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The survey winners are in! Once more, with feeling:

  • New Encounter - Feminizing Futa Warlock
  • New Art - Centaur Gangbang
  • New Animation - Beastmistress
  • New Feature - Brothel Expansion
  • More Art Options - Beastmistress

Feminizing Futa Warlock won with a blowout, possibly our highest margin yet. Centaur Gangbang similarly won pretty handily. We were surprised to see the Beastmistress getting some animation love, and were less surprised to see that people want to see more art of her.

The results of the balance of sub/dom content were interesting: the median score for both "what I want the balance to be" and "what I think the balance currently is" were both 7, and the two answer's means were 6.75 and 6.9, respectively, with a slim minority of respondents wanting either an even 50/50 balance or 100% sub content, and the bulk of the remainder falling between those, with 13% wanting a more dom-focused game.

We're going to add an option to determine which existing encounter gets an expansion, not in this new survey, but possibly in the one to follow, as we get to the point where we can start to really shape the existing encounters and characters with greater focus, with the bulk of the gameplay features available to us.



Thanks for all the hard work! Really looking forward to the new month's content!


Keep up the good work Sir

Random One

One of those people wanting a more dom focused game was me, by accident I think XD Clicked the wrong thing, but that is what I get for doing surveys when I am dead tired.


Yeah I figured as much with some of the 0 entries, as there were 0 entries for "how sub focused do you think the game is currently" and I'd be curious what game people who answered that are playing otherwie. :P


I mean I don't mind both, sub or dom that good good facesitting art is what I look out for, doing a full playthrough once in awhile for maximum details. Sitting on faces or being facesat it's great to try and hit zero health when facesat and being able to do the same to encounters'd be legit. Maybe special post-encounter text/art for ending with a facesit in later builds?