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I don't remember where I posted about this, and I'm having some people reach out who weren't aware, so I'll put it here too.

Some players are reporting having issues with the 'accepted pregnancy' features since recently. I'd recommend that you don't use that for now.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

I had a look at it but didn't find any obvious cause, and I can't keep doing fix after fix as I've been doing and not more complicated stuff like that, otherwise my break will never really happen. I completely hate to say it but things will just have to wait. It is that critical for my modding future that I truly try to give my hands a real break right now. If I don't and it keeps getting worse, the outcome for my modding is not good at all.
So, I advise avoiding the feature for now. After my break I will be working on v3 for this mod, and this stuff will be solved during that process.

If your sim has currently an accepted pregnancy and it's bugging out, fear not, it is not a permanent disaster - remove the 'accepted pregnancy' trait under 'actions' then 'relationship and Pregnancy Overhaul debug' then 'remove trait'. Reload the lot, and all will be well.

Thanks for your patience 💖



Please take your break! Your health comes first, and the debug menu will do its job fine until you're recovered and rested. You deserve it.

Wendy Hubble

This is not a life-changing issue for us, but not allowing yourself to heal is for you! Please take care of yourself first! I would set up some sort of out-of-office response explaining to people that you are taking a break and you will address their concerns when you return. As someone who has worked in attorney's offices for 35 years, I can tell you that this is very necessary. If people think they can get you to do things at their beck and call, they will, so you need to put a stop to it.


My dear please take care of yourself! You are one of my fav modders. I 100% get the hand thing, I have SFSN a nerve disorder and often have to take long breaks in my resin business to take care of myself to continue to the thing I love. Sending you loving and healing vibes from NC. We got you!!!


Take all the time you need. Mods can wait. I get the need to take breaks.

Lizzie S.

You're one of my favorite modders. Please take care of yourself. No game is worth your mental and physical health. Take all the time you need and enjoy the time off. <3


You’ve been working tirelessly! Thank you for all you do. Please take a break ❤️


I'm so glad that you are finally taking a break!!!!


thank you for all that you do!! I hope your break is restful and calming :)


Thanks for all that you do. Take care and have a nice break.


Please take care of yourself. Everyone can wait for you. No rush. health first .