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Hey everyone!

In case I get to push my design into prototype form for this 'law and disorder' project sometime soon - I thought I'd ask you a few things.

See, I don't get to play the game anymore - most modders don't, modding takes all our sims 4-related time - and I forgot most of the things I wanted to 'crimialize'. 

I remember Sims putting spying devices on other sims, stealing, fighting, using dangerous spells, paying bribes, getting randomly naked... All of which fits. 

But yeah, if you could tell me what you've noticed as well, and be pretty clear about it (interaction names even, if you know them) so that it would speed up the process for me to find all the things we could give sims trouble for and impact them that way. 

Even for the stuff I mentioned above, if you recall the contexts / interaction names for it, feel free to say. This way I don't have to play for hours trying to figure it out haha. Because I haven't really had a chance to play more than a few hours in two years and memory's been fading bad.

Please remember that I need to take a break (haven't started that yet haha) for my hands to not completely give up on me. And I have a ton of work with all the mods. And there's a game update coming. So, I do my best, but I can't do everything in two minutes. Your answers here would help with those limitations and help me get to the core of this work faster.

- Lumpinou



I would love you forever if you made your mod compatible with Carl's Guide's mod that introduces burglars but understand this may not be feasible and you are already very busy.


What would be super cool is if sims in the police career track can have the interaction to arrest sims they see doing illegal things.


You are my favourite modder and I can't wait to see what shape this mod takes. I've been wanting something like this for ever.


Yes, that would be great! Maybe police officer Sims might be able to have a special interaction with a police dog, if the dog was given a "Law Enforcement Partner" trait. Dogs already have the "Sleuth" trait, so maybe that could be used as a base.


Child neglect (not filing children's needs) Applying to the new High school years would be teens sneaking out of the house (Sims 3 throwback) Woohooing in public


child neglect for sure! Hate that there are no realistic consequences for it such as large fine or rabbit hole prison time


maybe charges for alien abduction because I hate when my sims are forced to give birth lol


Sorry that I don’t know the interaction names because the pack isn’t out yet, but maybe criminal charges for teens pulling pranks or sneaking out ?

Lizzie S.

Please take care of yourself. I appreciate everything you've given us, but you deserve R&R. Don't ever apologize for that! :)

Lizzie S.

Opps, posted before finished - I like the idea of a little public indecency charge - maybe a fine - for streaking or public woohoo - if caught. I remember teens getting in trouble and being brought home in a cop car and lectured by their parents in Sims 3. I don't know if that's necessarily a fine or jail time for breaking curfew, but it was fun to see. We don't exactly have cars in TS4 so that would be difficult. Fines for public graffiti would be interesting too (though they kind-of encourage it in base game). I really loved burglars in all the Sims games beforehand. Perhaps the option of fighting a burglar in your home and they can be arrested by the cops, or on a random chance, escape. Skipping class as a teen would have an interesting consequence (I know we're getting detention with this upcoming pack). Maybe too many classes skipped would result in lower grades. And I do recall the option to create a counterfeit painting in earlier Sims games (Sims 2 even had a counterfeiting machine in University, I believe). I see consequences for crimes in an escalating way: 1st time offenses might just be a warning and a negative relationship buff, 2nd time offense might be a fine, 3rd time offense might be appearing in court and chance cards for the outcomes - i.e. larger fines or even jail time (greyed out - can't play that household member for a set in-game time). Long term results of jail time could include loss of relationship status with significant others, family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and bosses - unless of course, you're in the criminal career already, so that might offer a boost in relationship, pay raise, or unexpected promotion). Also jail time could equate to loss of a job or difficulty acquiring another job while a buff is in play. Sims could possibly pay to have the charges expunged from their records. I'm totally dreaming here and this might be entirely impossible to do with a mod, or way too time consuming. Just some food for thought.

Hot Mess Simmer

People in apartments should get fined if their music is too loud past a certain time. You should also get a fine if you have a party last too late or for doing fireworks too late if it's not a holiday.