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Sometimes, the hero gets the temptation to engage in acts of wanton lewdness. Resist this urge, fair hero! The fated hero is pure! And... don't thrust so hard! You're really into this, aren't you?!

So yeah, we've got generic topping art now - it's used in encounters. Once the animation (and Hiro customization) for it is done, we'll pop it into battle as well for some of the topping stances, and we'll probably include an in-battle toggle for viewing the enemy character's idle animation instead.



Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-08 20:18:49 Total off topic question, but measurement is dz?
2024-02-08 04:49:19 Total off topic question, but what measurement is dz?

Total off topic question, but what measurement is dz?


Wish they'd do that to me ❤️


Jesus, I love these pics. Hiro is so goddamn hot here


Can their be more hiro topping scenes and art just because I think it would be a nice change of pace to see some of the hot dominant characters being submissive for once


In general, we're not interested in portraying characters that enjoy being dominant being submissive. We will, on occasion, have a character that is otherwise dominant have submissive scenes, but not just for a change of pace.