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New monthly release is available on the Dropbox!  Highlights are Grappling, Golem, and briGand Missionary art.  Also, there are now more sex sounds - more to come soon.  Enjoy! 

Monthly ToA builds + Sketches and Finished Images (Pony+)- https://www.dropbox.com/sh/he1gf7px3p9j5gd/AAD9_fDEGRxoPXpieNhsbRVua?dl=0 (PW: Acoust!cH&andMurder)


Version: - "Special Hug" update

New features:

  • Grappling!  Grappling status is viewable at the top center of the screen, and ranges from Held -> Submission -> Disadvantage -> Skirmish -> Advantage -> Dominant -> Hold
  • Much of the existing "struggling" is now within the grappling framework
  • Out-of-erotic stance grappling includes the old Full Nelson stance (which the Orc will now initiate if she is disarmed) and ground grappling that precedes missionary and pronebone stances
  • Certain moves can only be used in certain grapple statuses - running out of stamina prevents you from using any active grappling abilities!
  • Self-spank and wrap legs now increase enemy lust (which makes them cum faster)
  • New "hands and knees" stance as part of the prone/supine -> hands and knees -> kneeling -> standing hierarchy

New content:

  • Golem! If you're looking for the new artificial life, make sure to have a decent Magic score to get the whole deal - 0 magic scrubs can't play
  • Centaur attack animation
  • Brigand missionary anal (and brought back in-battle Brigand deepthroat)
  • Creampie sounds! A few other new sounds as well
  • New story mode map art
  • Loading screen overhaul - new color and texture, as well as loading screen tooltips

      Tweaks and bug fixes:

  • Foraging is now more potent, particularly during the day
  • Crashes from failure to load assets should no longer occur (unless the asset is actually missing or damaged)
  • Harpy crashes should also be resolved
  • Stance display text is now much more readable and consistent across stance highlighting and battle log display
  • Mismatched stances should happen less often
  • Data folder is now .toa-data instead of data
  • World maps should no longer be disconnected
  • Tweaks to world map gen to align them to hex grid
  • Fixed Wellrounded perk behavior




How does one force face fuck?


Is the golem in the ruins?


Question. When do you plan to make an expansion of the current story mode?​ I enjoyed the questline loads.


Gonna try and do at least another encounter this month - gonna be slow necessarily till I'm full time, because any additional encounter scripting makes it hard to implement new features, which makes the whole thing take longer in the long run.


Have not seen golem either! Only appears later, perhaps?


Yes, she only shows up in the "more difficult" Zone, which is closer to the ruins!


A quick question i cant get the patreon version to play. v1.21 works. but nothing else.


What issue do you have? Does it fail to run when you try to run it? If that's the case, try running TalesOfAndrogyny.jar


hey i guess im dumb or something, im part of Pony tier and i dont have a code fo the drop box apprently? did i miss something?


The password is right after the link - the part after "PW:"