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 All at once, the ogre snaps you up in his massive fist! You are completely helpless in his grasp! Aided by gravity, the ogre's fat cockhead smashes into your ass! You are completely at his mercy - each inch up or down he controls by grasping your legs and dragging you like a doll across his towering mast.

He twitches, deep in your bowels, and it feels like a volcano erupting your guts - the ogre cum enema you never hoped to receive. The sound of it is enough to cause your ears to ring. 




The Ogre is a beast, thanks for the story snipet


Can you beat the Ogre?


pick the warrior put 2 into agi. move the magic stat to chr and last to end. then go buy a gladius or any of the str+agi weapon and use armor crush 2 times then overrun to knock him down and while down use power atk to kill


How do you get the ranks?


level 2 takes 2 points, 3 takes 3.


I noticed something, if you are quiet during the first Orc encounter and lose the second if you do anal it acts like you are in the first encounter w/ you having interrupted her.


I should have clarified. How do you get the giant lover ranks. Sorry


Lose to the orge repeatedly. I can't say how many times, I lost a few times in one game and never got a rank but the last one I got rank one in...two or three I think. Luck of the draw with map generation. Save your inn trips for it.


Ok yea I had a play through and lost 4 times and never got a rank so I'll try again


i bought new armor and kept spamming block with carefull attack... works for me ^ ^ gotta use that big heal potion though..