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Hello everyone,

Last day of the month, unsubscribe NOW if you want to or need to, as subscriptions will renew and charge again on the 1st of October.


SIDE NOTE about subscriptions: 

As of a few days ago, there is a new Patreon option on Creator's accounts, to make people be charged on the 'monthly anniversary' of the time they subscribed initially. 

Example: as of now, everyone is charged on the same day, the last day of the month. With the new patreon option, if you join someone's patreon on the 17th of the month, you'll always be charged on the 17th each month. 

I don't know yet if I should switch subscriptions to this new system or stay on the current system. What do you think / what would you prefer?




You know Patreon should give this option to the supporter. Personally I like monthly because it let's me budget my support, and if I just want to test something to see if I even like it in my game, I don't have to remember that on the 12th I've got to make sure I jump back on here to cancel that one subscription. I can do that shit the day before the end of the month and TA-DA I'm done. Side note to the Patreon powers that be, (not you, lovely Lumpinou)... I've been around for a Long time, I've gone from being billed when I subscribed (which sucked), to on creation (which was like Huh what am I actually getting?), to monthly (which is the best imo) and swapping back and forth is a pain in the ass after years of doing it one way. So get it together Patreon! Make a decision and stick with it, or give the decision to the people who gives you their money. I switch up who I support regularly, and I play this one stupid game...and personally if I start getting random charges due to this change, I might just be done with Patreon all together, which is a shame because I enjoy being supportive to talented creators. Which is getting harder to do because of the drama in the community (doxing, bullying people out, stealing content, paywalls... which let's be honest you've helped facilitate some of this...) and all around being disappointed with people being so hypocritical over a game you ultimately play by yourself...don't be an outside thing that begins sucking even more fun out of a game.


I personally would prefer to keep it as is.


I like how it is currently! (:


Please keep it the way it is!


I would honestly prefer if patreon's were always charged on the same day of the month they joined. There have been a lot of times I didn't end up subscribing to someone because I knew it would just re-charge me in a couple weeks (or even days). For instance, it sucked subscribing to someone on Sep 30th just to be charged again the next day. :(


Personally I don't mind the current system (1st of the month charge) especially since you send out reminders every month. I've had a couple of instances in the past where I've pledged to a Patreon a few days before the end of the month, only to be charged again in a day or two (which isn't ideal) but I decided to pledge before the end of the month anyway (which was my choice). Since you clearly state that yours is set up to charge on the 1st, I think people can make their own informed choice about whether they'd want to pledge before the end of the month & be charged again on the 1st.


I think I would like the new system where if you pay on the 17 of the month that they will charge you on the 17 of every month be sometime when i see someone i want to join i have to wait unitl the beginning of the month to


join them I waited to add


I hope I'm not bothering you but I have a question: So my female sim has been trying to get pregnant many times and she always has negative test results so I kind of just let her be until she was fertile again but now in my gameplay/save it says she's on family leave but she's not even pregnant😟. I don't know if she is actually or maybe it's just a glitch because I never received any notification that she was expecting. Do you have any ideas what that could mean?


I think your mod is, but I have wicked whims installed also. And I figured it out after exiting out of the game, it was just a little glitch in my game lol


Because you said you were waiting for her to be fertile again wit sounded like you have WW in control - unless you went and gave her my cyclical option - which you would know because in that case there would be no periods. Glad the 'family leave' thing solved itself! :)


Is ask to get tested supposed to send the partner sim? Every time I ask a sim that question, it sends the sim asking the question.


I’m not sure if it’s a bug or if something is conflicting


I just tried it with another household and it worked. Do you think it’s because my sims are in university?


Okay just confirmed, it worked when I went off the lot. So I don’t think the option works in university housing .