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Perhaps as someone who had a similar relationship with their sister, I can try to explain the thought process behind these brothers a bit? When me and my sister hated each other, we couldn't even begin to understand each other. My sister's life seemed perfect. She was more independent, more confident, and got freedoms earlier than I got them. So whenever she'd do anything that our dad would be mad about, I'd tell him and relish in her finally being brought down a peg. On my sister's side, I was smarter, more childish, and got more help with the things I struggled with. So whenever I'd get in trouble or demand her help, she'd refuse and think I was finally getting what I deserved for being an immature brat. Of course I only found this out after we were able to talk to each other again. Which is a long story so let's stop that there before this becomes a sob story. Bringing this back to being relevant to the show. Hook Hand was very insecure in his dream at first and was pulling Hook Foot down out of a selfish want that if he can't get what he wants, then his kid brother definitely shouldn't. Then after he became famous, it was because he earned it and his brother hadn't earnt it yet, so why should he invite his brother along when he's just going to screw everything up like always? I can't actually see anything Hook Foot was doing wrong, it seems very one-sided on Hook Hand's part. And I think the episode itself explained why he was upset. Now when Hook Foot tried to tell Hook Hand outright how he felt, he was ridiculed. Of course Hook Hand knew he was insulting Hook Foot, that was the point. But he didn't see anything wrong with it because Hook Foot deserved that ridicule. Maybe because Hook Foot was once confident in his dancing and Hook Hand was jealous because he hid his love of dancing, or maybe because he thought Hook Foot was only pretending to be open with his feelings to get Hook Hand to slip up and say something he could use against him. Or maybe for a completely different reason. Also quick disclaimer that I'm not agreeing with these thought, I just hypothesising what they would have been. Sorry I rambled so much on some random filler episode. I just had a lot to say!