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Heyoooooooo.  Raquel update!  Booyah!  Jewel is next, and I am super psyched to be writing Jewel again.  Sorry for the delay - both Convallaria and Raquel proved difficult.  

Story also here: http://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/Majalis/5038/Raquel/54098/Chapter-19/Hat-Trick

"You're really enjoying yourself, aren't you? Ever hear of Deepthroat?"

He looked up at her - they were on the beach, and she was down his throat, and they were... somewhat hidden from public view by a beach umbrella. He rolled his eyes.

"I mean the movie. I know you're familiar with the fellatio style. You've deepthroated me more than anybody else, at this point. Breathe through your nose."

That was easier to say than do. It was far enough down his throat that it was obstructing his airway either way.

"I just mean... so like... I think that's you. I think you could cum just from going down on me," she said, and he wondered how cum-drunk Raquel actually was. Still, as his cock rubbed on the inside of his trunks, she wasn't... wrong, per se.

And, eventually, as his head bobbed up and down in her lap, it came to be - and as soon as he was about to cum, she held him down and twitched in this throat - then she held him all the way down as she blew into his stomach, and [i]he[/i] started twitching from the lack of air, even as he felt her warmth in his belly.

His chin was in sand. He gagged around Raquel’s cock as he felt her filling his stomach with warmth with each pulse.

She pulled on his bangs to pull his lips slowly off of her cock, at which point he noticed that she’d accidentally knocked over their umbrella. He knew at least one person could see what he had in his mouth; but, then again, he was pretty sure more than one person had figured out exactly what he was doing between Raquel’s legs, so it was a little too late to worry about image.

“Holy shit, dude,” he heard someone say, and as her slightly deflated girlsnake slipped out of his mouth, looking content, he turned to see who it was, because they sounded close. A younger guy was peeking his head out from around the umbrella that had partially obscured the view for the majority of the beach-goers, staring in awe.

“Hey there,” Raquel said, demurely. She took her time putting herself back into her bikini bottom, in no rush to hide it. “How long were you watching us?”

“Long… enough,” he said, uncertain. He seemed to have a bit of a swagger, like he thought he had something on the two of them, but when his eyes flicked down to the unsubtle bulge in Raquel’s bikini, his blush gave him away.

Raquel leaned into her lover’s ear and whispered. He almost didn’t hear what she said over the sound of his own boner threatening to assume control. But, after replaying it in his head, it was pretty clear what she’d asked him.

“Can I fuck him?”

He looked at her, a little bit expasperated… when he got an idea. “Will you do a show with Mei?” he whispered back to her.

Her eyes went wide, and then she grinned. “Ouch. Well, it’s your funeral,” she whispered, hoarsely, into his ear, before biting it. Then she turned to face the guy who was still standing there, awkwardly, obviously aroused. “So? Did you like what you saw?”

He clicked his teeth. “Whatever.”

She licked her fang. “Well… guess it’s my turn,” she said, standing up. She twisted their umbrella and re-planted it, leaving them exposed to the ocean and the peeping Tom, but hidden to the rest of the beachgoers. Then, much to her boy-toy’s surprise, she dropped to her knees, grabbed his ankles, and buried her nose in his fly. It didn’t take much maneuvering to pull him out with her mouth, and she started to suck him off eagerly. It took all that he had not to fill her mouth immediately, out of shock. Meanwhile, the guy watching them let his jaw go slack, with Raquel’s bubble butt in his face as he watched her swallow her boyfriend’s cock.

“Holy shit… she even has balls…” he said, as from that position, he could see just about everything. Raquel was lapping up the cock in her mouth like an obedient little puppy, wiggling her butt in a display that he knew, ultimately, was going to be this guy’s downfall. Raquel popped it out of her mouth and starting to use her hand while she kissed down his abdomen… then she stuck him into her bikini top, and grasped her breasts with both hands, running them up and down his cock. She looked up at him with a smile, and then she squeaked. The guy had walked up behind her and timidly poked her package.

“Hey, now, wait your turn,” she said, and he knew that ‘his turn’ was bound to involve a lot of Raquel touching.

It didn't take long before he ejaculated between her tits, and he shuddered as he felt her lips wrap around the tip, swallowing the rest.

"Okay, my turn," the newbie said, and Raquel rolled over so that she was next to her boyfriend and facing him, her legs spread.

"Yeah, get in there," she said, rubbing the front of her bikini bottom, which was slowly returning to fullness.

"Oh, I thought..." he started, and Raquel clicked her teeth.

"You thought wrong. That belongs to this guy right here," she said, running her hand along his abdomen - at the moment, the only thing he owned of hers was the load she'd just shot into his stomach, but he tried to look sauve AF anyway.

"Yeah, that's my sweet ass," he said, to himself, knowing that if he said it out loud there was a very real chance it was him who was going to be on the receiving end of a public butt-fucking instead of their peeping Tom.

"I'm not gonna suck your cock," he said, his eyes flicking between her bulge and her face, which watched him Raquel's usual mix of smugness and fire.

"Well then, why don't we get right to it?" she asked, and Tom of Peeping didn't move. Raquel, got to her feet, walked around behind him, and planted a firm, sandy foot into the small of his back, and pushed him to his knees. "Bring the umbrella over here," she said to the guy she wasn't about to plow, and then pulled down his trunks, while he tried desperately to keep his mouth shut so no one would hear.

He moved the umbrella over to where the two of them were, and positioned it strategically to hide them from view, and while he was doing that, he heard Tom del Peeping groan - a cock lubricated with saliva and sand will do that to you.

“Oh wow, you’re tight,” she said, but all the guy could say was inhuman growls.

“Holy fuck… Jesus…” he managed to stammer out while Raquel plugged him.

“Raquel. Nice to meet you,” she said, although she made it sound more like "meat", somehow. “Mmm, you’re gonna squeeze it off if you keep it up. Or at least… squeeze it out.”

“Jesus… you fucking slutty bitch…”

“I’m the slutty bitch? Hey, honey, can you do me a favor and drop that umbrella?” she said, but he hesitated to actually drop it, seeing a bit of himself in the guy... mainly because Raquel had a bit of herself in him.

“What?! No!”

“Yeah, yeah…you didn’t even pull away, though. Guess I’m not the only slutty bitch here.”

Raquel reached around him and grabbed hold of the base of his cock.

“How many strokes will it take, I wonder? One… two…” she started, and he'd already started cumming before she got out another word, “...three!”

“He came!” he said, a bit surprised at how quick it had happened.

The guy who popped off fell flat on his face in the sand, exhausted.

"One… two…….. three!" said Raquel, slapping his ass as she did, then holding it in deep. He watched the action, feeling himself stirring again, watching Raquel balls-deep in another guy, filling him with her nut butter.

Just as suddenly as she finished off the both of them, she pulled out, pulled up her bikini, and grabbed her boy toy's arm, tugging him away. That meant the umbrella obscuring the recently turned out guy left too, and even his post-orgasmic haze, he managed to pull up his trunks and hide himself from view.

"Hey, you're just gonna leave him there?"

"Why not?"

"That's pretty mean."

"Well, you know what they say about trusting a girl with a big butt and a smile."

On their way back to Raquel's place, he put his hand on Raquel's lower back while they walked, and he wasn't too surprised when she put hers in the same place on his body. When his heartrate finally slowed down enough for him to think, he opened his mouth, and Raquel slipped her finger inside.

"You'll catch flies," she said, and then pulled her finger out, leaned in, and kissed him on the mouth.

When she pulled away, he smirked. "That was... well, I'd say crazy, but this is the new normal. Have you ever been caught pulling stuff like that? By like, the police?"

She thought about it. "I got 'caught' once. Well, we got caught, anyway. I was with an old friend of mine and we stopped off the side of the road, and he bent over the hood of his car and... well, the cop told me to step away from him with my hands up, so I did. Then he told me to take another step away. Turns out, he wanted me to pull out of him, but he hadn't been very clear about that."

He could picture that in his mind's eye. Raquel taking a full step back, and then standing with her hands up as if to say 'look ma, no hands', while her throbbing head was still plunged inside her very embarassed taker.

"What happened?"

"Oh, we got let off with a warning. Guy who arrested us recognized me eventually. He'd once pulled a car I was in over... and he let me off with a warning then too."

"Why'd you get pulled over?"

"The first time? Don't remember. Probably swerving a bit on the road with a guy between my legs. I was a bit more reckless then."

He nodded, then remembered what he really wanted to ask her. "So... unrelated... you'll do that show? WIth Mei, I mean?"

"And you?" she said, and he nearly slapped his hand over his freshly-kissed mouth. He'd almost given away the game.

"And me, yeah."

"Like I said back there... sure, but I really think you're overestimating your ability to stay in one piece. I like my boyfriends fucked into jelly the same as any other girl, but you're no good to me if you're atomized."

"I'll be fine," he said, falsely reassuring her, "I won't be getting anything that I wouldn't have already gotten seperately."

Raquel sighed. "Sometimes I forget that you're woefully unimaginative, but... that's what I love about you. You never see it coming, and then I get to see you cumming, wondering how it all went so awry," she said, putting her finger under his chin, but all he heard was Raquel saying she loved him.

When they got back to the apartment, he gave Mei a call. With Raquel listening in, he had to be discreet, but once he told Mei that Raquel was in, she figured out the rest on her own.

They showered, got into bed naked, did a little idle fooling around, watching videos of sloths on youtube (he had to admit - he didn't know sloths were actually a real thing), and then, like the animal's namesake, they fell asleep together... as he planned his big triumph.

And then, when he woke, on the day of his big triumph over Raquel... it was with Raquel sitting on his face.

"Morning, baby. Can you get me nice and hard for you?"

He had spent less time licking Raquel's adorable brown hole than he did her cock or balls, but it wasn't totally unfamiliar territory. Being trapped underneath her while said balls covered his chin or her cock dribbled precum on his neck, however, was somewhat new.

"Yeah, nice and slow..."

Raquel had never expressed much interest in getting eaten out before, but he knew that once she'd gotten a taste of it... well, he was going to be tasting it a lot.

He felt her sack slide over his face and then, suddenly, her cock was down his throat. Immediately, he felt her spew into his stomach - breakfast in bed.

The previous night, during their fooling around, he'd gotten out of getting fucked by Raquel by doing the same... except that time, she had kept it out of him. He ate her out while she spilled it out into a condom.

Again they showered, although he'd forgotten to check the time before they gotten in. He saw Raquel looking down at his erect cock, and then she looked up at his face.

"Wanna fuck?" she asked, innocently.


"We'll do your favorte," she said, gently pushing him to turn around and hike his ass in the air, "mmm, c'mon, show me that asshole."

She used her thumb to spread it, and he didn't stop her, but he did respond petulantly. "This isn't my favorite," he denied.

"Oh? What is your favorite?" she said, poking his slightly open hole with her cockhead twice, without penetrating. "And don't lie, or you're not getting this."

"I... it's not..."

She turned the shower off. "Fine, this can wait for later," she said, stepping out of the shower, and he watched her wet, naked body, her erect penis that she was ignoring as she toweled off her hair, and her big, but firm, freckled butt. He stepped out of the shower himself and grabbed a towel off the rack, pressing it to his face, and then he heard the door close, and he knew she'd stepped out into the cool, AC'd air of the apartment, while he was still in the stuffy, moist air of the bathroom. He looked in the mirror - it was mostly covered in steam, but there was one patch where he could see his reflection, and the look on his face... he was annoyed. He'd wanted it.

He threw on his shorts and a ratty t-shirt, and then he followed her out, he saw her putting something into a brown paper bag, and he walked into the kitchen, grabbed his keys and cell phone and wallet from the kitchen table, and then approached her, putting his arms around her naked waist - then he saw the time on the clock above the stove.

"Oh shit, I'm late for work."

"Here, I made you lunch," she said, handing him the bag, then ushering him towards and pushing him out the door. It closed behind him, and he stood there, opening the bag. He thought whatever it was, it was going to have cum on it... instead, it was just a tied up used condom.

That was it. He texted her to "remind" her that they had a date with Mei that evening, and Raquel texted back that she'd be ready whenever. He was 100% certain that she was mistaken.

When he arrived at work, he had the misfortune of runng into Paula in the hallway on the way to his , and expected her to chide him, or worse, fire him. She looked him up and down, and placed a strategic hand at the front of her skirt. He saw that she had her blonde hair down again, and while she was all business otherwise, her skirt was... kind of short.

"Oh... are you just arriving?"

He sighed. "Yeah, I'm really sorry, I just lost track of time..."

She waved her hand in the air, "it's fine, just don't make a habit of it. Especially since I've been hearing good things about you. Aside from Mei, that is."

His jaw dropped. "Why? What has Mei been saying about me?"

She rolled her eyes. "Nothing bad - quite the opposite, actually. I was excluding her because I don't think I've heard her say a single thing about you that wasn't gushing since you started, but even the... more acerbic girls have only positive things to say."

He'd never done a good job or really made a good impression overall before in his life, so he didn't know what to say. "Uh, I'll... keep it up?"

Her hand stiffened. "S-sure. Hey... have you ever given a thought to getting a promotion?" she asked, suddenly, resting her other hand on her face.

"I... didn't really think there was a way to go up from janitor. What would I be promoted to? Head janitor?" he asked, knowing that he was the only one on the janitorial staff. The actual people responsible for the technical upkeep and fixes were contractors.

"No, I meant... you know, becoming a regular. Or at least getting a few extra paychecks," she said, seeming to not one to broach the subject directly. When he figured out what she was saying... he was surprised how nonchalant his response was.

"I... yeah, I've thought about it. Mei has asked a few times," he said, and she rolled her eyes at that as well. "I mean, I'd have to ask my girlfriend how she felt about it," he said, although he was pretty sure Raquel would have been all for it.

"You mean the one on the cam..." she started to say, and then cut herself off when she realized she'd let something slip.

"The one on the..." he likewise started, then stopped, as Paula's face turned red, and so did his. "You... saw?"

"Mei linked me to it it, I... forget I said anything. Have a good day!" she said, and then took off down the hall towards her office. He wasn't in a hurry to call or chase after her, and turned off instead towards his locker and "dressing room", passing Erin along the way, who gave him a funny look as he passed by.

He ran into Mei once during the day, and she told him to wait in the usual place after work for her - she'd likely be done with her shoot by then.

When she exited the building and saw him, she walked over with a confident swagger, hoisting a duffel bag onto her shoulder. She looked a bit... flushed. "What's the matter?" he asked her, and she put her phone away.

"I didn't cum. Convinced the director that the scene didn't need it. So now I'm all full up," she said, and he imagined the two big blobs between her thighs sloshing about uncomfortably.

"Why'd you do that?"

"So I'd want to go all night with the two of you, of course. I'm sure Raquel did the same."

He knew she had - they'd started to get hot and heavy in the shower, and then stopped. He walked with Mei back to his and Raquel's apartment, trying not to steal too many glances at her figure or the widowmaker she was hauling about in her shorts.

When they were in the elevator, Mei smirked at him. "You really want me to be rough with Raquel, don't you?" she asked, and he felt his pants tightening.

"Kind of."

"Mmm... well, as long as she's okay with it. That girl can't take it as well as she dishes it out."

Mei stood just a bit behind him as he unlocked the door - which made him anxious, and it didn't help that when he opened the door, Raquel was already walked towards them, so that he was trapped between them. He almost expected to feel Mei's arms around his waist, and for Raquel to press her body against his, but then Mei popped out from behind him and gave Raquel a big hug, and Raquel was nearly as enthusiastic back, although she did take a moment to give her boyfriend an fiery stare.

"Hey girl, look at you... have you been working out?" Mei said, tapping Raquel's abdomen, which was exposed between her cut off top and her shorts.

"Yeah, although I think most of this is from having a steady boyfriend," she said, looking at him, while Mei turned around, her arms still around Raquel, to look at him.

"Your boy-toy is in for quite the night, huh?" she said, and he felt himself sink inside of himself.

"Like I told him, it's his funeral. I don't know what's gotten into that little head of his."

"Must be... venom," she said, giving him an aside look, and then winking. "Did you set up the webcam?" she said, and they released each other.

"It's all set up. I made dinner, and then we can get him in the bedroom and ruin him," she said, non-chalantly, as she walked over to the kitcheonette and then began to pull plates out of cabinets.

"Aw, I was hoping we'd get right to it," Mei said, and then leaned in close to him, "especially since she'll be the one being ruined," she whispered into his ear.

"Aren't you hungry? And what about you?" she asked him, and he nodded.

"Yeah, I haven't really eaten."

Raquel served them up stew - he wondered if she had actually spent herself into it after all - and it was mostly Mei talking about her recent shoots and the guys and other girls she'd been with in them. Hearing about Mei devestating another girl with a dick was enough to put him on edge - he kept looking between her and Raquel, knowing that very soon, unbeknownst to Raquel, they were going to be having rather intimate relations with each other, for what sounded like the first time in a long time.

After dinner, Raquel led them into the bedroom, where he saw that the webcams were set up again... as well as a bench at about knee-height whose purposes was prety obvious.

Mei was the first one to say anything - which made sense, she was probably the most comfortable in a situation like that. "Alright... let's see... how can we entertain our fans... how about... a little cuckold play? He'll tie you up, then I'll come into the scene and take him, right there in front of you," she said, giving Raquel a knowing smirk.

Raquel was visibly uncomfortable with the idea. He felt remorse creeping into his stomach as his heart was filled with warmth at the idea that Raquel was so possessive of him... but then again, it mostly seemed to be her jealousy of Mei that bothered her, not anyone else in particular. [i]Then again[/i] then again, that was only because she thought she stood a decent chance of losing him to Mei, unlike anyone else, so she was still feeling the misplaced concern of losing him, and that was genuinely touching... but [i]THEN AGAIN then again[/i] then again, he wasn't about to pass up an opportunity to see two out of his three favorite ladyfriends-and-lovers go at it, and he was definitely not going to miss a chance to see what Raquel looked like when she was the one gasping for air, gritting her teeth and pushing hot semen through her naked dickhole while trying not to die of an anal cock overdose. With that final "then again", he'd made up his mind. He was going to sell this if it meant using all the intellect he had at his disposal.

"I don't know... I think that might make it hard for her to enjoy herself," he said, looking half-faux concerned at Raquel, whose eyes narrowed, which made him have to resist the victorious dipshit grin he was wearing in his own mind.

"Did you bring rope?" she asked Mei, disregarding him theatrically, as he expected.

"Oh, honey. You know I did. You know how to tie a safe knot, Mr. Toy?"

He'd been watching enough of the sets at work... and maybe doing a little extracurricular research, so he nodded, confidently.

"Okay, well, my bag of tricks is on the floor over there; I'm going to go get ready in the bathroom and give you two some time," she said, winking at him in a way that made his underwear tight.

Raquel disrobed, and he watched her, a bit more vulnerable than she usually acted when she got naked in front of him.

Raquel was surprisingly quiet as he tied her up, kneeling on the bench, his hands rubbing against her skin as he reached around her body to wrap the rope around her or to tie a knot. He was trying to be gentle, and was surprised to see Raquel looking at him submissively, but, still, possessively. As his hands roamed over her body and he began to tighten knots in particular places, her mood shifted, and he could tell that, despite her domineering nature, Raquel definitely liked to be tied up. Or, at the very least, she enjoyed having his hands all over her.

He tied her wrists together behind her back, and Raquel looked up at him with a smug smile. "You're loving this, aren't you?"

"You seem to be enjoying it yourself," he said, reaching under her and grabbing hold of her erection, which wasn't quite all the way there but had gotten pretty prominent.

"Mmm... maybe we should tell Mei that we've got this... that you can just tie me up and... fuck me. What do you think?"

He didn't think that Raquel was trying to trick him consciously - he could tell that she absolutely wanted to be fucked by him on camera, while all trussed up with no where to go. But the part about telling Mei her services weren't needed was definitely born of her reluctance to involve Mei at all in their romance, although he was quite amused that she was so hesitant about involving Mei for all the wrong reasons.

He finished tying her up, then pulled on the ropes to make sure they were secure. Her arms were tied behind her back, and he was still clothed... but down came his shorts, underwear and all, and he placed his already erect dong right on her face, then thwapped it there a few times for good measure.

"Mmm... that's right. I'm your tied up little pig, so why don't you tell Me--fhhhmp!"

He shoved it in her mouth at an odd angle, and it poked out of her cheek. She looked up at him, a bit surprised, then narrowed her eyes. He straightened it out and pushed it between her lips, over her tongue, and towards her throat. Raquel gagged a little, and he pulled it out shallow, and she started to tease it with her tongue.

Finally, Mei returned, wearing quite the cozy number - all lace and garters and a big hole for her big floppy dong, which was getting steadily less floppy by the second.

She walked over to where Raquel was getting mouth-fucked and placed a red ball in her tied up hand.

"Okay, so the safeword is whatever you can yell around his cock that sounds kinda like 'stop', or dropping this ball. I suggest the latter."

Raquel held onto the ball and took him into her throat again, albeit it wasn't her idea. While that was happening, he saw Mei tear a condom off a roll of one of her ridiculous extra-large condom rolls and then tear the package opening. She did it with such expertise and swiftness that he wondered exactly how she didn't rip the condom itself - although [i]that[/i] was a question that he wanted the answer to in general. And a condom wasn't the worst possible thing that she could rip that she stuffed her back dick into.

He was fucking Raquel's face while she was hogtied, and he knew that was absolutely fuck-all of a powerplay until Mei brought her monster into the picture... and she was about to.

"Okay, webcam's on; we're streaming. Time to get this party started."

Raquel, uncharacteristically oblivious, was singularly focused on her task until she felt something - Mei lubing her up between her cheeks.

Raquel’s eyes went as wide as dinner plates, her eyelashes individually visible, despite her mascara. He felt a distinct rush of two things: worry, that she was going to freak out and possibly bite his penis off, and victory. As soon as he realized that Raquel hadn’t bit his penis off, he knew she wasn’t about to scream her safeword, and that, finally, he’d beaten Raquel at her own game. Then, he saw her expression change, slowly, darker and darker, and that terrified him… and then he saw the flames – of hell, or passion, he didn’t know—and that terrified him even more. Raquel looked like she’d just stumbled over the Hope diamond, and he doubted that was just her excitement for her clever little boy-toy. She’d once mentioned something about ‘escalating’… and he had a feeling that he’d just pressed the little red button on their world… and then, it passed. Even if Raquel was going to give just as good as she got, she was in no position to do it at the moment, and she was still just a few seconds of way from getting it, where ‘it’ was a monster cock courtesy of a Chinese girl with a dick that made the Great Wall look like a cattle fence. As soon as she’d let him know, with her eyes, that he was in for… well, he couldn’t even imagine, but something messy, her bravado was replaced with a more muted version of the horror he’d first seen, now just a nervous anxiety. She whimpered around his cock.

Mei positioned her monster right between Raquel's cheeks, pressing up against her hole.

"Is she ready?" she asked him, and he looked down at Raquel's face, looking up at his. She was smiling in her cheeks, and a bit in her eyes, but he could see the fear there as well, and she was sweating from more than just exertion. She was definitely trying to put up a brave front, but he also knew getting more dick than she was used to wasn't going to kill her.

"Oh yeah. She wants it rough," he said, and Mei rolled her eyes. He had a feeling she wouldn't do it even if he said to. Then, he felt something tightening around his dick... and realized that it was Raquel's teeth. He looked down at her, and she looked up at him, wide-eyed with lasting surprise and fear, but slowly transforming into cold resolve. He didn't think Raquel would actually bite his penis off, but she was definitely not going to take a rough fucking from Mei because of him without leaving some painful bite marks all along his penis, and she was communicating that loud and clear. "Actually... I think she wants it gentle," he said, and Raquel just glared at him, teeth still firmly grasping his cock, "uhh... very gentle," he added, and then, after a moment, the pressure was gone. He could see the tears in Raquel's eyes - she definitely didn't think she could handle even a very gentle fucking from Mei comfortably, but she knew he wanted it to happen.

Mei had been waiting for that more realistic command, and began to press her hips forward. He saw Raquel's hands twisting and clasping each other, and her ragged breaths around his cock. She hadn't been penetrated, yet, but it was only a matter of moments before he was going to bear witness to some intense interfriend copulation of the hole-stretching variety.

Raquel’s eyes rolled up into her head for a moment as Mei’s cockhead popped inside her tight asshole. For a second, he was worried that she would unintentionally bite down, but her reaction was actually somewhat the opposite – feeling Mei stretch her inexperienced hole open was making her open as wide as she could. And that was her girth. What really made Mei the queen, he knew, was… well… he looked down at Raquel, who looked up at him, real tears of effort forming in the corner of her eyes, and brushed her hair out of her face. Her breath was hoarse around him, and she blinked through the sensation in her butt… and he pressed his hips forward, pushing it down her throat, making her gag… and grabbed hold of her big, shapely rear. He pulled her cheeks apart, and Mei took the hint, and started to feed her lengthy meat up Raquel’s ass, slowly, but steadily. Raquel gargled and groaned and growled around his cock, panting and heaving and shuddering, trying to adjust her knees to better catch the massive fuck that Mei was throwing into her ass.

When she was halfway in - not exactly, but somewhere between penetration and pulverized intestines - Mei stopped and asked Raquel how she was doing. "You alright, hon?"

Raquel's response was to hoarsely gag and gurgle around his cock, which was still deep in her throat - the kind of rough face-fucking that he realized he'd never really given her. It was only fair.

When he didn't feel Raquel's chompers chomping down on him, he spread her cheeks wider. "She wants more," he said, and then he felt teeth - gently, though.

Mei sunk herself deeper in, pressing her hips against Raquel's big, firm rear, and he looked down at Raquel, who looked up at him, pleading.

"Okay, stop," he said, and Raquel visibly relaxed, although her fingers were still grasping each other tightly, even as she held firm on their safety ball. He started to fuck up into her face again, and she started to spit and sputter around his invading pole, even as her tight back hole was clamped around and stretched by a pole of no uncertain size. He continued to pound it between her lips until she started to gag and retch unsexily, and then gave her an ultimatum. "If you want a break, it's Mei's turn," he explained, and Raquel looked up at him, trying to process what he meant - but even once she did, she seemed to accept a face-fucking over any more of Mei's monster up her unstretched pipes. He watched her cheeks blow out from the pressure as his hips gave her a face-fucking neither of them would soon forget, then jammed his cock down her throat and held it there, which finally got Raquel to try and pull away. He pulled it out of her throat and her mouth, and his cock was completely coated in saliva and phlegm. As soon as he did, he reached forward to pull her cheeks apart again, and Mei started to feed it in. Raquel cleared her throat and coughed, and as soon as she had her air and voice back, the f-bomb filled the air just as surely as Mei's dick was filling up her fun tunnel.

Before she had a chance to say anything else, he inserted himself back into her mouth, but she just crossed her eyes and barely sucked on it as her attention mostly went to the smooth muscle being wrenched open in her rectum as Mei began to pump short thrusts of it in more and more. Soon, she looked up at him and began to deepthroat him voluntarily, which was his cue to let go of her backside, and Mei's cue to let sleeping hotdogs lie.

While Mei got closer and closer to bottoming out, Raquel spent more and more time receiving a rough face-fucking to try and avoid taking more up the ass, but soon, her ability to supress her gag reflex was failing her, and Mei got to penetrate and pump the whole thing inside.

He looked down at Raquel's face once they were fucking her from both ends and he saw that she was basically alternately cross-eyed and rolling her eyes up into her head. Raquel looked [i]exhausted[/i]. He knew that if she wasn't at full-mast and drooling precum onto the bedsheets that she wouldn't be able to endure another second of it. But she was on both counts, so he gave Mei the go-ahead to keep going, pulling her cheeks apart, even as he continued fucking her face, bucking his hips and shoving his schlong down her throat over and over again, making her gag and vocalize in squeaks and undignified clucks even as Mei rammed it in her ass.

“Hey honey, I’m going to stroke off your cute little cock while I fuck your tight little heiney, okay?”said Mei, really getting into it. "Are you going to cum for us, hon? Huh? Are you?" said Mei, giving Raquel one stroke at a time and then letting go of her fit to burst unused cock, not enough to actually make her cum but enough to drive her insane with the need to seed.

He knew what her technique was, giving single pre-cum lubed strokes to help her bottom out with an anal ejaculation. He'd seen the surprised look on more than one guy's face as he gave up a thick nut while his dick was untouched but Mei's cock was all up in his guts because Mei had primed him to fire and then punched his p-button until he spewed. He'd even heard one confidently boast that Mei just had a big tool that would never make him cum - before less confidently spraying it all over the unsuspecting cameraman as Mei drilled him.

He could tell that Raquel was about to cum - even betwen her gags and throat spasms he could hear her moaning sweetly.

"Make her swallow it and keep it there!" Mei ordered, and he obeyed, forcing it down Raquel's throat, much to her chagrin. Mei started to pound it hard and slow in discrete thrusts that you could count if you wanted to know how many times Raquel's rectum had gone from empty to cock-shaped over the course of that final stretch.

He imagined Mei reaching forward, grabbing Raquel's slick, slippery trunk, and stroking it up and down and up and down... until Raquel released enough thick white stuff to dye the sheets. But he knew Mei wasn't going to give her that kind of satisfaction. Each time she slammed it home in Raquel's dry, hot rectum, he felt the impact in her throat, which contracted and spasmed. Raquel's eyes were rolled up and he knew it wasn't going to be long before...

"Cum or puke, you fucking slut!" he heard Mei shout, and he'd heard it before - and he knew, from his mopping experience, that her "or" could be terribly misleading. She beckoned him forward, and over Raquel, they kissed - both buried to the hilt inside of her, her body trembling in a fit. He held his hands around Raquel's head, and he felt the warm rush of liquid around his cock and down his legs... and Mei pulled her lips away from the kiss, slightly, her eyes closed, her mouth in a wide smile, and said almost breathlessly, softly to him, "she's cumming."

Silently, Raquel twitched between them, until, finally, he pulled his cock out of her throat, and she spat out whatever should could, gasping for air, and then Mei dismounted her, leaving her formerly tight hole gaped wide in a neat, brown, circular ring, which everyone watching at home could see.

Raquel coughed and spat up what she could while gasping for air... and as soon as she had some semblance of a voice back, she looked up at her lover and stared fire at him.

“You are… so fucked…” she said, hoarsely, though he found it harder to be intimidated when she was A) tied up and B) dribbling and flaccid.

"Well, let's all catch our second wind. As soon as you're ready, lover boy, I'm sure Raquel can handle you easily now," she said, alluding to the fact that Raquel's asshole was a crater.

And as soon as he was ready, he walked around Raquel, who rolled her eyes at the idea that he could assert some kind of dominance over her. He was mostly hard when he slipped into her backside, which, despite having recently been vacated by Mei's police baton, was still pretty tight feeling, although incredibly less so than he was used to. Raquel still groaned as he pushed it in and out - even if he wasn't exactly stretching her beyond her current capacity, Mei's pounder had left her pretty sore.

Once he was at full mast, he began to give it to her very strongly... and then, he realized, he couldn't see where Mei was.

“Your turn,” she said, and he felt Mei’s dainty fingers draped around his neck, and knew exactly what’s about to happen.

After giving him a rough lube fingering, Mei firmly gripped his shoulders as she fucked it up into him, until he was pretty sure his feet aren’t even touching the floor anymore. Raquel groaned even more, as he was now rock hard and twitching and dribbling inside of her. He could feel Mei creeping up so deeply inside of him that he had a hard time breathing, and her palstic wrapped deathstick was tickling parts of him that he was pretty sure didn't need tickling, although that didn't stop him from feeling an ever-increasing need ot nut, badly, inside of Raquel. In fact, it wasn't long before the overstimulation was too much for him, and he came a second time, exploding inside Raquel, who juggled the ball between her two hands and squeezed down on it.

Mei made actually no motion to pull out of him, however. "You’ll be hard again in no time, no worries!" she reassured him, and indeed, soon his flaccid cock inside of Raquel was becoming less and less flaccid, causing Raquel to swear under her breath in Portuguese. When he was about to cum again, Mei fishhooked his mouth and made him cum in the most undignified way possible - but he had a hard time caring, as it was the second time in one night that Raquel was receiving his cum soup enema, and that was well worth his own prostate-destruction at the cock of Mei.

She pulled out, then ushered him onto the bench next to Raquel. "Show off those turned-out holes and kiss!" she said, and with both of them on their hands and knees, they kissed, so that one webcam saw them kissing and the other saw them both with gaped anuses, courtesy of Mei.

"I think that's a wrap," Mei said, and began to untie Raquel, even as he got up to lay on the bed. As soon as Raquel's hand was free, though, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him back to the bench, and Mei pulled the ropes away as Raquel pulled him on top of her. She'd cum once, then been fucked in the ass twice - so she was totem-high and ready to go. Just like Mei had made it easy for him to get inside Raquel, Raquel had an easy time pushing it up into him, hooking her arms under his and pulling him on top of her.

“You think that was it? I’m not finished yet,” she said, giving him a kiss and thrusting up into him rapidly, taking his breath away as shoved it up into him.

After Mei, Raquel’s cock… was still pretty hard to take all at once. He was straddling her, and she was stuck fast inside of him, twitching with a vengeance. With her arms hooked under his, she pulled him down into a kiss again, while still humping up inside of him.

He moaned into Raquel's mouth, even knowing that he was once again getting blasted by Raquel on webcam. If that was the worst of her revenge, it wouldn't be so bad. She broke off the kiss, and then he remembered something absolutely horrifying.

“Oh Meiiiii… we need you!” he heard her call, and that's when he knew that he was never going to beat Raquel at her own game.

“I… I can’t!” he said, looking at Raquel's face up close with terrified eyes.

"I love you. You can," she said, and the maddening thing about Raquel was that he could tell she was totally sincere... but that she was also one giggle fit away from laughing in his face as his impending doom approached in the form of a horsehung Chinese pornstar.

Mei's feet creaked on the floor, and he could tell she was positioned behind him. Raquel reached forward and spread his cheeks... which already had her cock stuck between them, up his hole. Mei pressed her dick up to... well, he wasn't sure what, but then Raquel stopped her.

“Wait… take it off.”

“Take what off?”

“The condom. Take it off.”

“Raquel, honey, you know I love you, and your little toy… but…”

“Take. It. Off.” Raquel demanded, and he could tell that even Mei had been cowed, even before he heard the sound of something snapping like a glove. With the snap sounding exactly like someone taking off a glove, he knew Mei had obeyed.

He knew this was going to happen. He felt Mei trying to slip inside along Raquel, and he grit his teeth, knowing this was going to be the most uncomfortable fuck he ever caught.

Mei began to slip inside and... he couldn't scream. He had no air. He bucked his hips but Raquel held him till. With the two of them inside of him, his hole was being stretched every which way. He didn't exactly mind the idea that Raquel and Mei's dongs were sliding against each other - it was the venue that was the problem. He couldn't even see straight - he had double vision to accompany the double dicking.

“If you were worried about how your ass looked before…”

“Raquel…” he said, breathlessly.

“Shush. You’re my toy, I can break you if I want to,” she said, her nails gently scraping along his cheeks. “And I can share you. But nobody said I had to take turns… mmh...”

With both Raquel and Mei fucking him in the ass at the same time, he had to focus all his energy on not dying. He couldn't tell if it was worse when it was stretched side to side or up and down, or the sheer fact that it kept switching as they slide against each other inside of his relatively recently-virgin ass. He had no expectation that this was going to become a routine for him - even if he admitted there was some enjoyment in the intensity of it, the reality was that two dicks, especially ones as sizable as Raquel, and, of course, Mei's, was too much for his hole to handle, and he could feel every inch of simultaneous penetration, and the places depths where only one of them was fucking, and the rare part of his insides that weren't stuffed with girldick all distinctly, and at the moment he vastly preferred the last ones.

"Did you think it was funny when Mei was fucking my poor tight ass?" Raquel asked him to his face, biting his lip to conclude her rhetorical question. While she asked it, she remained perfectly still, and he felt Mei sliding her long schtick in and out of him, slowly, so he knew it was for emphasis. With Mei's dick currently on the bottom, he had no doubt that her turgid fuckstick was visibly protruding his abdomen for everyone on the webcam to see in a way that would never happen to someone who wasn't inadvisably taking two big cocks up the asshole at once. Feeling Mei's naked dick sliding in and out of him like that, he forcefully came a third time, and he could barely hear Mei saying "yeah, cum, faggot" over the sound of his painful ejaculation or the taste of Raquel's lips.

While he came, Mei started to spank his ass, which would have made him tighten up if that were possible, but even after he'd gone soft, she kept spanking him, and his ass was starting to turn bright red from her slaps and outright spanks. He bit his lip every time her hand came down or any time her or Raquel threw their whole schlong in him at once, and when they both bottomed out in him at once he begged for forgiveness -for what he wasn't sure, but they took pity on him anyway - that is, until once again they both decided he needed a bit more cock in his reverse-diet at the same time and made him feel like they were shoving coconuts up his ass.

"Was it worth it, babe?" Raquel asked him, following it up with a kiss, but then quickly pulling her lips off to let him answer.

"No... Raquel, I..."

She cut him off with another kiss, and he moaned in her mouth in an inhuman way that could only be the product of the two of them stretching him in weird ways that he knew he was going to be feeling the rest of the week. When Raquel finally freed his mouth again, he stammered out a question.

"H-how m-much... longer..." he pleaded, and Raquel smiled at him.

"I think I can go for a while, how about you, Mei?"

Mei buried it to the root, making him buck involuntarily, almost flopping about like a fish. "I can go all night. Sound good?"

He felt his soul shatter. He couldn't go all night. He couldn't go another ten minutes. If they wanted to fuck him all night, fine, but at least have the decency to choke into unconsciousness first or get him black out drunk. He couldn't endure it.

Raquel looked at his face, and her expression softened... though the mischief was still there. "I think he's learned his lesson. Besides, I need that ass tight enough for my cock. That is how we make love every night, after all," she said, softly, nuzzling her nose against his. He could just imagine what the people online were making of that little revelation. Every night, he made love to his girlfriend who had a dick, and that invariably meant her shoving said dick up his repurposed hidey hole, and that meant that not only was he the sexual bottom, but that he was well-used as such and had no plans to change it in the future. Which... was true. And he might never get rid of that part of him, that male pride or whatever it was, that told him that getting a dick up his butt every night was emasculating or wrong somehow, but he was pretty sure at this point that part of him had relocated to his prostate, and Raquel's dick had punched the hell out of it over and over again, night after night after night, and he couldn't remember the last time he had to fling nut into a tissue or a sock. So if strangers on the internet thought he was a bitch for his girlfriend's cock? Well, he sort of was. And if gritting your teeth and creaming with a dick up the ass every night made him pathetic, then he was pathetic.

That sounded better before he put it in words.

Regardless, Raquel telling the internet, and, presumably, his boss, that he sat on her dick every night and she made his toes curl and pant and bark like a dog and called it "making love" was the least of his worries at the moment. She implied that the Great Dickening, the Butthole Reckoning was possibly almost over, and he had all his hope that was the case.

"I guess we should finish up then, huh?" Mei said, and his hope was kindled to a blaze... before being snuffed out by some unpleasant realizations.

“I’m going to start calling you ‘Éclair’ after this. You’ll be my little cream-filled treat,” Raquel said, and he got his gut ready for some serious Raquel butter blast.

Then he remembered: Mei wasn’t wearing a condom either.

“You’re getting double-stuffed, it’s only appropriate you get the double-stuff. I think a double creampie just desserts, don’t you agree, Mei?”

Mei leaned over him, grabbed his hair, yanked it, and gave her reply into the back of his neck. “You’re going to catch my whole fucking load in your gut tonight, you fucking faggot sow!” she said, punctuating the last three words with three deep, hard thrusts.

He was… not expecting that. Raquel was the first one to notice something amiss when she felt something wet on her chin. Then Mei noticed that her already extremely-tight accommodations got even tighter, and finally, he noticed it; completely overstimulated front and back, his cock rubbing against Raquel’s stomach, he’d just cum hands-free a fourth time, without warning.

“Keep going,” was Raquel’s order, and he groaned his response. Taking them both while rock-hard was hard enough, being soft and getting double-reamed was going to drive him crazy. “Mei, are you ready?”

Mei groaned. “I’ve been ready for fifteen minutes! Hey, boyo,” she said, spanking him to get his attention, “are you ready for this?”

He looked down at Raquel, who just smiled devilishly back.

She reached back and pulled his cheeks apart. "He's ready. Give him all of it."

Mei tensed up, and he felt her hot breath on his neck, and then, her voice. “Fucking… faggot… sow! Mmmnnn…”

He felt Raquel go first; he knew by the texture and thickness, and by the way she was twitching, but Mei came soon after. Mei was at a better angle to really clean his pipes, and he felt her gush in with enough force to sting; between the two of them, their cocks and their cum, his bowels were bloated, waterlogged, and started to cramp something fierce – if the double-fucking hadn’t been a punishment, the double-creampie definitely was. He came, too, of course, but his gut was on fire, each additional spurt of one or the other’s semen taking a room in a hotel with no vacancies. He felt his stomach swell noticeably, and then felt gentle fingers caressing the bulge.

“Sorry hon… take it all,” said Mei, whose balls were pressed heavily against his, pulsing with effort as they pumped cum deeper inside him than he thought was safe.

Raquel was no slouch in the load department either, and with both of their spunkloads stuffing and gumming his guts up, he felt a wave of genuine shame creep into his cheeks; he was a glutton for receiving cum anally, and he’d just eaten too much. Sure, Raquel had suggested it, but he hadn’t exactly tried to stop it. As he started to feel the soreness creeping into his ass, and his stomach churned and tied itself into knots trying to deal with their combined loads, or more accurately, the big heaping load from two people, he realized that of all the tremendous sluts in the room, he was the one that most resembled a cream-filled pastrie in the end. Literally in the end.

He heard the shutter of a phone camera as Mei took a selfie.

They both pulled out of him, and it just... drooled out. There was no stopping it. There was no closing his ass. There was just a breeze and two cumloads sizzling and bubbling on their way out of his distended gut.

Mei showed him the selfie. “That was a one-time deal. Probably. So I took a picture of my face as I… yeah. Look at that, and think about how it felt whenever you want. When Raquel’s not around, probably,” she said, and Raquel clicked her teeth.

“He’s mine, you know.”

“I don’t know… he kinda seems like a timeshare,” Mei replied, touching his sore abdomen, which still felt a little tender to the touch, and full. “He’s not about to get my stink off of him anytime soon; that’s for sure,” she continued, and then licked her fingers. He wondered which Mei had broken more of: hearts, or assholes, as he rolled over onto his side, exhausted.

Then, a cell phone rang. It was his.

Mei was the closest one to it, and nobody felt much like moving. She picked his shorts off the floor, fetched out his phone, and then said, "Laura." She looked to Raquel, and him, and they nodded, and she answered. "Hi. No, I'm a friend of Raquel. Mmhm. Yeah, but... he's pretty tuckered out. Raquel and I just did a number on him," she said, and he felt his stomach gurgling to prove it. "Okay, can't wait," she said, and then hung up.

"What'd she say?" Raquel asked, first, before he could swallow down the taste of cum in his throat somehow long enough to ask anything.

"She said she's coming to the island. Is it alright if I pick her up at the airport and give her a warm welcome?”

Raquel looked at him, and he looked at Raquel. They'd just both been hollowed out by Mei's cavern-digger extraordinaire, and wouldn't have wished that on anyone who wouldn't have absolutely loved it.

"Go for it," they said, in unison.




How odd no text? Stupid phone.


Thank you!


Weird -if you want to read it - here: <a href="http://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/Majalis/5038/Raquel/54098/Chapter-19/Hat-Trick" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/Majalis/5038/Raquel/54098/Chapter-19/Hat-Trick</a>


Pretty cool. Provee difficult but worth it


Been waiting a long time for a new Raquel Chapter, and of course you left in a zinger for the next chapter. You play dirty.