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  • 👍 156
  • 👎 3
  • 2024-05-04
  • 159 votes
{'title': '271', 'choices': [{'text': '👍', 'votes': 156}, {'text': '👎', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 4, 21, 28, 46, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 159}


So, that took longer than expected. Catching Covid didn't help.

I plan to keep the irregular schedule for now, but the next chapter shouldn't take as long as this one.

Thank you for the support! Enjoy!



Well, that's a nice surprise.


I hope there isn't a perspective shift or a time skip at the beginning of the next chapter, but it would be in character for the novel thus far lol.


Huh, that was honestly way shorter than I expected. The author of Thieves & Kings took, like, a ten year break to regain enthusiasm for his work, only resuming again the other year. I'm still waiting on some of my favourite webcomics, not to mention book series like Name of the Wind...


A chapter has appeared!!!!! Echoing earlier post, I was honestly expecting to wait longer. I hope you're doing well Sen and aren't posting out of guilt or anything similar.


Ah! There's that beautiful shade of blue I've been missing. Thanks for the chapter!


Ohhh !! Welcome back, i missed it :)))) Woooo Banana !!! “Apeberries?” “Good name!” Chuckle “Don’t freak out, but I’ve got Vatreece’s memory construct playing house guest inside my skull.” Huho Seriously the more people know the more its bad and repercusion and target on him will happen/appear Hmm why not try with Nem, but ALONE, not with others guys around...


Welcome back

Bryan D

Sorry to hear about your COVID “fun”. I recommend different vacations. I like visiting mountains and beaches :) TFTC

Andrew Shovelton

Gah, cliffhangers!!! TFTC. glad you're feeling better.


What a great start to the day - thanks for the chapter! Also always fun to hear the Watch's opinion on Rain's power!

Paul Parkes

Thanks for the chapter.


Yep, still naive but honesty begets honesty...hopefully... sometimes


Oh my God I missed this What an amazing chapter


Great chapter. I especially liked the dossiers on Nem and the big league rules. It explains why the world has been so stagnant for so long, with no one wanting to rock the boat or change the status quo. Except Fecht, that is. The only thing that still confuses me is how the three platinums fit into that world order. Reece described Kev as a walking natural disaster and claims the world is lucky he only cares about fighting (there was mention of him beating a dragon into submission). Doesn't that mean that the platinums could have bullied all the high golds? Maybe the standoff between Fecht and Vatreece was enough to stay their hand in general. Until Fecht nuked Fel Sadanis and turned the conflict into a platinum war. It's interesting that Nem started out as a Fortifico, although he seems to have followed some sort of legendary martial arts path at silver. Overall, Nem was pretty cool this chapter with the Guardian being an uptight pain in the ass instead. I'm looking forward to the next chapter and how they'll react to the bomb Rain just dropped.


If this leap of faith works, I'd be interested in why. Vatreece is both better at reading and is a mindreader with more power who knew Nem for decades. If she expects him to react poorly and he doesn't, then that might mean all sorts of stuff. Maybe distrust is implanted in all constructs to stabilize them? Maybe it was another test for Rain? Did the watch betrayal change Nem's thinking? Are Reece's expectations compromized because of all the minds she read? Maybe next chapter everyone dies and kettle will become the new protagonist. :)


I think it was Reece's comment that he would soon have Nem eating out of his hand that made him decide to reveal her existence. He remembered that she is a manipulative snake with her own agenda and that unlike her, Nem can end him with a thought. He doesn't want to play games with the new Warden and also doesn't want to become Reece's pawn. Revealing that particular secret will likely earn him massive goodwill with Nem, while keeping Reece from becoming a hidden mastermind manipulator whispering poison in his ear.

JC Silver

Oooooh yeeeeeeeees, we're back! Glad to see you're back Senescent soul!


The last cliff hanger was interesting but manageable but this one is going to kill me. You’re so cruel to your readers.


Have to update that to category 11.


Thanks for the chapter!