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Hello everyone, and thanks for being here!

I just wanted to give you a little update.

Some of this was mentioned before, but it has been a while, so let me sum up again the plans for the next months.

The big stuff that’s on the menu is:

  • Resting my hands:  I'm not ready to start back modding intensively, as my hands are still not really much better. So, I am still going to be on break to wait it out. However, I am still going to try to do little things as / if possible.
    I bought some new braces, and some stuff supposed to help with pain management (such as a red light device, recommended by one of you); also made more changes in my tech set-up; all this thanks to y'all of course; I am hoping it will help.
  • a v3 revamp of Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul (WooHoo Wellness), with some parts heavily remade, and some new stuff.
    Big and very terrifying project BUT it'll be awesome to have this mod all brought up to date to my current standards / skill level, get rid of some oddities, etc.
  • The “Law and Disorder” mod :)
    Yes, I know you've been waiting for this one to get its turn for a long time!

About that last point:

I took from the answers to my post of a month or two ago, about what you all recalled in game that could fit the bill for getting Sims in a little bit of trouble. Then I thought about how I could go about keeping track of these things, and those that I think I can, I kept. Then I started making some stuff about it, at snail pace.

These are the activities / categories that I want to be tracked, be able to file complaints about or be caught and get in trouble for.

NOTE these menus are still NON-functional at the moment, Sims' actions etc are NOT tracked up yet, I have just made some of the markers I need, and can give them arbitrarily, but their consequences and triggers aren't made yet - this mod is still VERY far from functional in all its aspects. Just so you don't get your hopes up or your impatience activated.

Note 2: remember, this mod is going for a "Maxis-Match" tone. It isn't going to be deadly serious. It likely could be a little more serious than shown below in the end, though. I'll see and adjust as I go.

-Note 3: I do intend for this mod to be customizable in various ways.

-Note 4: gameplay should have not only getting in trouble and getting others in trouble, but also some special lot traits, community service and outreach and other such. 

But once again, I don't want to make this a hyper-realistic work at all. No matter who you ask, just about everyone agrees that justice systems can be very flawed; I'm not here to represent any existing reality.
  I just think it could be a fun addition to the game to have Sims take each other to court over silly things they do, face Sim-like and Sim-appropriate consequences, and have Sims try to wipe that away from their history with other actions. Something of that vibe.
  Some aspects may sound a bit more real (if a baby is vanished away by the sim-cps, adoption through RPO for that same sim may be more likely to fail, for example), but overall I'm not feeling the hyper-realism vibe on that one.

These are the current thoughts about that project; let me know what you think / what you want, etc. Once again, please don't get too impatient please as my work speed is reduced to near nothing at this very moment, due to the crucial requirement of letting my hands heal :/

Thanks again everyone,



i personally think your the GOAT for this one bro ... they should put you in the HOF with basemental and sacrifial and even SOL ! you really on to something with this one and no matter what anybody say i feel like the sims world should replicate real life ... most of us play the sims to do things we realistically cant for the most part and mods like this brings the reality and fun to it the same way Simsrealist did when they made SNB mod ... this mod is definitely going to be one of my favs bro on God

Ivory Snow

Hello! I am working on a Law and Order type of let's play and would love this. Just checking in to see if this is available. I NEED it take my money lol take all the time you need


Can u please add a system where u can sue anyone for anything


love it and take all the time you need.


This looks great! Take all the time you need!!


Looks great so far. It's all good. Take time to heal.


Sounds great. Can't wait to try this =)


I can't wait for this. It's going to be awesome!


Sounds awesome! I am really looking forward to this mod!!


Thank you so much for your hard work! I hope your taking it easy


Take Care of yourself first and foremost...you can't do what you love if you don't take care of yourself. We will all still be here...Happy Halloween!!!