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Hello everyone,

The BG update whose features were revealed yesterday will come soon before the  new pack release (which is on the 28th) and some stuff in there overlaps with my mods. So, we need to decide what to do.

- They're adding sentiment crushes - and first impressions has a sentiment crush. Should I develop that one Impression further, retire it and develop the game's own crushes (by 'develop' i Mean making a system like that of 'unexpected crushes' in lgbtqia+), both, something else?...

- they're adding 'woohoo partners' - and I've a whole mod for that. What should happen to "No Strings Attached"? Should it live on and be updated to allow all romance stuff (all kisses, all woohoo's, etc) between fwb but still without romance? or should the mod simply be retired?

- they're adding super basic gender orientations. On that, my goal will be to integrate it to my mod and vice-versa.

- I expect a lot of breakage for this patch. I'll fix up the mods that break of course.

What are your wishes and thoughts on all this?

Much love and thanks,



You do excellent work. Whatever you decide, I'm sure it will be great. I use many of your mods. These enrich the game way beyond the sometimes weak attempts by the Sims 4 developers. I think it would be good to wait and see (unless you have a pre-copy) of the effects of the new system.


I agree with Shane the best bet is to wait and see. While I'm sure there will be more than enough room to improve whatever the Sims team puts out. I think you should see what's there before making any decisions. I know they (the Sims team) are doing their best within their corporate restraints still, I am 100% positive you will be able to create something that feels complete and focused. I love your work and appreciate all your efforts time and energy.

Nicolette Hogue

I would wait and see. If they are no longer needed then maybe best to retire them? So you can focus on the others ? I’m sure it would take away a lot of burden. But If there’s some things that the update is missing that your mods may have. Then maybe tweak it and downsize it. I think if the sims team has made it possible for a mod to become obsolete. Makes it somewhat better so the modders can refocus and not have so many projects. A lot of you I think seem worn out. Do what’s best for you. You’re working on a big project. Have the relationship wellness mods,


I would wait to see as well. Though I do like the idea of expanding on EA's sentiments. I'd see how the Woohoo partners work, too, and build on it.


I don't really understand how everything works with creating and integrating mods, but I do know that any and everything you do is SIGNIFICANTLY better than what EA will put out. Sam D. (above) put it very eloquently. I would love to see "No Strings Attached" live on. I love that mod and the Friends with Benefits option. It adds so much to the game - particularly when they start to develop feelings for each other. I have had a blast playing great story lines with that feature alone. My vote would be for you to continue updating your "No Strings Attached" and "LGBTQIA+" mods and integrating them as much as possible with EA's changes. As far as the sentiment crushes, maybe take a wait and see approach to that one. If EA does a decent job on it, maybe you can just let that one go. If what they do is completely lame (LOL), then maybe at some point you can circle back and develop a crushes system further. It is one of the more fun sentiments. So that's my two cents. Thank you so much for asking for feedback. I absolutely love your mods and don't think I could ever go back to playing the game without them. <3

A.E Romst

Had to watch a few videos before answering. My vote is to develop the game's sentiment crushes because it does seem like it happens after a few socials and your mod has the ability to change crushes if we want (i kind of like to control my game sometimes). Don't retire No Strings Attached just yet, I feel your mod is much more developed than what they've done. Again if it's possible you can develop what they've done or create a separate menu. Thank you so much for your mods, I adore them!

mightypistachio (Rhyan - TheyThem)

I really like the No Strings Attached mod. As others above have said, your mod is much more fleshed out with how sims can end up developing feelings for each other. As for the crush sentiment, is it a BG sentiment or a HSY sentiment? If its BG, I think building upon that one would make more sense, but probably using some of your previously existing text and whatnot for it. Thanks for all you do in the modding community!! Your mods are my favorite by far!


Hello! I'm new to the mod and so far, I love everything. My main concern is with the new sexual orientation options. I'm hoping that the mod will update sims' orientation and identity when we choose them from your menu. I really don't want to go into CAS for every sim / household for this. Thank you for sharing your talent with us! <3


No matter what, you won't have to go into cas. That much I can guarantee. For everything else, I have no clue whatsoever and won't until I get my hands on the patch and can look through its code

Lizzie S.

I expect a lot of breakage too. :/ Which means delays for some of my favorite modders. But it's worth the wait! :) I really like your No Strings Attached mod. It works well for a few of the stories/games I'm playing. Your LGBTQIA+ mod is spectacular! I doubt EA can even come close. As for sentiment crushes, I think it's fun for it to happen unexpectedly, which is another reason I wholeheartedly use these mods in all my games. I'm looking forward to seeing the integrations.


I personally love No Strings Attached. I feel like it adds a lot that the game,even with the update would miss. I personally use it often.