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Hayo! Devlog-chan desu~

So the time has arrived, the Beta roadmap! The whole thing is available below, but just to quickly walk through it, we've got a bunch of general content to work on, we plan to finish story mode and adventure mode, finalize the combat stuff (including balance and fixes) finalize the world map areas, look and feel, and mechanics, introduce dungeons, expand character relationships, and introduce the Evoker mode.

We have a few minor things carrying over from the Alpha roadmap that we ended up rolling into the feature survey votes, like sex combat items, but pretty much all of this is new stuff that's the last necessary bits and bobs before release, and a continuation of the work we've been doing thus far.

We're also going to be making more gameplay improvements and starting to tweak things like balance and game-feel and ironing out any rough patches. Every time we play the game we find things to improve, but we've been bottlenecked by having to spend any excess art time on working on UI stuff. No longer!

If there's anything you feel we're missing, let us know, and we'll try to update the roadmap to reflect anything we might have missed.

Without further ado, the Beta roadmap!

General Content:

  • Attack/Hit animations for all characters
  • Generic animations for all the different sex positions 
  • More art and animations for existing characters
  • Additional variants to existing sex art and animations (x-rays, cum versions, etc.)
  • New characters (geared towards story mode, as mentioned)
  • New and improved (and animated) backgrounds
  • New sounds and music
  • New achievements
  • New challenges
  • Achievement icons
  • Cleaning up any existing bugs and issues 

Story Mode:

  • Finishing up story mode!
  • New characters
  • Multiple endings - potential endpoints throughout, and multiple True Endings
  • Various time-sensitive areas which will encourage a balance of risk and reward
  • Side paths, areas, and alternate routes
  • Permanent choices that affect the story, like recruiting or permanently separating from certain party members
  • More significant battle outcome differences
  • Huge expansion of story-mode unique content and introduction of mode-agnostic content

Adventure Mode:

  • More small encounters and choice encounters (this will also apply to story mode, but be more significant in adventure mode)
  • More chokepoints with mini-boss and boss encounters (as well as non-character encounters with difficult choices)
  • More quests and companion quests
  • Clean-up of old encounters
  • Camping adjustments (will also apply to story mode)

Combat Finalization

  • Final stances
  • Skill tweaking and improvements
  • Some final critical status effects and interactions
  • Environmental effects
  • Weapon and armor custom upgrades
  • Equipment weight (final combat subsystem, I swear!)
  • Two-handing/dual-wielding
  • Multiple accessory slots
  • Sex combat improvements and integration
  • Combat tutorial
  • UI improvements
  • AI improvements and custom behaviors
  • Sex combat expansion
  • Sex items

World Map Finalization

  • Adding fourth (final pre-release) world map area (excluding the Giantess map, the Arena map, and any other small maps) 
  • Unique encounter node art
  • Bridges and other path types
  • Cleaning up the path generation algorithm and any wonky movement-related things
  • Terrain Effects


  • Will work similarly to world map
  • A mix of procedurally generated and static
  • Unique environment art

Character Relationships

  • More character quests
  • More character relationships with multiple outcomes
  • An additional (patron-voted) companion
  • More companion perks
  • More companion interaction with various NPCs

The Evoker

  • Unique playable character/class
  • Patron version only while it's being developed, like story mode
  • Will have access to some encounters that are the same as Hiro's/the default, but not all of them, and will have access to unique encounters
  • No food clock, replaced by a unique demonic essence collection
  • Unique body and animation



So many interesting things. You are the best! Дooking forward to see this all realized


New class, ah crap I might have to start over on omega god tier save dang you limited save slots

Jamie Oaks

I have one request. If I've been made "more like a girl" then the peddler should be proud of me!


I think we should be able to have something thata isn't an outright game over with the peddler if wee some-how manage to woo her. Perhaps dominate her back or establish a more mutually beneficial relationship. I unno, just spit balling, but yeah.


Sooo. Um. I may be a bit dumb. But I cant find any dropbox links... little help? 1$ Pledger needs help lol


Lots of good stuff, but don't forget the creature on creature combat.


I believe the dropbox is only for the 3$ and up tiers, with weeklies being for 5$ and up only, and 3$ getting access to the monthly updates.


It would great if you could improve the mobile version interactions with the ui, right now it is pretty difficult to properly select what you want to select within the menus (especially within the character perks/levels)


Super excited for evoker, dont really care how far down the priority list it is. Just seems like it'd be fun to have alternate mechanics in this game maybe. Road map looks exciting!

Ryan Breggie

Any current ideas on what Equipment Weight would effect? It seems like it could be more annoying than useful, but that's just at a glance. I'm curious about your ideas on the mechanic. If you're holding too much, does it just lower some stats? Make you unable to move if you're completely encumbered? Maybe it could effect your stability in combat, too much weight making you easier to topple? Will it come into play with NPC's? Sorry about the barrage of questions, this just really caught my eye. It seems like a small mechanic, but it could end up governing a lot of aspects about the game.

Ryan Breggie

Ah! You two are doing amazing work, BTW! I'm proud to have been supporting you for so long! No other patreon I've subscribed too has had such consistent and full updates. Love you guys <3


Just minor quality of life suggestions here, could you please animate a coming animation in combat for Hiro’s chastity caged penis? As well as cumming for the enemy’s penis when we use the Power Word:Cum spell? It’ll be a lot nicer to see it rather than to only read that they’ve cum


When's Evoker?