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Hey guys - quick weekly build update is up on the dropbox, going to do the full update tomorrow with the Beastmistress encounter. She's in there now, but we haven't included the actual script yet, so it's just the battle.



I'm on Windows 64, and when I click on the application and hit 'run' it just does nothing. There's no error or anything, it just doesn't do anything at all. Sorry I have so little info to give you, but that's really it.


Hey - seems the .exe is broken - run TalesOfAndrogyny.jar and it should run fine.


Running Windows 7 64bit. I tried running the .jar but I got a Critical Failure error. It says com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Couldn't load dependencies of asset: enemies/BeastMaster.png


Sounds like the download isn't complete - you should be able to run the .exe now


Tomorrow never comes.


Yeah, she would be half-finished either way - decided to push her full debut into this last weekly.