarro was pretty stern and fierce but didn't know she'd overreact to the point of attacking members of the guild IN the guild. But given her power, inflated sense of self-worth, and hating Halgrave it still makes sense for her character. Also, terrifying.

Andrew Meyers

I hope Lavarro is charged for healing them all, fixing their stuff and the guild, or at the very least banned from the guild.


It would be my new goal to get strong enough to kill her. People like that don't deserve life.


She used magic in the guild, so technically still legal. But she obviously doesn't care about the small town of Fel Sedanis and it's laws and opinions. She tells Halgrave they'd destroy the city just from fighting. She's almost level 50, what does she care? Only thing that makes her stop is the threat of getting kicked out the guild. Which makes sense; The guild is a huge organization and that would inconvenience her. She cares more about any perceived wrong to her going unpunished. Those three wasted her time. They're much lower leveled. She flexes her powers to remind those perceived as ants to not fuck with her again if nothing else, and possibly have them owe her. All pretty logical from her standpoint, to me.


This is the best chapter yet. Good way to show not tell how the setting works.

The Human

What a jerk (lavarro). Like I get it, it's a might-makes-right personal-might society and world, but still. Feels like powerful people are pushing others around (in a physical way) way too easily/with too little consequence/at such a low threshold. Doesn't anyone have any manners? Ugh.


Lavarro could also see Rain as an opportunity, with more knowledge. E.g. If you act as a mana battery/shield for my daughter and I, we'll take you to some high-level essence monsters

The Human

But like ziggy said, not in a bad way from the writing/story perspective. Although I think Hargrave would probably push for some sort of punishment for her causing trouble.

Empty Shelf

I find the idea of her paying him amusing, given what happened this chapter. Far more likely she'll "accept his services" in exchange for not killing him. It's not like anyone can/will stop her.


Excellent chapter. A shame...or suspiciously convenient...that Amelia wasn't there, as I think Lavarro wouldn't have had the gall to push it that far.

Empty Shelf

So, I'm guessing Rain will have to reach LV99 before he can successfully tank a serious hit from Lavaro. He'll probably need a few tens of thousands of mana to take the kind of hits she used here. And then he dies instantly from the piercing damage. Beginning to see why Auras don't get a lot of attention from people.


When he gets prismatic intent and the empire auras, he shoots up a decent amount in power. But yeah, hes never gonna be a solo fighter, hes much more effective in a team.


That woman is abusing her power, she should be put down like a rabid dog.


Halgrave needs to get an elite squad to take her out she's a fucking bully and completely psycho

David Burchfield

Honestly with the way his build works 30-35 would be my guess. With enough synergy he could keep force ward up to max with higher efficiency, and run a second aura well to give her trouble. This would also assume he has a full suite of items from his smith friend.

L Pedersen

Most people don't understand how ratings work. Which is why the imdb rating are useless because people hand out max ratings like it's candy without thinking about it. The reverse is also true, some people will find one single thing that absolutely ruins the chapter for them and they give the lowest rating possible. Objectivity is dead.

L Pedersen

Could also be that Halvgrave pushed all her buttons and Rain and co are paying for it. I think she wants an accolade for her daughter and thinks maybe she can bully one of them into giving her one.


I bet Lavarro's daughter is gonna be pissed when she finds out her mom attacked their former party members. I get why she was mad, but looking objectively, they hadn't refused her demand or provoked her before she started spell-slinging at them.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

L Pedersen

The more I think about it the more I think that there is much more to this than meets the eye. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that this is just the culmination of a long series of events.


Not true at all. Lavarro is nearly level 50 and Ameliah is likely only between 30 and 35. The noble girl is likely stronger or equal to Ameliah, but the noble said she wasn't a match for Lavarro.

Orion Dye

I gotta say I have more and more respect for halgrave with every chapter I read.


It was an okay chapter, while i understand this is a natural way for the story to go, it is somewhat concerning to see another possible debt story arc popping up right after the last overarching one ended. I am excited to see if you make them owe her something other than money because that could lead to some interesting developments.


I fucking unintentionally called it 5 chapters ago xD. "It would be funny if the roles reverse, where now is Halgrave helping Rain in one way or another against Lavarro lol." She was as much of a bitch as I expected her to be, but I didn't thought she would instantly go physical. How much damage did her attack do? I don't know if I am doing my math wrong, if I'm underestimating Jamus's health or if I simply don't completely understand yet how Force Ward works, but with how much damage I believe she did, if she wasn't going for the kill when attacking Jamus, the I don't know what the fuck she was thinking. At first I thought maybe her attack isn't physical but it has to be, because then why would Rain lose MP by using Force Ward? I'm pretty sure this situation is going to be kinda fixed by the daughter who is going to enter the fray next chapter, we might even get a glimpse of a backstory between Lavarro and Halgrave. Also I'm surprise nobody is saying anything about what Lavarro said: “You’ll fight me? We’d destroy the whole city and you know it. No, I don’t think I’ll be listening to you, husband.” So they are that strong huh? I'm guessing the reason as to why they separated is because Lavarro felt that following The Watch instructions and orders was being a pushover, which totally went against her personality. And Hargrave being bound to the guild had to follow the rules, which led to the two having many arguments like this one, though this is just a wild guess.

K. William Klaassen

I hate to be a pedant. No, scratch that, I love to be pedantic. "Spruce up" is not an idiom as Rain says. The verb "to spruce up" derives from the adjective "spruce" which means neat or smart in appearance. There was spruce leather, spruce clothes, spruce houses, etc. The adjective, and most likely the verb existed before the modern name for the spruce tree. Although you could just chalk this up to Rain not knowing this and being bad at translating.


It is seeming like in trying not to make rain OP the opposite is happening and he is incredibly weak compared to his level.


Well, actually Rain is kinda weak at the moment. Remember that Val being level 5 without the class upgrade was able to easily beat Rain who was at the moment (and still is) level 18. Rain will truly become an AoE and buffs monster once he can get his next class upgrade.


I was actually wondering about the validity of that one when I read it. Cool! Had no idea.


If nothing happens after this incident then why bother with the guild at all? Seems like rules and so on is completely arbitrary.


Excellent chapter though I think you should change the part where she says we will destroy the entire city, it would be better if some other person says that

Ole Halvorsen

What do you think would have happened if he was't in the guild at this moment in time?


Eeeeehhh outright killing her is probably a lil' over doing it. Definitely could do with at least some jail time and/or a hefty fine. Maybe a temporary Guild ban too.


They were kinda refusing her by way of denying that they knew a dungeon was there in the 1st place in order argue that she wasn't due any compensation but yeah she was way waaaay out of line. Its not like she helped at all to clear the dungeon even if she knew about it, which she didn't at the time. Maaaybe she was due a 'finders fee' but she was clearly angling for something more than that. Someone else mentioned that Lavarro probably wanted the dungeon's accolade for her daughter and that sounds about right to me too. She probably would've made them give it to her daughter as 'payment'.


He is a dick but he is even handed mostly-rule following one who apparently has to deal with a lot of BS while doing his job so yeah he actually comes off as somewhat reasonable to me too. Certainly better than Lavarro


Generally speaking the sorts of people who'd get powerful from killing are also the sorts of people who won't care much about rules or manners. So I'd expect lots of people like Lavarro to be adventurers and powerful ones like that. People like Ameliah or Rain are probably fairly rare. I think Ameiliah has said something to that effect before


Maybe let's start by being strong enough to survive her if she decides to be serious about it?


Yeah, at this point it's pretty clear Rain is basically your stereotypical monstrous psychopath with a side helping of hypocrisy.... that is apparently being supported by the author. Dropping this


i think Halgrave has noticed how fast Rain has grown and is looking to improve their relationship for the future


If the auras don't mess with stuff within 5 cm of the casters body, how is purify cleaning Rain's teeth (and the other thing)? If purify is different, then it would be a poor substitute to test.

L Pedersen

I'm not sure he cares about such things. If he did he'd probably sacrifice his relationship with 3 bronze plates to rebuild/maintain his relationship with the almost gold plate


Maybe that only applies to negative effects? Or else how would the Emperor auras apply to Rain?


Lavarro still see's Rain as an imbacile at this point, right? She never met him again after he learned to speak properly. And Carten... well let's not talk about Carten... My point is... Jamus is the only one she can reasonably expect to explain the situation to her satisfactory. Of course she isn't satisfied by his explanation and when she tries to intimidate him, her power get's partially blocked. She doesn't know how and assumes, it is Jamus' doing. Then she flippes... My point is... I don't think, she would reacted quite so over the top if Rain didn't use his Force Ward.


Was trying to work out what Lavarros build would look like. One issue I had was working out where all the skill points could of gone. As we dont see people using a wide range of abilitys - Amelia seems special with expectations of having an unusual class/build. Its looks possible for high end individuals to do a ton of damage, 3-5k easy. This assumes they get the same sort boost % Rain does. However, these spells are much much more mana efficent so that may not be the case However, Having high damage numbers around might explain where alot of skill points go. With resistance and defense building. Also, I thought that a force mage might be more about Telekinetic tricks. Pushes, pulls, levitates ect. Great at creating "force" rather than direct damage. So could be more efficient than most for filling up metal absorbtion and draining ward mana. Scary damage would come later on in its build when she can focus it down and target your spine.


Well I didn't really like her at first now even more so. Did she get completely abused by people stronger than her when she was weaker and now she's perpetuating the cycle ? The violence and the entitlement are crazy high in this woman. Really hate this might makes right type of personnality, hopefully it comes back to bite her in the ass


Good chapter, also someone should definitely tell him that experimenting skills in public places is really bad move by now.