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*Crunch* *Crunch* *Crunch*

Don't mind me, just eating some celery.



Is Winter excluded from the "no magic in town" rule, or is he hoping it's subtle enough to not get caught?


Bit too much math not enough story for me.

Alexander Dupree

I get that there was lots of writing in this chapter but much of it was just explaining the output of your python scripts not actual story. Also what happened to his perception boost?


5/5, loved it. Good maths. That's what we're here for. Also, Rain is getting smarter, tweaking IFF and such... can't wait for the next chapter and see how Gus reacts.


How exactly does winter work? Is it pulling mana from the ether, the environment, or is it just boosting the exnihilo power of the soul? I'm a bit confused with the description of the mana pouring in from outside his body.

Alexander Dupree

I think it improves his ability to generate mana naturally. So its like his body can get twice as much energy per gram of consumed food.


I normally like the math but I felt like the first half of that work was pointless. You probably could have skipped to somewhere in the middle of that problem.


love the math, and the chapter, the bad taste with the halgrave thing is gone a bit for now, the best part of the novel for me is planning stuff so to get the max effect possible, i always play like that, hope we get to know what skills he is planning to get to fill the 5 per skill branch before lv 25

L Pedersen

I've got mixed feelings about the chapter. I really don't mind the math, it doesn't do it for me but I think it contributes to the quality of the story. I think my issue with this chapter was the content, I kinda wanted to see Rain annihilate the big slime so he'd get a sense of his own growth and how powerfull he can make his offensive novas be. It would have been a nice end to the chapter and it would have felt satisfying. Now I'm pretty sure that the next chapter might be just that or at least him and val killing the slime daddy but with that in mind, did this chapter really need to happen? Couldn't this chapter have boiled down to his conversation with Gus, quick recharge of plates and then off the slay the king slime? Editing is about more than fixing typos and all that. That being said, all of what I just said becomes irrelevant when the next chapter comes out because it's the story as a whole that matters and as soon as there's a chapter after this one then I'll just read on instead of going "huh nothing really happened there". But this is a serial with no clear end so shouldn't each chapter or installment be more geared towards standing on their own? I wasted a lot of overmana on this comment.


Good chapter, but a lot of that math was meh. The one thing that was annoying was him being upset at the healer asking for payment. He is annoyed at possible nobles demanding he use his skills for them but did the same to the healer by demanding his services for free. Hypocrite much?


Gus is appearently getting log ledgers from all across "Earth"? Is this the big twist? Is there a fallen Statue of Liberty nearby Rain can go scream at? :)


So true. Rain kinda assumed the guy would do the healing out of the benevolence of his heart. Think about how long it would take that guy to recover his mana: he'd be missing out on actual work he could get paid for. This wasn't something Rain conceptualized at the time, and he hadn't the time, money, or language skills to formulate a better response. As for worrying about being kidnapped for his skills... he just saw that almost happen to Tallheart. I think Rain is a good character, he's flawed, naive - he's interesting. Other people disagree with him and have more pragmatic views. There's room for growth and development, which will be great for the overall quality of the story. My one wish is that he doesn't go full Gary Stu.


.... are mahria and lavarro his 'friends'? they'd be surprised if they came in on his aura... maybe when they get back to town~

L Pedersen

I think it's just Rain translating whatever the word they use to "earth" probably because he lacked the skills to ask what the world is called. Might see this change soon.


I noticed a clear drop in quality of proof reading in this chapter. You dropped tenses in several places and the weird perspective changes were jarring. The paragraphs were also formatted badly in terms of math, it would look better if the math wasn't conjoined to the middle of a thought paragraph, best to either put it at the end of one or separate with its only little sentence.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.




Sorry, I'm just not a big fan of pure "math-chapters" like this one... It allways feels like nothing really happend in the end. I really like the story. But if the story is replaced with calculus, then it just get's boring. I mean... what really happend this chapter? Rain walked from the bar to the reception, accepted two quests and started one of it... that's it. If it weren't for the conversation with Gus, I'd argue, that there wasn't anything story relevant at all. And sadly, that's a trend with the latest chapters. Don't get me wrong, I don't need action non stop or anything like that... just... any plot would be nice. ^^


Decent chapter but could've used a bit more 'meat' IMO. Maybe by having him stroll on through the sewer and kill the bejeesus out of everything and do a nice comparison to how strong he was before? I'm assuming you were saving that up for the next chapter but its nice to see something like that in addition to all the crunchy umbers. Nice to get a stat/skill list update BTW, thanks!


Mmm, probably shouldnt be auring everyone willy nilly like that. Its still an unasked for magical effect


I did not, in fact, know that. I learned something today, and got a nice new B movie to add to my list of things to watch. It looks awful, like the Dungeons and Dragons movie. I’m excited. Anyway, this leaves me with a problem. Rain, given his background, could conceivably have seen it, but it is more likely that he hasn’t. Also, many readers probably won’t have seen it either (I should do a demographic survey at some point). If I change it to refer to dungeonmaster, it will stick out even more than it does as-is. I will avoid the issue by removing the line completely!


Wonder what skill trees he has unlocked over last few days. 13000 and 14000 worth, two more tier 3? and 7 random tier 2?


From the 14th (ish) page: “The main branch pulls the contents of the log ledgers from all the guild branches across Earth." Is this just his translation for whatever that world is called?


Feel like the chapter should either be longer or thing need to move along faster the story is dragging along for sometime now.

L Pedersen

You know, giving us more info on ramdom trees or even showing us the t3 for offensive auras in this chapter might have sated the hungry animals some.. Infact, correct me if I'm wrong but there are still many goodies to reveal, I think we've only seen the t3 for Aura metamagic and Utility auras. So just for Rain alone he should be wondering about Offensive auras, Defensive auras and Magical utility


Typo: Blue window of Heater Plate has Mana Capacitance Rune as 0/1,00 mp instead of 0/1,000 mp.

Shiro Fuun

Can I get a discord link?


I feel that the efficiency rating is off; 99% should be like 99 out of 100 mana should go through rather than 1/100 mana going through.


The import efficiency is what determines how much mana goes through the capacitance rune. The import efficiency of the armor is 1%, only 1% of the mana transfered makes it.


Small mistake. Might have to retcon Rain's choices for armor enchantments. In chapter 51, Tallheart explains he can have enhanced hardness, enhanced durability, and dark resistance for either option. The difference between the two mainly being dark regeneration and dark assimilation. However. Tallheart says the dark assimilation would only empower the aforementioned enchantments in place of capacitance. And slowly at that. It's only capability is gathering ambient or dark mana. Nothing about repairing durability. Dark regeneration's capability, on the other hand, is to repair or replenish durability. If Rain had gone with enhanced durability and dark assimilation instead of dark regeneration, the armor would be forever stuck at 1309/13338 durability with no way to repair or replenish past that point; making the combination pointless. Lots of easy fixes to this but currently a mistake.