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Heyo! Second January weekly ahoy!

We animated both the Minotauress and the Slime, so we're quickly catching up towards our animate-all-characters goal.  There's a big new orc story mode scene that we had some fun writing, and an alternate variation of the Schoolgirl brothel scene if you're on the sluttier side (along with a new sluttier schoolgirl outfit!)

We've also started the harpy expansion with a new encounter, including a new harpy variant.

As always, changelog below, and convenience link below that!

Version: - 2nd January Weekly

New content:

  • Added new Harpy encounter
New elite Harpy variant
Has a different game over scene
  • Added story-mode Orc run scene (a big one, check it out)
  • Added Orc Doggy art to encounter
  • Added Minotaur animation
  • Added Slime animation
  • Added Lewd Schoolgirl alternate animation (schoolgirl scene)

Tweaks and bug fixes: 

  • Fixed story mode Fort and other encounter appearances
  • Fixed story mode map placement
  • Buttons on main menu are no longer selectable before they're visible

Hi-Res Art and Tales of Androgyny Weekly Updates (Bunny Tier+)https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yr7c1cdd2unn0om/AAC0n-rG_-0fyNqMa23umLqZa?dl=0 Password: 6Re5wsWBGCbb




I was never able to find the Catgirl outfit. How would I go about doing so?


Only time I saw it is if you lose to the Beastmistress and get the bad ending there. But as soon as your class changed (At least with last week's version) game ended.


Run from the Orc in story mode. :D


Hold up. There are Schoolgirl and Catgirl outfits? How do I get these things? I must know!


How do you find the new harpy?


Some things: The game difficulty went through the roof. I get slaughtered by every enemy. This wasn't really an issue in the last version. I am fighting a goblin right now, and 100% of my attacks are "barely blocked by a parry", so I can't even hurt him. He isn't using stamina to do moves on me, so I will definitely lose every fight. Haven't won 1 yet. Takes all my stamina to do a basic move, meanwhile his stays at max. Wrestling/Grappling will always result in me being raped. Last fight with a centaur I was getting hit for like 25 damage or more, so casting True Heal literally left me with less health. I am making an attempt to hang on to virginity for a while, and I was lucky the Wereslut simply lost interest when she wrecked me, but a goblin is highly unlikely to do the same. Goblins are big-time rapists. Can you maybe give me a fighting chance in the next version? At this rate leveling up will never happen. The game could sure use a nerf. Either that or a mage needs a buff. I am certain to run out of mana long before I defeat an enemy, which means I must always rely on weapon attacks, which are always blocked by a parry.


Not sure what you mean by the "last version" but almost nothing has changed combat-wise since the last weekly. Most attacks have a parry modifier that blocks half of opposing attack's damage - this is true of both your and the enemies. The rest of the damage is going to the goblin's armor, which is why you aren't seeing their health go down. If you hover over (or touch on android) their armor pieces you can see the remaining durability. Once it's broken, even while having half your damage parried, you'll still damage them. If you're a mage, you should be able to severely damage an enemy early on. Being at lower health reduces your stats (and the enemy's if they're hurt), one of which is Endurance, which makes it easier to reduce someone's stamina. While you're casting, you aren't parrying, so you'll take a lot of damage (on your armor at first, then your face), so it might be best to start casting when the enemy isn't on the offense, and play defensively while they are.