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Hello everyone.
Hapy May to you and thanks for being here!

Nothing greatly exciting today, but here goes. Just to let you know that my new global settings menu for RPO is pretty much finished and only needs testing, so I am back to working on the new add-ons full force. The first focus is AddOn 10. 

------[AddOn 10 Description] - The Plan ----------------------------

I'm partly going to be repeating stuff I already said when announcing the module, really. It is still too early for me to say exactly how things will go.

First, I'll quote myself from some time ago, about my hopes for this add-On:

    Any [...] combination of orientations and identities should be equally representable and impactful through this system. When I mean 'impactful', some examples: Don't expect an Aromantic sim to ever gain romance points, and do expect to see some new relationship types. A sex-averse asexual won't be jumping on every chance to woohoo, quite the contrary, and will react accordingly. A Sim strictly attracted to women will stick to that attraction and not see it change randomly, unless that's what you set. Etc etc.

    I am still calling it an 'add-on' at this time because at the moment I am not trying to make 'coming out' aspects and etc, once again, I'm not here to re-make existing works etc etc. If you all express a need for more gameplay of this type, it can also be considered for later, provided that nobody else is doing it.

This is still the idea I am going by at the moment, and I will try to push the 'gameplay impact' as far as I can in terms of affecting existing game parts!

------[Preview] Prototype of Selection Screen Series -------------------

For now, I have very little that I can actually screenshot and show, as I am working on creating and setting up a bunch of code instances and not yet on connecting everything or making moodlets or any such.

But to begin, I can show you the prototype for orientation & identity choices.


As promised, Sims will be able to define gender identity, romantic attraction and physical attraction. This is done 'all at once' through a series of windows that lets you make the decisions (at least for initial selections).

The windows follow each other automatically until everything has been gone through. They go in this order:

1- Gender identity

2- Romantic attraction - experience

(2.5- If "Aromantic" is selected, depending on how things get put together there might be an additional prompt asking about openness to form relationships and of what type - we'll see)

3- Romantic attraction - targets

4- Physical attraction - experience

(4.5-If "Asexual" is selected, an additional prompt asks about the Sim's attitudes and feelings regarding woohoo on the personal scale)

5- Physical Attraction - targets

Here is a preview of the prototype. 

Disclaimer: TEXT NEEDS WORK and some text and options are STILL MISSING. Once I have a 'finished' version of the text, I will also run it by the community for review, as some of this I am more strongly familiar with myself, and others not as much. So no need to freak out about exact wordings just yet as I'm still just focusing on the code right now!  :)

NO ICONS YET as I haven't made them yet. Had some random one in that I covered in the screenshots.

For subsequent selections (ie making a change to a Sim's orientation and / or gender identity), it will possible to re-do the whole thing as above or to change just one aspect instead - this will also affect 'cas gender settings' if I can make it safely. If a change made impacts many other aspects, though, something more might prompt up in case the specific situation doesn't lend itself well to fully automatic shifts.

-------- Gameplay Notes ------------------------------------------------------

- Gender preference will correspond to the choices made above and not float around unless you choose for a Sim to not know for sure. So Sims will behave according to their orientations. Flirting with a sim who is not attracted to one's gender will most certainly result in failure and a message explaining why.

- Aromantic sims n't gain romance. They get new relationship types & metrics instead, if they're interested.

- Asexuals get different reactions to WooHoo depending on the polarity of their feelings re. woohoo. Chances of refusing to WooHoo will also be affected accordingly and therefore be variable even across asexual sims, as it is in real life...

- Sims will be able to ask and tell each other about all these aspects regarding themselves, and react depending on if the combination seems fitting or not.

---------- Questions FOR YOU ---------------------------------------

- I have been debating whether to include a "pronoun" choice window or not, considering IT WOULD NOT DO ANYTHING other than have Sims be able to ask and tell each other their pronouns. Because of that 'cosmetic only' aspect and the EA team working on a pronoun update, I don't know if I should put the work in this. What do you all think?

- Auto assignments! How do you feel about that? I've been thinking I will make an OPTION to have some sims in the world be assigned various identities / orientations etc. I would probably look at real life percentage estimates for default numbers and inflate them a little because I imagine they're lower than actual numbers. Should this auto assignment apply only to NPCs, to played and NPC?
EDIT, Just to be clear this would be fully customizable in terms of numbers etc and so on various levels. I'm only talking for default numbers above.
EDIT 2: Shared some prototypes of the types of settings there would be HERE.
--------- Current Status ------------------------------------------

- As far as the 'cosmetic aspect' of things, ie, visible traits, etc, all of them exist already (so technically at this point I can already assign whatever I want to my sims and see it in their traits). But these visible markers do near to nothing at this point as I am still working on making the gameplay impacts and have not yet connected these impacts to the elements that they are affiliated with.

- Aromantic sims already have said goodbye to romance points. Frank had to give a second look at my code because I was stuck on this, so, thanks Frank for explaining my mistake.

- I have some reactions and refusal to woohoo half-prepared.

- Side note, some things I make for this are vaguely similar to things I'll use for the WooHoo Drive addOn, whose main metric I have therefore also been working on at the same time.

This will still need a TON of work so don't get too excited. I expect to finish it this month because really, this isn't supposed to be an insane add-on in terms of added gameplay, but to be more focused on altering existing gameplay. But DO NOT take this as an 'official release date' or whatever else. I'm just chatting my feeling and that's it. We shall see!!


Feedback is more than welcome.
Especially because no lone person can know all or represent all of the LGBTQIA+ community, so I
NEED your feedback so that we all feel that things get done right :D
And if this all looks like already a disaster, I need to hear it now, so do be honest with me :)

I will throw a post out for our higher tiers to make some suggestions, probably sometime later this week so I can keep it all in mind.
I'll show more progress either next week or mid-month depending how fast and nicely things are shaping up.

Bye for now,



This looks amazing and I'm so excited for it! I don't think you'll need to add pronouns since the Sims team is actively working on it. It just seems like more work for you that will be pointless soon. I noticed on your screenshot that "Biromantic" is just limited to two genders. Does that mean that they would only be attracted to male and female? Is the "Bisexual" similar? As a bisexual woman we get a lot of hate in the community saying that we're transphobic (including non-binary peeps) even though that is not the case. So it just makes me a bit uncomfy. Not trying to be dramatic, just looking for clarification.


Love love love the asexual representation!


Initially I put 'two or more' but I'm still pondering because most sources put it as just 'two' and pan as the other alternative. Bi Sims would get to pick genders they're attracted to, to 'bypass' this ambiguity but as I said up there, wording is not at all final and will be subject to razor sharp discussion etc when time comes :) for now I take note of your message. Wording is really tricky to 'get right' in any circumstances and almost turned me out of making these features at all. As for bi being automatically called transphobic, well, it would likely be stupid of anyone to call an entire chunk of the community phobic as a whole. I'm sure there's some phobic bi people as well as non phobic bi people and we can't just make massive generalization as to everyone in one shot. And there's trans people who call themselves bi, too. But all that would be another debate - just saying that wording will be hard to get to a 100% 'nobody can find fault with it' point, but thzt I will hope the community will help me to get it there or as close as possible to it. So, thank you for sharing your feeling on it


Thank you for taking the time to read my message. I'm well aware that it's all so complicated that having to program specifics makes it impossible to get something that will please everyone. I just wanted to mention it since it could reenforce harmful assumptions that are made towards the bisexual community and I doubted that was your intention at all. I hope that I didn't come across as rude or negative. Even just as it is above I think it looks amazing and I can't wait to be able to put it in my game. Sending all the love!


Oh my gosh, not rude at all, on the contrary! I absolutely need this! I want these wordings to be not just the product of my definitions and what internet research turns up especially on the stuff of it that I'm not personally involved with, but a collaboration with people! And of course I do not intend at all to suggest the bi community is automatically transphobic or any such thing. I think when I'm ready to get the text truly done, I'll gather suggestions for all of it and then do polls for every bit! And hopefully that will work out!


I'm glad I came across correctly. I figured that wasn't your intention. I'll be here for the polls. Thank you so much for all your hard work. This is a must-have mod for me and I can't imagine playing without it :)


Loving this! I love the idea of auto-assigning identities/orientations, to both NPCs and played Sims. With pronouns being more cosmetic, I likely wouldn't use that feature too much personally. Super excited about aromantic and asexual respresentation!!


I'm glad most people agree that it would be a bit of a useless effort to do Pronouns considering the 'refer' mod exists and EA are supposedly working on it haha. And hm yes, ace and aro rep was honestly what was most capital to me (and at first the only part of things I was going to do even), that and (once I'd realized existing lgbtqia+ mods didn't do the following), making Sims actually act and react to romance in ways more fitting to their orientations, ie wlw Sims for example should probably not fall for every man that passes by. Excited to keep working on these goals


Hi! As a biromantic person I too want to chime in here and give my opinion on the “two genders”-thing because that’s not really correct from the definitions bisexual/biromantic people use. I’ve seen someone else bring it up and I just wanted to give my two cents here too. Not trying to be rude at all, I know it’s confusing and complicated haha. (Also side note but massive thank you for uploading high quality images of the text.) I’m speaking here as someone who identifies as bi and has several bi and pan friends and has also done a lot of research on the topic because I, too, was confused about the differences when it came to anything beyond “both of these sexualities exist and are valid.” Sometimes pan gets used as a term within the bisexual umbrella as “attraction regardless of gender”—meaning for people who, specifically, don’t have a gender preference when it comes to attraction where bi people might or might not have one (I am attracted to people of all genders but have a preference for more female-presenting people, for example). This doesn’t mean that bi people always have a preference, or that someone can’t be pan if they do have one, it’s just one possible definition that people might use. Sometimes they’re seen as two separate but heavily overlapping sexualities and people just pick whichever term they’re more comfortable with. There is no one way which people define the identity especially in regards to how it differs from pan which is what makes it so confusing. Historically, bi has not ever meant “attraction to two genders and two genders alone”. The term “bi” meaning “two” is where that interpretation/confusion comes from but it’s incorrect. This article puts it very well and has a couple of excellent quotes if you’re interested in some additional perspective on the term bisexuality: http://www.bisexualorganizingproject.org/whats-up/bi-pan-and-the-insufficiency-of-prefixes The term “pansexuality” on the other hand only came into existence later than bi as means of challenging the gender binary. This in itself is not a bad thing at all, but with it came people claiming that bisexuals can only be attracted to two genders and that it’s a transphobic sexuality while pansexuality is trans-inclusive. Those problematic origins are why some bisexuals consider the sexuality in itself biphobic, since it was created to be the “better, more inclusive sexuality than bi” despite bisexuality already including trans people. That’s not really how the term is used today at all, and while it’s important to know these historical origins, I think it’s really problematic that some bi people use an outdated definition to hurt young pan people and make this into a fight despite our sexualities being very closely related. This is why I’m personally super happy to see both sexualities be included. If you want to differentiate the two in the mod, it might be cool to have an option for gender preference for bi sims to be more attracted to others who present in a feminine or masculine way, maybe via percentage, but that’s just my personal opinion, and might be good to have a poll on if it’s possible at all. In general, I think it’s important to recognize that there’s no way you will make everyone happy with whatever text you end up picking, because of how much the existing definitions differ. I think your idea of letting people vote and have input on the text is very good, and it’s important to remind yourself that even if you won’t be perfect at the end, you’re really putting in effort, and that means a lot to a lot of people, myself included :) As an aspec person I’m extra excited for that aspect :D Also I have a question, how do the sexualities work functionally? Is bisexual/biromantic etc. programmed as only including male and female as a default? Would for example attraction to females exclusively mean that they’d react negatively if a nonbinary or genderfluid person flirted with them? Asking because one common definition I see for lesbian is “attraction to non-males” and attraction to nonbinary people is often seen as being included in all sexualities. To answer some of the questions you asked in the post, I also think while pronouns would be neat it makes more sense to wait for the EA update and then once that’s out depending on how your genders function maybe find a way to connect them, but it doesn’t make much sense to include it now. And I, too, would love the option to randomize the sexualities of NPC sims and maybe played sims when I don’t feel like setting it myself ^^ In general it looks great so far and I’m delighted to see some of the less-known aspec sexualities (I’m demisexual myself so seeing that here makes my heart grow two sizes, and it’s also really great that you can pick the different kinds of relationships ace sims have with sex, I’m very excited). I always adore the mods you put out and this add-on might be the one I look forward to the most out of all of them, I’m super excited for it! Take your time and don’t push yourself, I’m certain it will be worth the wait :) I’m sorry, I know this is a lot, I hope that’s okay and I don’t come across as pushy or rude, I just know it’s a complicated and confusing matter and I just wanted to help. I had a very good bisexual history featuring pansexuality article at one point that I can’t find anymore, if you’re interested in that and want some more cited sources or have other questions, let me know!

Heidi Wilde

I will put my half-penny opinion, since you're gathering opinions, but I don't have any insight to share as what I know best is me, and I'm a hetero female. No big mysteries here hehe But I do like my Sims to have variety. What I hate is when I try and set them to be/try to figure out what they should be and they just all flirt with everything -.- So I'm very excited about the part of this that will stop them from doing that. I think options are always best (as long as it isn't too difficult to code), but I honestly don't think you should put too much time into the pronouns part since the Sims team is working on a base game update. Especially if, like you said, it's only going to be cosmetic. I think your time would be better spent on all your other wonderful ideas. I'm really looking forward to this add-on. :) It sounds like I will learn a lot from it too, so that's exciting.


this is going to be awesome! I think auto assignment is important just as well as randomization. do you think this will/can be integrated with woohoo wellness/wicked whims attraction system?


Yes time x100000 to the option for automated settings… I am terrible at decision making and usually just end up picking the same stuff every time.. options for automation are a muuuuuust! :)


Interesting ! I'd love the randomization for NPCs (I tend to know what I want for my own sims because I always have some sort of back story in my head when I create them). Will assigning a gender identity color the reaction sims will have? Example : PimpMySims4's LGBT mod has a bunch of traits and they were supposed to act that way, a lesbian sims for exemple would be uncomfortable flirting with a male and you'd get a moodlet, etc... They're not really active now so this hasn't really been implemented and everything is kind of cosmetic, aside from some traits. Would this add-on have an influence for WW user?


I think it is all complicated and confusing. Researching it has not been helpful or made it any easier since info is completely different depending on the source. For a long time due to previous research I've taken bi as being 'two or more' and pan to be 'any' - but for all I know that's either an outdated or local only definition, being that America's view on terms is not necessarily that of the whole world - and last week I read a lot of places saying 'exclusively two genders' for bi, so I changed my text accordingly. I must agree with you here very much that at this point, we have to recognize that these terms are simply not used universally to mean one specific thing and different definitions exist, making this extremely complex! Which is why I can't do it alone, it's not as simple as opening a dictionary haha. That's why I said it'd be suggestions and polls. And of course if gameplay needs adjustments accordingly, that be done as well. The mod does not assume what genders bi Sims are attracted to - they need to specify it themselves. So if you pick 'bi', then you will have to specify genders. There is another big difficulty. I considered to put 'non gender conformist / non binary / basically non cis' as possible option for attraction. But. I fear that doing so would look like reinforcing an idea that one must 'pass as nonbinary' and such. And that's a problem. All the same, I am talking about gender not simply as a physical thing but as an identity. And that is possible to feel attraction to a certain gender identity which is not in the binary model and not 'the third gender' as some would have it - which makes this an impossible riddle! So I don't know if I can safely add the 'attracted to non cis people' option. Also because of people who fetishize trans people and whatnot. An opinion on that would be welcome because I am very torn here


Yes, the whole point of doing this is so that Sims react accordingly to their orientations and identities. Any WW integration would have to be thought about only much later when everything is done. And then even if some intégration be possible, there would be no guarantee that it would happen. But for now it is extremely too early to even think about as it can't be determined until things are done


Any WW integration would have to be thought about only much later when everything is done. And then even if some intégration be possible, there would be no guarantee that it would happen. But for now it is extremely too early to even think about as it can't be determined until things are done


My opinion, do not add an "attracted to non cis people" option. I think you are right that it would reinforce the fetishization of trans people. I think what you currently have in the screenshot really covers attraction and sexuality inclusiveness well. I think a specific option for only on-cis would be something to avoid.


Also, what Eleena said was the long form of what I was saying the other day. I totally agree 100%. I love the idea of the difference in the mod being a percentage preference. I wouldn't even mind if mechanically it was the same as pan, but there was text to say a sims percentage preference. If it mechanically works the same as pan then it wouldn't limit the player's options (also probably easier to code) and the text would work more for flavor to give validation to their preferences and identity if that makes sense. I'm super appreciative of this mod so I'm trying to think of the easiest way for you to do it lol


We have to keep in mind we are looking to have something work functionally here and not just cosmetically, and here I am a bit unclear on one thing you two wrote. For this optic, I don't really understand what you two mean about a 'percentage' at all and how it represents something in reality. Could you please re formulate and detail? My mod plan made it so that bi Sims must select genders they are attracted to. Meanwhile pan Sims don't choose anything, it's just implied everything is fine with them


I do wanna point out that I’m not from America, I’m European, and at least in my country bi as “two or more” is also the common definition so it’s not an USA-local thing, that much I know. I of course don’t know exactly for which countries you found those definitions though haha One big question I still have right now would be which options are there to choose from for bi sims, since that’s a part that isn’t included here and that of course heavily influences how bi and pan work respectively. Regarding your question, the idea for the preference percentage would essentially be that bi sims can be attracted to two or more genders but possibly be more drawn to male or female presentation. I’m thinking of something similar to the Kinsey scale if you know what that is, and it’s related to how a lot of (but not all) bi people while being attracted to two or more genders might feel more drawn to people who present in a more feminine or more masculine way. Game mechanics-wise maybe you could have it work in a way that if someone prefers male-presenting sims, the romance bar with female-presenting sims moves up a little slower than that with male-presenting sims, which could for example stick with game default, and how much slower depends on how strong the preference is? The default percentage could be 50/50 for the bar to fill up equally fast for both presentations, and then you could move in convenient steps like maybe 10% or 20% in both directions? So a sim could be 40% attracted to male presentation and 60% attracted to female presentation and then their romance bar fills up a little slower with male-presenting sims than it does in the game regularly, or 10% for female presentation and 90% for male and then the romance bar goes up far slower for female-presenting sims than for male-presenting sims? Or if you don’t want to make it quite as complicated for yourself, you could just have extra options for bi that say attracted to male and female presentation equally & attracted to male and female presentation but more to female/more to male. And then adjust the romance bar filling up a little slower for one than the other? That’s the easiest way I can think of to make it affect game mechanics without being completely all over the place. If WW ends up being compatible with its attraction system, it could work with just more frequently finding female-presenting sims attractive or male-presenting sims attractive/finding one automatically more attractive than the other, but absolutely no pressure with including that. Otherwise an idea like this would be sheer impossible to do without implementing an entire attraction system into this mod, which would be far too much effort and which I’d never ask of you, hence the suggestion with the romance bars. Also I absolutely agree with what you and Chandra said about not adding an option to be attracted specifically to trans sims because that would probably be fetishizing and alienating to trans people, the question regarding how attraction to nonbinary sims works was really just because I’m not sure what exactly the options are you can pick when you choose who you’re attracted to/how the mod would treat specifically sims who have their gender identity selected as nonbinary if they flirt with someone who identifies as bi/gay/lesbian respectively.


I am European too haha. So 'amusingly', 'two or more' which was my original text, would have been more fitting than the 'strict two' that my research of last week yielded. This is exactly why I almost didn't do this module haha. It is very difficult. Percentages are partially usable. Partially because using the game's gender preference system, I can throw some of that in. But in other systems it might not work. I can't say what the better design shall be at this point for achievability. We are working with complicated things here and it is not simple to begin with and my system itself is not simple either. The work starts not with ideas of doing this and that (if it were that simple we'd have modded non object babies already), but with a vague sense of a purpose without precisely any strict wish on how to do it, and looking at the game and looking at what can be or cannot be achieved and building from there. The bigger difficulty is how the game's gender systems and my systems will interact and this shall hold many an obstacle or many a promise. As for romance bars, since you mentioned them, a little warning, they are always to work with very cautiously due to their stupid bilaterality... Any romance bar effect might be completely canceled out OR taken out in the opposite direction altogether if the other sim involved has multipliers in the other direction etc. So if we rely only on this, then there can be anti representation instead of representation. For this reason, romance bar impact is definitely not an end-all feature. This kind of stuff will be in there but it won't be all and can't be completely counted on. But all this shall depend on how things go as I progress -. To be very clear, I didn't mean 'attracted to trans people' specifically - just, in terms of romance, open to and in tune with specifically non normative gender identities (not all of which id as trans). Some people mostly non cis themselves will find it easier to fall in love with someone who isn't in the strict binary and cis, this having nothing to do with fetishizing. BUT because I am well aware of the problem of the fetishizing of trans people and of the problem of those who insist non binary is something someone should pass as, or is simply a third gender, this kind of feature likely would not sit right, which is what I was saying and I see that you two or three agree. So, if this doesn't exist, non binary Sims would have to be accepted by everyone. But some would argue that their physical appearance should then count because it would in real life. And that's a tough thing to address. And that's where another major pickle stands. For trans Sims as well, who I would want to count as the gender they identify with-. So the answer to your question of 'what reaction would Sims have about non binary sims', the answer is a bit of a 'I don't know yet'


Yeah I absolutely get that, it’s a super messy and complicated topic and there is basically no way to make everyone happy. For what it’s worth, I absolutely admire that you’re doing this and I’m super thankful for you being so willing to listen and communicate with people like me. I’m sorry if I came across pushy in any way. I wasn’t even aware the game had its own gender preference system, honestly (I haven’t been around for a very long time and wouldn’t even know where to start with modding personally, although the idea very much intrigues me). It would be awesome if that could help make this work, but it’s fine if not! And yeah I can’t even imagine how difficult it has to be to work within the confines of this game and the rules the existing programming sets on certain things, it’s amazing that you’ve been able to figure out all the things you have. I didn’t think about the romance bar thing working both ways, that sounds very annoying to deal with :/ I was reading up on Road to Romance yesterday so that’s where I got the idea, but yeah it’s a moot point if it’s gonna go both ways. It was just the first thought I had in that regard as someone not super experienced with the game. At least I managed to get across what I meant with the percentage thing, sorry I wasn’t very helpful otherwise… And yeah it’s absolutely different that some non-cis people will find it easier to fall in love with other non-cis people because of both shared experience and also just generally feeling safer around them, which is also I think why some bi or pan people, ace people etc. might be more drawn to other queer people as partners rather than straight ones because there’s hope of a different kind of understanding of the issues and the different stereotypes that one might have less hope for when it comes to a potential straight partner. But that’s not so much to do with general sexuality and more with the likeliness of feeling accepted and respected and isn’t so much that someone is, say, attracted to bisexual or nonbinary people because of features, if that makes sense? I’d personally like it if nonbinary/genderfluid attraction was just included in all sexualities. Not letting one pick whether they’re okay with being attracted to nonbinary/genderfluid people does avoid the issue of fetishization of these characters to an extent because there unfortunately are people who get very awful about stuff like that :/ It would also avoid the risk of unintentionally enforcing the “bi is inherently more transphobic than pan”-stereotype if otherwise being okay with dating people outside the gender binary would be included in the pan identity by default but not in the bi identity. I know I ramble a lot, I’m really sorry, I hope I’m not being too annoying…


Not annoying nor pushy at all! And I still want to do sth with the romance bars, was just saying that it can't be all because otherwise it might even give messages in ways opposite of what is wanted, but paired with other things, this limitation would be less of a problem. The aspect of kinship and understanding etc playing into attraction is indeed not about sexual attraction but more related to romantic attraction, in which that stuff can definitely play a part - and being that romantic attraction is also part of this add on, that matter had still a validity that way. So, yeah, it's just complicated haha. (But yes I agree that I probably will prefer as well to just include non binary etc in everything.) Anyways, I'll try to take it one headache at a time, because as of now I am getting a little overwhelmed haha, and as always I start out thinking 'oh I'm going to do something simple and small' only to realize that I have devised some madness that will be nothing simple and nothing small 😂😅 but if the result is ok in the end, it'll be worth it. So, bear with me while I continue progress, as if I keep my calm and therefore my work focused on one thing at a time, hopefully I'll soon have more details on what I am exactly going to be able to do and how. Throwing some ideas in lately and testing things out but there are definitely some difficulties to overcome 😅


Yep, automated settings. Less work for me (primary), parallels how gender ID and sexuality are, and adds an element of chaos that's fun--"chaos" as in randomness. So happy this is being implemented, thanks!


I'm so excited for this. I love the auto assignment idea and would also love that option for playable/active sims as well. Sometimes I prefer my sims make those choices on their own. I would also love the chance to make some of these choices (gender identity) when they are children if possible? Obviously romantic characteristics can wait until teen+.