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Sexy numbers. That's all. That's the post.

Not really. We've had plans to standardize and create deviants for the numbers involved in the sex portion of gameplay, namely things like cock length/girth (and its numerical effect on sphincter status), ejaculation amount (and its numerical effect on rectum/colon fullness), modifications to ejaculation amount based on lust and arousal, including for Hiro, sexual stamina, and quantification of all the various stuff Hiro gets up to in the bedroom (tracking the different sex acts and orgasms, including facials, nipple-induced orgasms and topping statistics). Along with this, we'll be creating perks for improving these various capabilities, so that, for instance, you can more easily satisfy a slow-to-cum orc, or a size-queen Goblin, or a cum-hungry golem with a nice, full cum load for her semen tanks.

It's too late. I'm not locked in here with you, etc. etc.

This will be tying in to the battle UI overhaul as we have more visual displays of this sort of information, including little sperm-y pop-ups, more spoken lines and more descriptive (and learn-able) sex skills. Species-based information will also show up on the bestiary once you've learned it, so you know exactly how much is in a standard bovine minotauress load.

So look forward to that!



Good to hear. I'm always left wondering how long its gonna take for the stats debuff from being cumloaded to go away. Hopefully quantification will help

Personal Deviant

The scientist in me is immensely pleased. I've always appreciated more details in my smut. Plus, I felt there was a lot of guesswork involved with the battle UI, so I'm glad to see it's getting a little love.


Will the battle UI overhaul also get rid of the options to “beat and stroke” etc that make no sense if you’re wearing a chastity cage?


If there's something that doesn't check if you're in chastity (or impotent from the Warlock's spell), then it's an oversight, and you should just let us know when you spot it, thanks.


Looking forward to these updates to the battle UI, ToA is becoming better and better, and the battle UI will be a huge step!! Can't wait :D *rubs hands together*


As much as I love CoC, hopefully we won't be able to grow 3 foot long horse cocks in this one. Not that it's a bad thing, just that it wouldn't really fit here. Possibly literally.