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Hi everyone,
Super quick post to let you know:
- first impressions had to be updated for the patch
- all other mods are fine

Till later,



Thank you <3


Thank you ! ♥


Thank you =)


I'm not sure if I'm the only one with the problem but my sims no longer finish their doctors appointments or receive treatment. It worked fine before the update and I'm not sure if it might be a mod conflict.


Will you still be uploading the co-parenting mod this month?


I'm sure that she will upload the mod as soon as it's finished. Questions like these create unnecessary stress for the creators.


No, things got late. The part of it that will come out first is the separated status and getting back together (or not) and separating amicably. I'll finish it when I get a chance but I'll probably wait a couple days for my hands to calm down as they hurt too much right now and I really shouldn't push it like I usually do. And after that, I don't know how long to finish it, I don't think very long but I can't be sure. The stuff for permanently separating couples (court over custody and sharing money etc etc) will come separately later. I have at this moment no reason to think it won't be all finished next month, but we'll see how it goes as I go.... Things rarely go as I plan and that's why I want to 'stop planning'.... Thanks


I have a quick question, I saw wonderful whims updated their mod but I know you have a specific version of that mod so itll work with woohoo wellness and thats the version I have. But if I do the new update for the wonderwhims is it going to mess up my woohoowellness mod?


You simply need to get the latest version of my mod, which doesn't anymore have separate files for wonderful or not wonderful :)




first impressions Chinese translation https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QMiWCeFX3dDohJo3EElozewzGXF7it8e/view?usp=sharing