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Going to wrap up the year with some juicy posts - first, the results of the third regular patron survey - and before we even get into that, we just want to thank everyone who is supporting us, and especially to those taking the time to fill out these surveys - we've been getting great feedback, and this set of surveys really shows it.  Bunny+ patrons gave us a bunch of cool ideas for future encounter possibilities, we got some interesting fetish suggestions from the fetish poll, and the participation for the surveys shows a lot of enthusiasm, with over a hundred unique responses.

For the Bunny+ Big Questions, we have the regular "Which new feature would you like us to work on?"question, with Ending battles via "satisfying" the enemy winning solidly in all respects, by volume, by vote power, by first choice weighting.  This'll give us a good opportunity to start introducing combat scenarios where the goal(s) aren't necessarily to body your opponent and avoid getting bodied yourself, but to avoid certain lose conditions and shoot for certain win conditions - which may result in much better rewards and outcomes than just flattening all opposition.

Second from the Bunny+ Big Questions we have "Which goal milestones rewards do you care most about?" This one came about because a few people brought to our attention that we hadn't really updated the goal milestones once Tales of Androgyny went into development, which meant that we hadn't collected any patron feedback on it. Before we knew it, the $1500 had already been reached - and now we're not sure if we should go ahead with the existing milestone reward - sound contracting - or if we should replace the $1500, $3000, and $4500 rewards with Animation Contractor,  Develop mod tools (for creating custom encounters, scenarios, etc.), and Sound and Music contractor, the winners of the survey.  We're looking for more feedback on this if anyone has an opinion - we're open to suggestions.  We also got the message about voice actors - we're not going to totally give up on the idea because we have some notions about how it could work, but it definitely won't be a priority.

From the Pony+ Big Questions we've got the regular Which new Encounter would you like us to work on? - starting in the new year, this will alternate with Which existing Encounter would you like us to work on? - more about that later.  This one was a very, very tight race, something we're sure the winner could appreciate -  Girl who likes big toys and tight boys.  Barely beating out Orc Futa, who's certain to see her day, following closely on the heels of this month's Goblin Futa, this will be our first dongless enemy, but what she lacks in dong she makes up for in latex, silicon, enthusiasm, and a fundamental misunderstanding about how orifices work.  

And finally, the last Big Question, one that was amazingly close all the way down,  Which enemy would you like to see us animate next after Harpy? with the Centaur barely winning out over both the Brigand and the Wereslut.    Once we get to a good stopping point on the harpy animation, that means horsecawk animation is next!

They're not in the graphic up there, but the results of the newest fetish survey are also in, and we'll have a post about that later to go over them in detail.
