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So yeah, sometimes an adventurer comes across a challenge that seems completely insurmountable. This is one such challenge. 

Don't worry, there'll be more of the ogre variants as well. Gotta keep moving forward. We will be doing second passes on a lot of stuff for things like cumming variants / cock-cage or impotency variants. If you haven't yet, check out our Beta roadmap post!




Whoa <3<3<3<3<3 , I love this because one of my favorite encounters is harpy, not for the creature but that awesome thing you guys do where we can click to continue the sex act with just 3 dots, then 2, dots, 1 dot and back and forth animations etc... I wish there was so much more of that, and it kept repeating with synced random sounds, until you hit continue or something lol, the sound effects are in sync and can enjoy until ready to read the next amazing dialogue. The animated scenes are nice but they aren't in sync with sounds, even though they last forever. May just be a selfish request but I would love so many more of those repeating back and forth still images with the ...'s & synced sounds for every creature, and the brothel queen, and just everyone.. <3<3<3, even in combat , would have a hard time making it to more of that amazing dialogue and story xD, love this game. Cant wait for Ogre O_O <3!


Hiro has skills with just their tongue :o


I cant be the only one who wants to see an X-ray of Hiro's tongue inside that (or preferably most other creatures) cock?

Dead Romance

Every time I think about cancelling this. I look at all the progress you guys make and I'm glad I could be a part of it.


I kinda want to see an "Open wide" version of this.


Anyway we could get a horny satyr encouter? Like super horny not caring about your comfort kind of character, (I like masochist content lol)


What’s that last one?


Hi Maj, I just wanted to make a suggestion, you know, why not create some event outfits for Hiro, something based on events like Christmas, Halloween, Easter, and more ... Hiro is a hero with an extremely feminine appearance, I think it would be nice to have a Hiro in Santa Claus clothes.


Suggestion - Force Opponent to oral? Would also like to make a suggestion?, any way to force enemies to their knees? or be forced to your knees?, I know theres ways to willingly get on your knees but havent found many stable ways to force feed a popsicle to enemies, might just be lacking experience or skills for it, but no seduction I see that makes them want to suck or lets you wave it by their mouth. Or Trip or force head down or anything v_v This is why I like Harpy and Brigande, those anims and clear forced positions..and clickable continue scenes with long orgasms... I want to do it back too xD