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Hey guys - just giving you a little update on what we've been working on this first week of lovely December.

On the code side of things, we've introduced some lose scenes for the centaur/unicorn (what centaur/unicorn you say? Find out. :3), and, importantly, we've got face sitting and sixty nine'ing in, as per our Bunny+ patrons' request, and we'll do a bit more development around them before the month's end as well. We've also done a little re-balancing so you do fewer 0 damage hits and made it easier to add new encounters bug-free.

On the content side of things, we've just about finished the art lovely, lovely goblin futa, as many of you voted on, and it's rather nice - inspired by the bootyful shortstack with the shark teeth, we've also written a few different encounter scenarios for her.

This weekend we're going to try and finish up the goblin futa art and encounter and we're going to dive head-first into the inventory system and work more on harpy animations. If we're satisfied with the gobbo as-is we'll release that build of the game on the Dropbox folder before tackling the heavyness of the harpy animation and items.

Longer term roadmap for the month includes more story mode encounters, including the first battle, and the beginning of the second battle overhaul, where we'll really dig in to all the combat mechanics, make them explorable through the UI so you know what's happening, and start to get to a place where we can achieve balance, primarily around the stats. We're hoping this will allow us to make the first story mode battle a useful tutorial - challenging to complete by clicking randomly, but doable with a working strategy.



Love the list and updates, will test it soon

Mr. C porn

Will there be any further animations?


Yep, the encounter survey currently has a question for which character will be animated next - we're going to finish up the harpy animation this month and then move on to that one.