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 The wax was... not cool.  Despite being molten, it didn't feel wet; the overwhelming sensation was heat.  She lost her voice immediately as she felt it begin to baste her insides. While she didn't have a means of comparison, as none of the wax touched her skin, she guessed that it would have been painfully hot even on wrist - on the sensitive smooth muscle of her quivering, defenseless bowels it felt like nothing less than molten glass.

  What did not help the situation was the additional wax, as more and more poured in to her ill-fated anal cavity, the lining of which was turning from a soft fleshy pink to nearly as vivid a red as the wax itself, likely soon to be a toasted brown.

   Her buttbox slowly adjusted to the unrelenting heat; although it still felt as if she was full of lava, rather than a wordless scream, her lips pursed like she'd just taken a large bite of a very hot dish, and she blew air in and out of her lips inelegantly as she tried to cope with it.  Her brow quickly became flush with sweat and her toes cramped wildly as her brain struggled to find a way to get the magma out of her ass.  

 When the pouring was finally done she full to the brim of both hot candle wax and regret, her eyebrows permanently furrowed and her teeth uncharismatically clenched.  Her rectum was gurgling with indecision.  She had not yet been touched by her lover - only by the anally-ingested wax. 




The story and pic are pure Majalis awesomeness, nice job


Ouch. Very nice but nos noos noooooos.


Uggghhh. All this did was remind me of how they killed adulterous and homosexual women in the medieval ages by flooding their bowels with molten lead.