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Hey there, amazing people! 👋

I hope this post finds you well and as excited about our ongoing projects as I am. The journey so far in creating 'Sicae' and 'My Bully is My Lover' has been full of late nights, countless cups of coffee, and tons of fun. but for now, I want to do a quick survey to tell me your desired release cycle between two games. I think this is a good opportunity now that we got a substantial amount of Patrons to vote.

I've got three possible release cycle options:

  1. In favor of 'Sicae': This means more updates and releases for 'Sicae' and a bit fewer for 'My Bully is My Lover.'
  2. Balancing both games: Here, 'Sicae' and 'My Bully is My Lover' would get equal attention, with distributed updates and releases.
  3. In favor of 'My Bully is My Lover': This option would put 'My Bully is My Lover' in the spotlight, with more updates and releases, and a bit fewer for 'Sicae.'

All you have to do is pop into the poll below and cast your vote. It's as easy as pie and remember your opinion matters.

I really appreciate your participation, and remember, every single vote counts! Thank you so much for your continued support, and I can't wait to pump more updates out!

Feel free to comment your thoughts in the comment section!

Enjoy the rest of your day, and always take care! 🚀





Sicae deserves more love as it's awesome so is mbml soo balance is the waaay . And all those who vote otherwise I will find you


Balanced...as all things should be.


what Kai said <3


Love both, with a little favor to Sicae but voting for balance as if it could would be the best so neither waits too long


As much as I love MBML, I also want to know more about Sicae. I think it should be balanced. This gives both games enough spotlight and you have more time and opportunities to gather ideas for the other game. Plus you could gather valuable community feedback and for the game that isn't jn it's active dev-cycle more targeted. Long breaks for either game would lead to such things getting burried. Balanced is the way to go in my opinion. :)


Balance for sure Just take time and chill out, waiting for next update Let's the job done at all cost Luve u Nii Btw pls don't need to forcus to the game :)) remember take a rest, everyone can wait for your game with u in best situation


I love mbml and love more moon in mbml pls create more art of moon!!!!!!!!! Kambateh


I like both and can't really choose between them.


Sicae is great, would be sad to neglect it. Balanced!


Tough choice, i really like both games, so I’m gonna go with balanced.. 👍💪


Though choice, but MBML trumps for me.


Balance is good but a fourth choice, as both stories are intertwined, NiiChan could release based on keeping the overall story flowing


Haha that would mean prioritizing Sicae as when MBML drops Sicae's story is basically over 😄


Wouldn't making Sicae lag so behind cause some scenes in MBML to not make sense? Or the flip side where MBML will spoil scenes in Sicae?


I chose balance but would like a slight favor to Sicae simply due to the fact they're in the same universe but at different times. It was a bit of a spoiler to see the MC of Sicae in MBML as for the changes he had wasn't covered in back when it was LCC (Before it became Sicae). We wouldn't want you to focus on one thing and get burnt out also some people don't like Sicae but likes MBML and vice versa so it'd be good to avoid neglecting some of the "specific" fans. I personally will be avoiding MBML until Sicae is finished then once that's done go through MBML.


I think a balance is best, as I love both stories and would like to see back-to-back updates on both equally. Well that's what I think, greetings to all!


I love heartwarming story, but dark and mysterious story also attracts me. So I chose balance.(I want to see much carzy or restrained Claire)


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be... but damn I m surprised with the poll, Sicae deserves more love such an epic story.


Not necessarily Corky, if the story is told linearly yes but if Sicae releases are in line with times that MBML learns of the past it would make sense and help both stories unfold.


some interesting results. I'm on the focus on Bully is my lover I'll support whatever way it goes. !