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Here we go, I am ready to collect suggestions for revisions of the text of the LGBTQIA+ module of Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul [RPO] 

(by the way, just as for AddOn 7, this will also have a Standalone Version / release, for people who want these features but do not want RPO).

PLEASE do not share this form link at large. You can share it with people you know in real life, privately, but please do not share it on social media or outside of your immediate circle

Why? Because I don't want people to even remotely think it's related to EA as that could get me and my mods in trouble and danger (and I really would like to never get a 'Cease and Desist', and since you are here supporting me, I'm sure you wouldn't like that either. Note, it's fine for me to use a poll for my patrons etc, and patreon polls are not the best so I used google forms for this, but it's not fine if this spreads around and people start thinking the poll is an EA related move or thing). Also if thousands upon thousands ended up filling the form, it'd be near impossible to look through all of it in a timely manner anyways!. 

Thanks for your help and looking forward to seeing your replies.


What about the progress on the addOn? We're progressing, for example Sims can and will indeed now refuse advances from Sims of a gender identity they have no interest in (and let them know); demisexuals/demiromantics can and will refuse advances from sims they don't have strong friendship with, etc, things are advancing. There are roadblocks on some aspects of my plans, and some of them are not small, but one thing at a time things move forward. :)
Because it is moving forward is why I am starting up the text review process now! :D

Thanks for your time!




And what if we don't want any changes to the existing attraction module?


What existing attraction module? What are we speaking about? In any case, if you mean that you plan use add-on 10 but want it to be only cosmetic (ie no effect on whether a sim will accept romance from another or not), you can do that as there's a switch option for that. If you don't want add-on 10 you can leave it out as for all other modules and add ons etc


Sorry. What I mean is, what if I don’t want any of the other pronouns or LGBTQIA+ stuff? Will you create a « neutral » version of this new module you are working on? The one you’re talking right above.


Gotcha. We have a misunderstanding I think. If you don't want lgbtqia+ stuff, you would just remove that module entirely from the mod. I am not making an attraction system here. That's something I have many times considered but I've not reached a plan for a way to do things the way I would want to. So here this is not what that is about. This is an add on (which is supposed to mean 'small module' in my classifications) about making Sims react in ways that make sense with who they're attracted to in terms of sexual and romantic orientation, not in terms of 'likes blue eyes' and 'hates formal wear'. I hope that makes sense?


just an fyi, the last question where you ask us to disclose how we identify doesn’t let you select more than one option


HA oopsie lemme look I mean it's really optional anyways but still


All done, I just want to say how great this all looks =)


This mod means so much to me! Thank you!!