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The survey winners are in! Once more unto the breach:

  • New Encounter - Big Booty Elf
  • New Art - Ghost Possession
  • New Animation - Warlock
  • Expanded Encounter - Urka the Orc
  • New Feature - Urka Companion

We're well ahead on some of this stuff, as some of you may have seen that both Ms. Elf and the Ghost Possession scene are just about done.

Urka the Orc is getting a lot of love this time around, receiving both an encounter expansion and the ability to make her a traveling companion.

We got a lot of love and support from you guys in the question about working on a new game in parallel with ToA in personalized responses, and with over half of respondents saying either six months to a year or a year to two years before we see that. To allay some concerns - we're not burning out or anything, and we're not in a rush to start a new project with all of the work to be done still on ToA. We more just wanted to see what expectations were, in a roundabout way for ToA development, how much interest there was in new game development, and when we should start asking deeper questions about alternative game development. We have our own planned timeline for ToA, and unless 100% of those responses fell on "within 6 months", it'd be unlikely that we're working on anything else for at least another year (which, based on our data now, we know is disappointing to about a 1/3rd of y'all).

We plan to be pretty conservative about how we spread ourselves - we have a fairly good understanding based on estimates for what the remaining stages of development for ToA entail time-wise from both of us, and we've got a post about freelance work coming up sometime next month to try and chunk away at that.

We DO want to get opinions about potential new projects from you guys when the time is right, and then we DO want to get prototypes in front of you some time after that, though, so we're trying to find when's best to get on that.



It is better to give preference to quality than quantity. ToA has great prospects and it should be developed. People, consider, if the developers will devote time to another game, then they will devote less time to ToA.


You guys do great work, but I say finish the game you're being paid to finish before working on another project. Resources are limited, as we all know, and spreading them out among multiple projects seems pointless when you could instead devote 100% of your attention to one project and get it done ASAP.


I personally would like the focus be on this game as I would really want to see this game improve and get more and more features that different people will enjoy. Now of course that's only the case as long as you two don't get burned out as that would impact the game negatively and in that case I'd rather see you two work on something else as well. It would of course take more time for ToA to get updated but that'd be better than lower quality content due to you two being burned out.


I'd personally love to get more content on the other Pat. And about the game, I think you could do some changes to some stuff, like the Soul Crystals. When you are lvl 60+,you don't really need them anymore, so it would be cool to exchange them against perks points or more gold (having 10k debt is not funny).


I point this out in the post. The reality is that we don't devote 100% of our time to ToA as it is, because we have other art and writing projects.


I know this isn't the right post and I am a bit late, but how do I do the new ghost expansion?


I ask because the only one I can seem to find is the one when you lose.


yaaaay, i was hoping for more stuff from urka and now we are getting it, hopefully with other sex scenes/pics (if shes the companion, im hoping shes constantly wanting fuck the character, its always fun when i see her as an option, always willingly go to her :P)