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Hello everyone, there's something I'd like to talk with you about today. But first...

1. Status on WHW module 10

To get this out of the way first: WHW module 10 is LATE :(
If you joined just for this, PLEASE do feel free to ask for a refund and don't be shy! You can just PM 'hey I want a refund' and I'll give it no questions asked.
I truly encourage anyone frustrated by these delays or just plain ol' not happy with their subscription to ask for a refund. This matters very very much to me. I know I haven't been posting as much as I should have and, cause or no cause, if you feel that I'm not fulfilling my end of the deal, I'm happy to remedy that in this way. 

Now, for the delays at hand, part of the reason there is I've lost a whole week to some 'trouble' back home (in Europe) which I had to address over many stressful video calls at all times of the day and night due to time zones. It's resolved as of yesterday, 1am, but I lost the time and I am feeling very burnt out as this was emotionally heavy for me. 

I will release a first part of the module soon-ish (the separated status and almost everything revolving around that), then a second part (the custody and post-permanent separation relations) to not make you have nothing forever. I'll try to put up some new screenshots on Monday of the features that would be in the first 'developer's' release.
And the other reasons for trouble & delays... Well, if you read #2 you'll know about that too :)

2. Now we 'need to talk'

I want to change things in my workflow and 'reset' a little bit.

Something I've discussed with other modders is deadline pressure harming creativity. I do feel that I need to stop trying to share with you deadlines too early in the development process. 

It's a way for me to push things forward, but in the end it stresses me out and remains at the forefront of my mind every time I work on mods, a stress that sometimes makes the process blocked and hindered.
Every time I read a 'when will this be released?', or when I look at the calendar and / or think about how much time I have or don't have to finish something (basically every 5 minutes when working), I freak out times 20. My brain becomes a scattered colony of ants going in every direction. But what it needs to be for modding, is a very organized and focused colony of ants, to keep on with the metaphor. So when it goes into freaked out brain, suddenly my time in front of the computer is so much less efficient. But I get to a point where I feel guilty about taking an hour or two off to spend time with my husband, even though I never even give myself a "weekend" or such, even though in front of the computer my stress level is making the work slow and hard. And it's a negative feedback loop whir-pooling down and it's bad.

I think I worked better when I wasn't doing this deadline thing. Here's why: when I made 'talents & weaknesses', I did it in secret, and that gave me so much more efficiency working on it. The moment I announced its release for the weekend it was released on, the pressure was back, the going, harder, and I trudged where only the day before, ideas and code to use where just flowing through. But it was ok because the mod was 95% finished at that point! So I knew I was fitting in the deadline and the stress was just the normal end of project rush.

Here's the pattern I think we should not keep: I have deadlines that I set very early in development when it's hard to predict time scales, then turns out I can't keep them, then I feel so guilty I totally paralyze my process. You get disappointed, I get disappointed, in the end, nobody wins.

If modding were something easily controllable and predictable, it would be fine to have deadlines announced early in development stages. But modding and coding in general is not something you can accurately predict time-wise. Small things can end up taking ages because of one tiny pesky issue you take forever to find; big things can go fast just because there was no hitch or the processes involved are simple. We all come up with our 'best guesses' but always get thrown by things. It's common on the modders' forums to see someone complain they've been stuck for days on a tiny issue they can't figure out. We commiserate as we all have that happen.

Add to that the strain I put on my body. My arm problems limit me, and I cause myself more pain than I should. It worsens and I don't give myself breaks.
As of today, I am investing in additional adaptive tools in the hope of helping on that end (speech to text program, foot pedals to replace mouse clicks, and a split-elevated keyboard), and some new braces that aren't all torn up and weak from too much use. These things are costlier than they have right to be, but thanks to your support they are within my reach, and I hope they will help me keep modding and doing all the mod support answers in good conditions. :) I'm also very involved in the modding community trying to help others out by sharing knowledge, which serves other modders & mods, and in turns serves me when others too brainstorm with me; this is something I don't want to give up doing either.

I want to switch gears. I would like to announce expected release dates when projects are almost almost almost finished, basically, ready to go into testing or very close to that.

I don't think it will slow me down much. I think that by eliminating these stressors, modding will flow free again and if anything I should be working better. But it may slow thins down.
There is SO MUCH I want to add and rework / improve to already released things, and SO MUCH new stuff I want to make, all that is announced to begin with, and more! I want to do so in good conditions so that I do good work. I don't want my standards to fall. I most of all don't want to disappoint you all. And for that purpose, at this point, I am seeing things need a change. 


What do you think of all this? My thinking is, I won't say when something is expected until it's so close to finished I can actually guarantee it (like I did with 'talents & weaknesses' basically).
You'd still know what I'm making and get previews etc, and actually more of these (and more like it should be according to my tiers) because I'll feel less in a hurry, which means I can take screenshots etc and discuss with you all and dynamically adjust features during development, I  just wouldn't give expected dates.

Please share your thoughts if any, as this is a process I am doing with you - I see modding as a synergic activity of sorts, where you supporters are involved as well and with me in it.

Thank you, sincerely.



Yvonne Davies

You do what you need to do. Your health is more important 😀


Thank you!

Amber 🤎💕

Thank you for all Your hard work!!!


It’s fine by me take the time you need to do your best work, you have some of the best mods out there I’d rather get your best work then on time work that’s rushed you’re amazing!


Agreed with all the above! Whatever approach will be best for your mental health should be the approach you use. Knowing release dates or not doesn’t affect my own enjoyment of your mods—I think we’ll all enjoy them the same, so you should absolutely prioritize your well-being!


Thank you! I really love your mods, so you can take all the time you need to make them. We've all seen through the game itself what happens when we rush things. Take care of yourself 💚

True AI

I think this plan is the best way to go.


We all support you in whatever you have to do. You have change the gameplay with your mods and we are so entirely grateful for your hard work! Don’t feel like you are pressure. You should work at your own pace and give yourself breaks when necessary. ❤️❤️❤️

Alyxandria Harrigan

Whatever you need to do that will help you not feel overwhelmed then it’s perfectly fine with me! I understand things don’t always work out so I’m never upset when the deadlines aren’t met. Thank you so much for your hard work !!!❤️❤️❤️


👍 thank you very much 😊


You are an amazing modder and you've completely changed the game for a lot of us. Please don't feel the need to rush your process. Take all the time you need to keep giving us your awesome mods. I'll wait as long as it takes because I know the wait will be worth the final product!


Babe, I’m not gonna ask for a refund despite the module not being built. Your mod has revolutionised the game for me. You’ve already done more than enough for us to enjoy the game, don’t beat yourself up if it’s not done on time, we will wait :) put yourself first! :)


Take your time and don't feel guilty! Your mods are amazing and add so much life to the game. You're awesome!


I’m a writer and I totally get what you’re saying. Sometimes deadlines are a fact of life, but they can really impede creativity. Taking breaks and practicing self-care is crucial if you want to sustain any kind of mental effort long term.


Hi there I'm relatively new to join the club but as a software developer I can totally relate to not commit too early. So don't fret, you've already made amazing mods everything you're doing should happen on your own terms or you'll risk getting sick of it! TL;DR : you're amazing we'll wait because that's how you'll keep being amazing!


I think programming and design is an art. No one told Michelangelo to hurry up. In fact, I do check the page often for updates and get disappointed when I see nothing new has hit...BUT do you know what? That makes it SO MUCH more exciting when I see a new mod or update. You do what you need to do! I am a Chicago Cubs fan...we waited 100 years...I can wait a couple months for your brilliant work. :) Thanks for everything!


Please take care of yourself! A dear friend of mine got permanent nerve damage (which eventually required surgery) from working too hard at an office job. Your health should always be the priority!


It is so important to take care of yourself please don’t stress and know you are so talented and what you create is so amazing and without you we wouldn’t have any of these mods. Therefore take as much time as you need, take as many breaks as you want, and take days off. Just stay healthy!


Take all the time your need, you and your work are an absolute godsend to the community.


Girl, you take all the time you need. Your mods are one of my favorites. I agree with everything you said and you have to do what is going to work best for you. Keep up the great work.

Flick Riley

You do you lovely, you make amazing things but its a recreation at the end of the day. If the way you’re doing it isn’t making you happy or working for you, then absolutely change it. Your mods are incredible and make the game so much better to play.


Honestly as long as you keep modding and updating (for patches and such) so your current mods are playable and you’re in process of adding stuff, I’m a happy camper. Take care of you and just keep us posted here and there so we know you’re okay :)


I've never, not one time, been 'disappointed' when you 'miss a deadline'. I don't see it that way at all, actually. To be honest, I don't even really think about it. You make amazing mods, and I love them!! When they're ready, I'm super excited! Otherwise, I'm certainly not sitting here tapping my feet waiting. I can imagine it is so easy for creators to become burnt out. Please don't do that to yourself! I know there are *those people*, who have nothing better to do but 'tap their feet', but rest assured, most of us are people with families, lives, jobs, and understand that modders are, too. Please don't feel obligated to overwork yourself. If you considered this a full-time job, you would still get nights and weekends, right? Give yourself a break. I guarantee that almost every patron of yours 100% agrees that we have no problem waiting for you to live your life between mods and updates.


You don't need to apologize or feel guilty for anything ; your work is awesome and deserves all the patreons you got. Regarding deadlines, yes, I agree with you with that system of announcing a mod once it's almost ready ; it will help you feel more comfortable, take the time to rest and keep motivation to mod because you love it and are talented at it, not because it's on a public deadline. We love what you do, there is already so much new gameplay you brought to our game ; if a specific feature takes longer that needed, no worries, before being a modder you are a human being, so try to take it easier to feel more at peace, we can wait a little bit longer, never mind, and take care of yourself 😘😘😘


You gotta take care of yourself and your health! Nothing is more important than that. I can relate to the pressure you're describing and I think it's very wise of you to set up boundaries to help your creativity, sanity, and health. Me personally I don't care much or expect release dates and even if there's one and you for one reason or another can't make it, I wouldn't go and hunt you for it - it happens. Do what's best for you, your health, and your creativity - that in turn will make us the happiest since we get all the lovely mods and updates to those mods of yours!


I'm here because you are good at what you do and deserve to be paid for it. Simple. Honestly, EA should work more with modders.


All of your mods are wonderful, but your health is more important than any mod! I support any plan that works best for you ❤️❤️❤️


Babes, youre good. Hell, put off telling us whats coming until the day before it releases if thats what helps you to have a healthier and easier time working. U dont owe anyone constant updates on progress. Yes, im paying monthly and am a bit invested, but ive found time and time again that id rather be suddenly surprised by something new that the creator loves and loved making than to be constantly updated by a creator whos updates/schedule is making them stressed and unhappy and causing a loss of home life enjoyment.

Claire Bradley

There are so many lovely comments here that also reflect my thoughts. I hope you read and believe them!! Take care and I am more than happy to wait. :)

Sam D.

I've always thought you put too much pressure on yourself- I know I would find setting all these deadlines would create undue stress. I really appreciate getting work when it is fully ripe, and not a day before. I don't need to know when it will be ripe, I trust that you will know and give it the work it needs to get it to that point. Honestly I don't jump on the early releases because I really do want to wait till the bugs are identified because its a pain managing the number of mods I have already and keeping up to date. I'm not a supporter bc of early releases, I support you because your mods add to my game, hugely and I think you should be compensated for your work. You are the boss of your own work! Please take care of yourself, first and foremost. ALL workers should have healthy working conditions.


Mental and physical health is more important than anything! My vote is please take care of yourself.


I totally agree with the others. Take your time and please look after yourself. Nobody is happy if you are totally stressed out and end up completly blocked. You have our appeciation and support


I love your stuff so much that I'm happy to be patient! Creating shouldn't stress you out.


Take you time hun as someone with fibromyalgia I know how painful being at the computer can get. I'll be right here waiting and take care of your health first.

Maia Irwin-Rivera

I love your work, but i would truly hate to see you burn out for it or our sake. Take your time, you are talented, we will wait with eager patience.

Coco Doll

TAKE YOUR TIMEE! creativity shows through longevity! i myself making lps and i set deadlines ...i realized it doesnt work..JUST GOTTA GO WITH THE FLOW,...love.


I love your mods, but I value your health and well-being more. Take all the time you need to be both healthy and happy with how your work is going.


Pls don’t put yourself under so much pressure! We DIDN‘T want you to get a burn out. I will not cancel my membership. You gave us so many great mods and they are worth my money. And if you need a break or more time, than that’s the way it is. That is okay! You‘re a human, not a robot. So take the time you need. I hope U understand what I‘m trying to say. I‘m from germany and my english could be better, but sadly it‘s not 😅


Please take your time, this is just a game and feeling that kind of pressure takes the fun out of it. Your health and family is always first. We will be here 💚💚💚

Nicolette Hogue

I will not cancel or get a refund. you work very hard and i appreciate all that you have done. You are working hard at perfecting a mod and adding detail to it. I would rather it be late than rushed like EA with bust the dust and have issues, etc. Don't worry about us. If anyone is that bothered by it being late. They should shove it. I even like just hearing your tad little updates like this will do so and so. I dont care if its not out yet. To hear even what it will do is just as exciting

Dana Anna

To be 100% honest. I don’t care about timings. I will support you through the whole process. Seeing the updates and WIPs definitely makes me feel like there is absolutely no waste of my money going on. I know you are working hard and you have so many ideas and projects you are working on and expanding and updating etc. I’m happy to see updates of what’s to come; I don’t need a deadline. I’m okay with you saying. Coming next week once you are in your final stages. For me, I have been a simmer much longer than I want to admit and I have seen so many people retire or just abandon their mods. I’d so much rather be more patient than have you put out everything and burn out. Take your time. And take care of yourself. I can tell from the comments many of us are understanding. And the other people can frankly just GTFO. 💜

Hippy Simmer

Take your time, your only human, I appreciate your work. You have my support. A healthy & happy person works much better at what they love. I love your work cause I couldn't do this creative project. All the best


If we have no idea about a new version deadline - we don't need to eagerly wait for it and ask about it. And in that case - announcement and/or release - would be a nice surprise. So, I think you don't need to hurry with deadlines / early defined release dates, etc. Just take your time and write news when you are ready to reveal them. :)


I don't care about timing as well. And I don't mind continuing to support your work. I gave EA so much money and can't play the game without your mods and mods from other creators. So thank you for all you do and please take care of your health. Your health and happiness are what's important. Enjoy your weekend, and thank you again for your hard work!! Happy Patron :)


By the way you’re awesome :-)


I don't want you to stress yourself or worry about deadlines. I love your mods and how much they improve my game but your health should always come first they should be done on a schedule that makes sense for you. Thank you for all that you do for the Sims community and for making me want to play again


Your work is amazing! Please go at the pace that works best for you and your family. I can wait. 🧡🧡🧡


No worries sweetheart, we're here waiting for you with warmth and enthusiasm 😉 Keep up the good work 👍 R

ChaseT Moon

Dont feel rushed! im just happy you keep us informed of whats going on ^_^


You are an amazing modder and your creations make the game so much more enjoyable for the community. You do you! Take care of yourself and do what you need to do to feel better (physically and mentally). I, personally, will continue to support you whether you're posting deadlines or not. Sending some good vibes your way to get you through your stressful times! <3


You are an absolutely amazing modder. Do not stress yourself out with giving us your self imposed deadlines. You need to take are of yourself first.


No need to worry about announcing deadlines if they stress you out. Just do what feels right for you and you'll keep making amazing content


I enjoy everything you make, and see no reason to rush you. You have given us a ton of stuff already, and frankly I'm still figuring out half of what it can do, lol. The point being, I am a fan, and will be keeping this Patreon regardless of when you release. I am ok with you announcing before, it's kind of a surprise. Then no one anticipates, and hounds you. You need time to yourself too, and you don't need added stress. You're mods are uncomparable to anything in this game, and worth waiting for. I can wait for perfection.

Brit Lynn

Sending hugs & love! We'll love everything you share-- whenever you share it! xo


Software development is hard and takes a lot of time. However you want to do your workflow is fine and those of us who are pledged want you to be able to work on this, even if it takes two months for one release etc. That just means it's a big feature or a complex one. Other big creators like Turbo are also releasing this workflow is better too. You're super talented so I hope this change will make it easier for you.


You do you, boo. Whatever is best for you!


I understand the difficulty in programming and coding and in no way feel disappointed in the delay! The amount of hard work you have put into the mod and making sure it works properly with other mods as well as the game itself is more than amazing! Don't stress yourself !! Though I have only recently joined your patreon, I pledged to your patreon for ALL of your whw modules, they all each add amazing gameplay to my game! I have no issue with waiting, please focus on your mental health as well as your family, it is much more important. Your supporters including myself will continue supporting you in what ever decision you decide to make that you feel is best for YOU. Thank you for your amazing work!!


This sounds like a great idea! I hope these new adaptive tools help you. Do whatever is good for you!


Just take your time


No worries at all! You work the way that works best for YOU! I’m here for the support as well as the mods — take your time, I’ll keep supporting you no matter how much time you need to program content!

Nicolette Hogue

i agree. lol. i would just be a happy camper with the current and just updates. Which is a lot of work on its own. Even the knowing of the new module. I started recreating my family and putting a whole lot of effort. Really happy that I decided to postpone game and storyline cause now everyone looks exactly like they are. Still working on it. So it became a new project thanks to waiting for this mod. I play here and there. But now I have a goal to recreate family and some friends in my game as much as possible. So it will keep me busy lol


dont stress yourself! <3


I hope you’re well. Always grateful for how you enhanced the game. Don’t feel bad for needing to tend to yourself 💕


Everything you said is perfectly fine with me. You & the other modders I subscribe to are amazing & if you guys need a little time to rest & recharge, so you can give us these awesome mods, please do that! Rest your body & mind so things flow correctly. I wish you all the best! Thank you for your hard work, it's appreciated.

Toni White

Everything that you have provided us with so far is beyond perfection and has made my gameplay so much more fun. Take as much time as you need to finish i know im not in no rush. you mental stability is most important and you are greatly appreciated for your work

Jeanna Hicks

You are amazing and your work is worth waiting for. Don't push yourself, your health both physical and mental is more important than any deadline.

Cheneen Ingram

I wish you the best. Your mod is fantastic as it is now in my opinion. Thank you.


100% work the way that works for you! Your content is so appreciated and everyone needs their rest. I think releasing dates around the time of UAT is perfectly acceptable and giving us behind the scenes of what's coming is awesome :-D


Listen that is perfectly fine with us. You make wonderful Mods that make playing the Sims 4 fun again and while we can't wait to get our hands on them your health and well being SHOULD always be your priority!!! Anyone who cannot understand that doesn't deserve to have your creativity and mods. So...take your time, tell us when you are ready and know that your true supporters will STILL be here. Praying for your physical and mental health.

Sheila Lobert

You do you. You are amazing and don't need to stress yourself. Your content is worth waiting for and we love YOU!


take your time, no rush, it comes out when it comes out. Mental and physical health are more important than a deadline. We can chill with what we have at the moment. I hope you feel better soon


Please do not stress yourself with a deadline. As someone that suffers from stress and depression, it's important not to stress yourself with other things. The mods that you've made that make this game much more playable for me is enough for me to keep being a patron for you for months on end. As someone else said you do you and we'll keep coming back for more whenever you post it. Take care!


Yeah don't put out deadlines if they are stressing you this much you don't deserve to be under that pressure you make amazing mod with much depth to them that i can see take awhile and if anyone has a problem with it taking some time i suggest those people to go try make it themselves see how quick they can make all these incredible mods as quick as they think it takes to make cause they be surprised its not that easy. So just take the time try not to stress i can wait and from comments many of others can as well we are here all to support you but we also want you to be looking out for yourself do what is best for you.


Do what you need to for your physical and mental health. That's the most important thing. I absolutely love your mods and look forward to what you release, but I certainly don't want you to be stressing yourself out this much over them.


The reason I sub is to support you, because I love your work. You could not put anything out for a year and I would still support you. Try not to be so hard on yourself, you are doing a wonderful job and you are my favourite modder. I really don't want you to burn yourself out and have to stop doing this, that would be terrible.


I just upped my tier because honestly, these mods make the game worth playing for me, and I didn't feel my tier price reflected that. Thank you for doing what you do, seriously.

Latesha Coleman

your health mentally and physically comes first and i love your work and will continue to support you so please take your time and do whats best for you because without you we wouldnt have the amazing mods that you make.


Take your time, honstly! true followers will wait! your genuine self comes before mods regardless!! Hope your okay!


Love!! You're doing gods work in this modding community so if you need a break, take one!, health ALWAYS comes first. We love you and i hope you'll start feeling better soon!


Don't worry about setting deadlines. Work at the healthiest pace for you and take the stress away. Modding is about having fun and making the game what you want it to be and we are lucky that you share your great ideas with us and enable us to use them as well. So thank you for the awesomeness. :)

Evangelina Silvercloud

Dear Lumpinou, as I have often written, do not stress yourself! If users can't wait, let them go. They are not worth stressing out. Point! The most important thing in life is and remains health. There is no need for excuses. You're doing a great job and none of us want to miss you and your work. Take the time you need and first of all, take time for your health and your life outside of modding. Greetings from Austria


Please take your time and don't impose deadlines on yourself that will cause you stress! Take all the time we need. I don't think anyone here could ever doubt how hard you work. Take care of yourself!


Don't rush yourself. Your mods provide so much gameplay, i could easly wait two months for a new module :)


We're all proud to support you, your health comes first! Take your time!


You are doing great! We appreciate ya!


I’m not very computer savvy when it comes to coding and such, my sister is so I kinda understand how hard coding can be. I am a crocheter so while it’s not exactly the same I do understand how deadlines can add so much more pressure and stress to projects. How it can make you push yourself farther than you should and sometimes make wanna not do it anymore at all. I completely understand and agree with your decision to not give us deadlines anymore. Your mods amazing and have made my game 20x better. They are always worth the wait. Do what you need to do. You’re physical and mental health comes first.


I never thought about the pressure you could be under with deadlines for new releases or even updates. I honestly subscribe to your patreon as a way to say THANK YOU for the work that you already have completed. Updates are a part of being a mod user, so I don't sweat when an update will be available, I just roll with it. As far as any new release, well I look at that as being a bonus, and again, I don't sweat the dates. Don't let being a modder stress you to the point that you don't enjoy the work you're doing. Remember, you don't owe anyone anything. Take care of your mental/physical health FIRST and foremost. I love your work, I'm grateful for your work and I support your work, which means I support you.

Celia Robertson

I don't believe that you should have deadlines. I joined to have current access when modifications occurred. Plus I also like some of your other work. If you are pressured, you will not come up with these great ideas that come from having a relaxing time playing the game. Otherwise you will start to come up with stuff that no one likes. We see a lot of that..


Honestly, I don't think you should have deadlines. It'd be better to just charge per finished creation and large projects like WHW allow people to choose to pay one time or pay in advance for future updates to be included.

Bratty Simmer

it's fine by me if things come out when they come out. you don't need to pressure yourself with a deadline <3


Hugs, Lumpinou. I appreciate how much you care about your patrons, but your health and your relationship with your husband need to come first. Whatever you need to do to keep that balance, I support. I can only speak for myself. I pledge to you because you have given me tremendous enjoyment of the game via your mods, and pledging is my way to give something back. While I am always excited for an update, I have no expectations that you deliver X amount every month. I'd rather have quality (which you provide immensely) over quantity. So, do what feels best for you. Cheers!


Ok first off I just want to thank you and tell you how appreciated you are <3 secondly, stop putting so much pressure on yourself, the good people in the community will understand and last but not least, family ALWAYS comes first and you don't need to explain yourself, I completely understand family issues and how draining they can be so take some time for you and the deadlines should right now be non existent! Take a step back sweetheart, take some time for you, we all need it now and again, please take care of yourself <3

Pamela White

You are amazing and your work is amazing! Take your time. I love surprises 🤗 Do not stress out. It hurts you more in the long run....


oh sweetie I am soooo truly sorry your feeling all of this pressure and stress to complete these modules but I hope you know that there area A LOTTTTT of us out here that know life can throw you curve balls and throw you off course and we are patiently waiting for the new modules but we aren't like getting mad that they aren't done yet. I used to do YouTube videos as Mommyonfleek and just doing that was sooooo time consuming and stressful so I cant even imagine the struggles you are going through trying to finish an entire sims 4 mod!!!!!!! I will say I am looking forward to more of your modules coming out because as someone whos lost 6 babies in a row this mod adds soooo much more realism. But ill also say I totally get why its taking so long and I'm fine waiting however long it takes for you to finish this latest module and ill be here for you any time you need it cause you are such a strong woman going through all of this just to give us some realism in our sims 4!!!!!


also i wanted to take a second to tell you, take as long as you need sweetie I'm sure it takes months of preparation to create a masterpiece like the one you are currently working on!


Please make taking care of your mental and physical health your first priority! There's no need to set deadlines on your work. We'll be here to download your mods whenever they're ready. Personally, I really enjoy your mods and I'm happy to support you. That being said, I don't give you enough money for you to stress yourself out and overwork yourself, and I don't think anyone else here does either. Slow down. Enjoy yourself. Enjoy your work. Enjoy your life! :-)


please worry about yourself! yes, i did subscribe because of the woohoo wellness, but also because you are incredibly talented! please dont worry yourself over us! we can all take a chill pill!!


Yourself comes first more then anything. I came here for a lot of the mods but i'm always 100% willing to wait. Take YOU time always. There shouldn't be any problem doing so , You did the best explaining why and i think they should understand.


I joined because you produce amazing mods that bring an extra joy to my game... I don't need timelines or deadlines... heck I don' even need wip updates... just keep creating whatever it is in you to create and I'm happy! Thank you for all you do! Stop stressing yourself, let people leave if they are unhappy... your tiers are so reasonable that in my opinion no one should be complaining...


Hey there, just keep in mind that we don't pay you for a special service you have to deliver under deadlines. We only support your work because we love what you do :D Please don't put yourself under pressure. Just take care of yourself and do your own thing, because you can't please everyone :)


Please take care of yourself first and foremost. If you don't, you can't be there for others, either. I support you, because I love the mods you've already made and wanted to show my appreciation for them, and I don't care that new mods won't be released regularly or at all. I'm more than happy with what we've already got from you, and I wouldn't want you to get ill from trying to meet a deadline. I've been there myself, and you should take it seriously, so you can still be there for your family. Your health has to come first. <3


I no hurry for mods I also play other games so this is great for me and take care of yourself first


First of all! Stop being hard on yourself! You are an amazing modder and you create great mods that are WORTH waiting for. As someone in a creative field as well I know how much deadlines can just be too much. One thing that I actually learned from a teacher is that if you have to tell someone when something is due, if you can always give yourself the LATEST due date. So, if you think it can be done in two weeks well give it two months just in case. Also, another teacher told me to never give due dates and just give progress photos of everything until right before its done. Kind of like how you are already thinking at the end of the post lol. Either way I'm good with anything that you do because your mods are that good. Remember to be kind to yourself as well!


I am ok with that I hope everything is ok with your family


I’m soooooooooo excited for this mod I love your mods soooooooooo much

Alaina Barnes

I am a patron because I enjoy your mods so much I want to support you for your work. I'm happy with anything you put out. Take time for yourself. Give yourself some love ❤️


I love your mods i joined patron to get them early, so please dont stress. I am excited about this change, because i think it will be a positive impact on your work and life. Also so excited for all of your upcoming mods, but especially happy to hear you are moving in healthy directions!


Work at a pace comfortable for you! If you feel better with not announcing deadlines, that's fine. Just knowing something is in progress and in the works is fine for me!


I'll mirror other's comments here. Take care of yourself and work at a pace that works best for you. I support you on here because your mods are some of the best around for new and interesting gameplay and I don't mind waiting a few months longer for you to work at a more calm pace. <3


Yeah i agree. if I were you, I'd just announce a new mod when it's 98% finished. Some people are ungrateful and don't understand you guys have a life. Therefore...nobody gets ya case


I think your doing amazing sweetie and don't let any selfish jerks tell you otherwise! Just because you don't put things out super fast like a fast food chain doesn't mean your not busting your rump for this community. Take care of yourself and keep on keeping on you wont loose the support of at least this fan! <3


Sorry I'm late to the party! I just wanted to let you know that deadline posting has not factored into being a Patron. I prefer that you take time for yourself and release updates when they are ready. Sometimes feeling rushed can result in releasing content to fulfill a deadline promise before it is complete and the end product isn't what you may have envisioned. I appreciate all the work that goes into your mods and how detailed the descriptions are. Many of your mods I could not live without now that I have them in my game :-) Instead of deadlines an alternative for Patrons could just be a quick teaser update on what we can look forward to in the future which creates excitement but does not add pressure on you to get it done by a certain time


Absolutely nothing wrong with changing the way you announce things! I second Lorin completely and I honestly don't even think about deadlines when factoring whether or not to be a Patreon. Aside from patch updating, I am happy to get what we get when we get it and will pay to just know when. Haha. Keep up the good work and take care of yourself!

Jo Cara

Thank you for your honesty :) I am a new supporter of yours, and believe me, I am not disappointed by your post. Maybe it's because I go by the more traditional meaning of what a "patron of the arts" is: a supporter/sponsor, and not a customer or stakeholder, so I'm not expecting "deliverables" every month. In fact, I hope our support gives creators more stability and peace of mind to create at your own pace :) Thank you for your work, and please take care <3


first off, sweetie it is 100000% ok that you didn't make your deadline! I cant even imagine how much work goes into what you do for us and I'm pretty sure almost everyone in here that's a true supporter and fan of your work isn't going to get upset if things don't come out on time, we're just so happy that you do what you do for us and absolutely LOVVVVVE the realism you add into this game we all love so much. I honestly couldn't play the sims without your mods and I've played since sims 1 first came out. Second off I totally agree with you not having deadlines anymore, I do wood art and furniture for people like little kid stools with the kids name in it but its a puzzle and you cant take the letters out and fit them back in and having a deadline for even just those would stress me out too. I'm happy to stay subscribed to you to help support your work and girl I LOOOVVVVE your work! lol

Leah Ashton

take as much time as you need. I love woohoo wellness although its not working at the moment, I know its because of the patch. I think its great that you don't have deadlines anymore. It puts too much on you, which you do not need. I totally get it, as a writer, deadlines always make me flub a story.

Leah Ashton

It only shows the alternative pregnancies, the rest don't show up at all. I've been having an issue with the XML injector, but I'm not sure if I need this for your mods


No it's not necessary for this mod. And that's quite odd, is it the first time you install the mod?

Leah Ashton

I started having a problem the last time I had to delete every thing


The last thing I want is for you to feel pressured. You need to do what feels right for you and not the other way around. Someone told me once that you can never please everyone. There will always be people around who aren't that compassionate. BUT there will also be people around who are. Hold on to that and to yourself. Your health comes first, mentally and physically. You don't know me, but I want to tell you that it's amazing what you're doing. I can't do what you do. You've got talent, creativity and I believe modding is hard but you've got passion and that's amazing. I find your honesty about how to approach things admirable. Keep on doing you & I hope you feel better soon. You're amazing! ❤