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As voted on, Mrs. Werewolf now moves.  Lookit her go!  Next character being animated is going to be the Beastmistress... although first we're going to finish animating the dongs and the Orc prone bone scene.  \o/

As usual, the high quality gif is in game and in the Dropbox.  :D




So I just downloaded the most recent build but I haven't had a chance to play it. In the previous build every time I encounted her, whether or not I defeathed her, she would always take advantage of me and would add to my 'bitch' perk so after 3 encounters I would always game over. Has this been fixed or was I doing somthing worng​?


Yeah, there's a few ways around that now - if you scout ahead, you can avoid her, if you have less than 8 strength after the fight you can avoid that, and now that you can fail successful checks you can also manually fail that check.