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Hi and sorry to write again so soon, but something came to my and Deaderpool's attention yesterday.

If you do not have my lgbtqia+ mod, do NOT have MCCC or have it but do NOT have trait inheritance enabled through it, you are fine to ignore this message! Otherwise, please read :)

There is a problem (EA problem presumably) with traits that are allowed only from child age and older (only those), being sometimes considered by the game as valid for all ages (baby and up).
Mccc's trait inheritance system has, because of that issue, been grabbing traits from this mod (and potentially others) that it should not have or been able to grab.

It is NOT Deaderpool's fault and it is NOT my fault either.

Our investigation revealed that this issue happens also with vanilla game traits and outside of the context of DP's trait inheritance system.

Traits that begin being allowed at teen age and older thankfully are not having this issue, therefore no sim ended up with anything very adult on them - but all the same, sims ended up inheriting their parents' gender identities, which is not logical. 'Intersex' is also concerned, and for other traits in other mods, I'll have to check.

Of course Deaderpool was delightful and took the time to try and figure this out with me.

We couldn't figure out how and why of this, and to me it does look like a very strange EA bug. So.
To pally to that kind of thing, Deaderpool is going to add a new change to his trait inheritance system, and I made an addition that auto-removes traits that were inherited and should not have been, right after they get added, so, it'll literally be like nothing happened.

I advise to EITHER:

- Turn off trait inheritance in MCCC until Deaderpool's next update of his mod, 


- Re-download my LGBTQIA+ mod so that my addition of an auto removal takes care of the problem for you.

Today I also noticed some other things in my mod, and I also:

- fixed some v2-specific problems with Asexual sims and refusals

- now it is more clear why 'woohoo' and exercise vanish for sims who've just had surgery - obviously, it was always because they're in recovery, but now the interactions will show greyed out and say so instead of just vanishing.

- removed an accidental surgery scar being given to the wrong body type.


And this time, I do hope I get to be on my break.




You are very bad at taking breaks lol. Thanks for the heads up tho!


I know haha, that just looked like an emergency to me. But yeah my hands need this to stop, so, hopefully no more emergencies pop up 😂


I had already seen this actually - my Gen 6 heir is a child and picked up the "Male" gender identity trait from his father. Of course that's the one thing I didn't report! Honestly I didn't think anything of it, my Gen 4 heir picked up the "gay" trait from his moms when I was using a different mod to assign identities; I just thought that was how it worked. I'll download the new version of your mod and keep an eye out for the MCCC update. Thanks for the heads up and enjoy your break!!


Im not sure if anybody else has had the same problem as me, but I've found if I don't remove the pregnancy & relationship overhaul mod my sims can't use any chairs or the laundry basket for some reason, idk if some mods are clashing, but it's the only faulting unless I remove it 😭


Lol that's a little amusing, sorry. My mod doesn't have anything to do with chairs, and my Sims are sitting just fine? Did you try with only my mod in? 🤔


The problem affects all traits. I've had it now with the mod Slice of Live. Kawai has set himself to check again when "getting older" whether the personality trait still applies, so that it then changes automatically at the latest.


It's not the same thing in fact, and this issue doesn't affect all traits; it could be and is likely that SoL didn't age any age test to its traits, therefore mccc sees them as valid because game wise they are valid for all ages, 'ot codée to be blocked for any. The issue I'm talking about is traits that are coded as valid only from child and up being considered valid for babies and toddlers by the game mistakenly in some circumstances. Traits coded to be valid only for teen and yo are fine, etc. So yeah lots of mods didn't do age tests at all on their traits and therefore they are valid in mccc's inheritance system, but it's a different matter. Hope this clears it up


If you sit down with Deaderpool again : The MCCC will happily marry the Sims, but even then they are not considerate of the Sims' sexual orientation : they will marry a gay man to a woman, marry aromantic and then make it a romantic relationship. Maybe Deaderool can adjust that on occasion


You should see a setting in mccc to make it take into account the game's gender preference system, or so I have heard


It's activated. And as a percentage, the same-sex percentage is set at 50% in the MCCC. However, Sims who do not match in terms of their sexual orientation will still be married. Aromantics are not taken into account at all, because they should not be married at all. And infertile Sims are not allowed to have children. However, you are also given pregnancies via the MCCC.


I'm currently playing the 50 Baby Challenge with a sim-man. He has to raise all his babies from toddler age. And when they are teenagers, they are released "into freedom". In the MCCC I have set that my played Sims can also be married/provided with pregnancies. That's why I notice when the existing gender preferences / pregnancies are not applied.


Sorry to bug you with the same question again, but if I re-download your LGBTQIA+ mod for this issue, do I keep or delete my global settings file? Thanks!


No setting changes no, if the version number doesn't change there is never a setting change. If the version number changes, there might be setting changes, the download page will say. As of now, if you are already on v2, you can re download and Keep your settings file :)


Thank you very much for the renewed revision. I find your mod extremely good. He brings so much life to the game and I really appreciate your work. The new addon from EA has ruined a lot of the fun of playing due to the bugs that are now available. The idea of ​​the addon was good, but the implementation is poor. The prom doesn't work at all for me - as it certainly does for many others. But I'd rather do without the prom than the great mods from you and the other modders.


EA is a mess and you are all doing such a great job ♡♡♡ must be hell up keep up with this! Thanks for carrying this game.


I'm having the same problem right now with an aromantic, infertile sim getting married and having a child with his wife. Isn't there a possibility that you connect your characteristics with the markings of EA? I'm not sure if the MCCC still reacts to the labels, but before the new addon it worked. I was able to tag Sims "Never Marry" and the MCCC didn't touch the Sim. Maybe I should only allow the EA neighborhood stories first - even at the risk of not creating any pregnancies in the neighborhood at first


My mod does adjust sims to the cas system too, provided you are on v2. If it says 'aromantic' in my mod, hop into cas and you'll see the romance boxes empty. So, can you specify the issue a little more clearly and that 'never marry' business? I'm not familiar with mccc other than logging stuff. As for 'infertile' mccc simply doesn't recognize that I would guess


EA has to mark the Sims somehow for the settings in the CAS, I think. With my aromantic sim I also entered a "neither nor" in case of pregnancy. I first took the MCCC out of the mod folder. And saw that this mod had offered the labeling mentioned. Unfortunately, the MCCC markings no longer work either. They will also be ignored. I think the latest update completely broke the MCCC because I found another mod that the MCCC ignores. Too bad, so let's wait for a revision from the MCCC.


All my mods are either updated for or ok with patches


I found after removing them & adding one by one it's the only one clashing, I'm going to retry in case I accidentally missed one file in the update and that's why