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Hey guys, sorry for a bit of radio silence for the last week - we've had a lot going on, so the first thing that drops off is the correspondence, and apologies for that, but our updates are right on (in fact, ahead of) schedule.  As a result, Dog Lover will be up tomorrow - and Transform is nearly done as well, so that's both of this month's sketch factory updates in the bag, and we've got some cool art and side stories that are coming out really nice, including the second Date Night vignette, a pretty pin-up of a Succubus, and the above study pic to try on a more realistic style.  No worries, the anime-esque stuff isn't going away, but Alis has never been one to develop a style and then die there.

The last update of the month will either be the Jewel comic pages we've been working on, if that looks feasible, OR a Jewel splash page with h(i?)r full figure on display.  Mostly we were thinking of the latter because Jewel really lacks a prototype picture, one that defines... uh... their... appearance, particularly their body shape.    This has made it difficult to keep them consistent, and when making a comic, that really hurts the quality, no matter how nice it looks overall.  

The other consideration we've had is to whether or not we should illustrate the "quiet" scenes of the Jewel story arc, and, at this point, we're leaning towards not.  There's always the Jewel story for that - and we think you guys would rather see the good stuff illustrated rather than scenes of Jewel riding a horse, or catching a fish, or making a fire in a cave.  Could be wrong - if so, leave a comment detailing how wrong, and provide your own theory as to how we've gone so astray as to think that scenes of Jewel stealing apples from a cart are of critical world-building importance.

Anyhow, we might put out another survey soon with new questions as well as some of the old ones just to let the newbies have a say.  And, as always, if you've got a question or a comment, feel free to post here on the feed or message us if you want to remain semi-anonymous.  We love getting comments and we read all of 'em, so let's liven up this patron feed, eh?   The streams have been full of fruitful discussion and also Maj's complaints about FFX-2 and the lack of enthusiasm for eroge translations that he speaks into the wind, and it'd be cool to get some of that talk here.

And, as usual, if you're not voting in the sketch factory, check it out on dropbox and message us with your favorite, you won't regret it.  :D




Waiting for my dog/brother/friend sketchggestion to show up :p

Dark Side

Absolutely LOVE this study, it's incredible and I wouldn't mind seeing more. Also, would be really happy with random Jewel art that isn't "critical". Doing day to day stuff and whatnot does sound like a lot of fun but, you know me, I dig that kinda stuff. :B


Oh yeah! I was actually going to mention the request stream in this post but it was already longer than scripture. We put some of the pics from that up on the dropbox, but not that one yet.


Aye, figured you'd want to see Jewel makin' pancakes. But I guess what we mean is that rather than the comic being a frame-for-frame retelling of the story, it'll bounce around and illustrate key scenes; maybe not all of them will be the fun stuff, but probably the majority. Also relevant video: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUYSGojUuAU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUYSGojUuAU</a>


Thanks for the update and the cool pic, hope everything is ok on your side.