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The monthly version (v0.1.20.0) is up on the Pony-tier dropbox link!

This month marks the two year anniversary of this Patreon!  While ToA is still less than a year old, this Patreon started back in May of 2015, during the Before Times.

We'll be posting winners for next month in a bit.  For now, here's the changelog:

Version: - "Cat-like Grace" update

New features:

- New stances - reverse cowgirl and prone-bone

- Can now scroll through all available skills in a given stance

- Stability is now a sequence rather than a number

- New android build!

- If no attacks are available, there is now a "Do Nothing" option

New content:

- Drow Beastmistress encounter!

- Orc pounding art for prone bone stance and in encounters

- Loading screen art updated

- Town background art updated

Tweaks and bug fixes:

- Stats > 10 no longer cause crashes on character screen

- Fixed scrolling in battle text (click and drag)

- Enemies should no longer get stuck with negative stamina

- Fixed which enemies will sit on your wang (sorry, no more power-bottoming ogres)

- Unicorns now permanently erect, as they should be

- Increased the size of branch buttons

- Goblin(Male) has male pronouns now

- Refactors to reduce potential future bugs

 I realize we didn't post the v0.1.19.0 changelog here, so here's last month's changelog for whoever missed: 

Version: - "Power Ogrewhelming" update

New features:

- Option to preload the game so that there are no loading screens while the game is open (requires restart)

- This is available on the options screen on a box labeled "Preload"

New content:

- Ogre encounter!

- New sex stance(s)!  Ogre will inevitably perform it if not defeated in time

- New "Giant Lover" perk

- New sex skills

- Certain skills are only avaiable with certain perks, including Anal Lover/Catamite and Mouth Maniac

- New skills include Crush Ass, Deepthroat, Wrap Legs, Bounce on It, Squeeze It, Self Spank, Pout

- New Harpy fellatio graphics

Tweaks and bug fixes:

- Reduced bleed damage considerably

- Not all weapons cause bleed

- Struggling should now be a bit more logical in its application

- Only topping for enemies leads to satisfied outcomes

- Full Screen and Resolution selectors now properly reflects current full screen and resolution selections

- Added Goblin (Male) to Pervert screen

- Fixed typos




I did kind of like the power-bottoming enemies. (Mostly happened with the Brigand in my experience.) Will that be a thing in the future? I mean, they have an ass too, might as well use it...?


is this the same version as the latest weekly? i'm just wondering beacuse the changelog in the weekly isn't updated.


Roughly the same since it was just two days ago, yeah, fixed a few typos in the beastmistress encounter.


i dawnloaded the game from fropbox but it still 1.19.3 not 1.20.0


It was only in the pony tier link - I'm updating the Bunny tier link now so it'll have the most up to date. :D


Yeah, not all enemies will, but definitely more than currently, which I believe is just Trudy the Adventurer.


Congratulations. And thanks


Exciting, but I can't see any apk files anywhere? Just windows, mac and Linux builds :(


How do i get the dropbox link?


ive lost my drop box password as this a new pc can i get another one please


i signed as a patreon for the latest build, how do i get it? Im signed as "pony tier" so i should get a dropbox link somewhere i assume.


Are there any updates to the story mode in this one? Or is it just in sandbox?


Just sandbox - going to get more story mode soon, hopefully.


what's up with agility in 0.1.20?


Shouldn't be any change - if you're noticing Agility fluctuating it's because it goes down with reduced health and stamina


It's up on this feed, the "Dropbox Link" tag will show you the most recent ones.