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Exerpt from  scene:  

"I think... uh... I think a longsword is fine."

                       Her eyes light up. "What kind?"

"A pointy one, please," you say - you don't know the first thing about swords.

"Got ya!" she says, turning on her heel to face the display of weapons... only to open a big iron chest, which you can see is actually filled to the brim with swords of all kinds - there must be dozens, thrown haphazardly inside.  She dons a pair of thick gloves and then dives in.

You swallow, hard, as she searches deep in the chest... paying little mind to the fact that she's bending fully at the waist, and her skirt is not long enough to hide her panty-clad rear, which she wiggles at you in her search, either oblivious or uncaring.



