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Hello everyone and for those of you who are on the calendar that changes years on the 31 of December, happy new year!!!!! 

For the mod:

- I spend THE ENTIRE DAY trying to get un-stuck a piece of the child support thing that got stuck. There is an element that suddenly refuses to re-load and loop, causing the support to go through only once. I have not been able to solve it. I have to give up at this point and will try again tomorrow....... so I am putting in this only the cyclical visit thingie and a few other tiny additions...

- I recommend WAITING a few days / a week until I've updated this more and it has more functionalities and stability

- If you really want to test things out early: consider this a very BETA version of the addition of the cyclical and shared custody visits. Expect little idiosyncrasies (perhaps wrong sim name in wrong place, things like that). If you do decide to test with this, let me know how it goes and please report... (for install, you'd replace the files of the same name from previous release with these here). But once again, I believe it's best to wait.... I will put some screenshots on the Trello board of what things are looking like.

Sorry again... I'm exhausted and burned out and I just need more time...

Let's end the year on a positive note, thank you again for your support, understanding and encouragements. I hope for you that the new year will bring good things and a sense that renewal and improvements are always possible.





Happy New Year


Happy new year! I’m amazed at what you CAN achieve already in your mods so take your time. X


You are so, so amazing! Thank you for all your hard work to make amazing mods. Have a very happy new year and take some very-deserved time for yourself!


Happy New year may it be your best one yet.

Riley Blanco

Thank you for all of your hard work!


Happy New Year


Happy New Year, and take all the time you need. I am glad to wait.


Happy New Year ! has anyone reported your mods broken? I am trying to figure out why my UI keeps glitching out


None of my mods is broken. Do you have a mod that needs the mood pack but don't have the mood pack? Have you updated mccc and UI cheats and columns in cas, if you have them?


I’m gonna try that! I actually don’t have mccc because it kept frozing the game, and I try not to use too many ui cheats, cause my game will crash. I have mostly your mods, WW , and basemental. Anything I’m too scared. I may just try redownloading everything


My sim can't announce her pregnancy because she doesn't have the moodlet. Any suggestions?


Hey! I was just playing with your mod the other day, and I thought.. How coool and realistic it would be, that after you give your child up for adoption yoh could try and get them back? Until your child stays “baby/toddler/child) age to be able to reach oht to adoptive parents and try to ask them for the custody back or just try and go to the “court” and fight over the child’s rights? And let’s say things like if sim employed or not, household funds (sim reputation if you have get to work pack) would influence if your sim will get the child back? Just a thought and suggestion! Im sorry if it come off rude! By no mean i want to tell you how and what to do with YOUR creations!!! 💖💖 Just a simple thought that popped in to my head, as i was playing.


Very much enjoying playing with the custody options. It's bringing a lot more life to my game. It seems to be doing very well in-game. The only thing I've come across is that when I choose to send my sim kid for a 3 day visit it'll allow me to do that and it'll send them for 3 days but the notification that pops up after I've chosen the 3 day option says that it is sending my sim's kid for 1 day.


Yeah I've seen that in my code too and will have it right for the next update :) thanks very much!