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Hello everyone,
After perusing the survey answers and running tests in my game according to what was reported,  to confirm things, it became absolutely undeniable that some mods heavily conflict with module 8 of WooHoo Wellness & Pregnancy Overhaul and prevent it from running properly. 
Luckily, suspecting this already, I had started thinking about how to get around these roadblocks. I discussed my idea with Frank and with his guidance was able to put it into action, which means a big part of these conflicts from other mods onto mine has been worked around from my side. Yet some conflictual elements remain, because those mods aren't mine and there's only so much I can do on my end only.


PART I: About Sims not getting pregnant for surrogating

Here is the detail of what was found thanks to your survey answers and a day of testing all sorts of things with all sorts of mods in here, and what solutions could be implemented:

PLEASE NOTE: I have by this point done all I could compatibility-wise on my end. Yes it's not perfect, far from it, and never will be. Were I to try I would simply be trying to reverse the conflict situation, ie making my mod cause issues to Turbo's mods instead of the current situation of his mod causing conflict to mine - and why would I waste my time and effort trying to get that just-as-bad result?
Bottom line is NEITHER of Turbo's mods are perfectly compatible with my mod. My mod is perfectly compatible with the game as that's what they are built for. Same thing with Turbo's mods. Sometimes some elements of mods are needed a certain way and that means there are compatibility hitches. 

If you use Wonderful Whims especially, you must use version 2.21+ to have module 8 work properly. 

PART II AND III - About some players not being able to 'Welcome New Baby' or 'Send Surrogate Child to Its Parents' when there is only 1 offspring

This is still a complete mystery. I have tested this many, many times and have never had an issue.
What players have found to be able to cause the issue:

- Some custom crib / bassinet CC
- Some combinations of settings in the "Offspring" tab of McPregnancy (module of Mccc)

If one of you is willing to try to help finding what conflict is causing this sporadic issue by doing more in-depth investigation with me on Discord, let me know. 


I added cheat interactions under "Family and Pregnancy" then "Sim Status". Use these if you don't see the interactions to send away / welcome surrogate child for one offspring.

NOTE: for the "DEBUG - Send Surrogate Child to Parents" one, the child has to be a toddler, it won't work on a baby. For the normal interaction and for ""DEBUG - Welcome Surrogate Child", it can be a baby.
That's it for today.
Download v2.21 here.




I had both issues, and I did some testing myself. It works fine with just MCCC and your mods installed. If you like I can do some more testing to identify the mod that was causing the problem.


That would be pretty awesome as I am at my wits' end about that send away / welcome baby thing and I don't have knowledge of all the mods out there that people may have


Everything works great but my sim next normal pregnancy still shows it as surrogacy. I tried to clear markers manually but I have only 2 option and non the them is worki g for me


That should not happen. It all gets removed at giving birth. What other mods do you have? What do you mean 'only two options'?


I haven't tried it with the new version of the mod yet but I have MC Woohoo and an invisible crib mod and it wouldn't let me welcome the surrogate baby. (Which is fine for me, not the end of the world, but I'll play with it and see if anything changes to help you!)


I wonder if the crib mod did that. Can you tell me what mod it is exactly so I can try it myself?


Do your mods work with wickedwhims at all? I've downloaded them and installed them in my game and I never see them in my game.


I think the issue that I'm having relative to your mod is related to Wicked Whims. Even deleted it and installed Wonderful Whims and I'm still unable to load my game. Wild question, but is there anyway that I can use your mod WITHOUT either of those two? I don't particularly have to play with either WW just downloaded for use of your mod.


Of course, my mod doesn't need those mods at all, it just needs the game. Being unable to load the game would not be something my mod could cause unless you deleted the core files. You may have a mod outdated for the latest patch. If you have Basemental I would advise checking that one

jessica thornton

I do have the crib mod as well as MCCC and wicked whims and when my sim is a surrogate she can't give the baby away and I can't remove the buff once the surrogacy is over.


My sims were able to become pregnant.... I'm so very sorry for your family loss 🙏🏽


Thank you for the update. I will adjust the settings in my game today.


I cannot welcome new baby and to answer your question yes I do have custom bassinet mod, the one I have is Baby With Hidden Crib (default) by Liko


I suggest reading the mod description... like thoroughly. Maybe even twice! Helped me a ton!


I have found that it down to the laptop with ur new wellnes mod as i found on my day to day laptop i cant send the new born of to there new family after giveing birth but on my gameing laptop witch i only just got bk from repairs the mod fully work and i dont have the prob that i have on my every day lapto x


Do you have different mods on each computer? Because there's no reason for the computer in itself to make a difference UNLESS you are on legacy on one of them


I was unable to send the baby to it's family but i also have the RealisticLifeandPregnancy mod by persea so i'm gonna take out the pregnancy module and see if that helps. I also have MCWoohoo so i'll do some investigating on my part


Do you have any custom crib mod? Persea's mod shouldn't be able to impact, last I know. Mc Woohoo I don't know


Nope no custom cribs. I just have the MC woohoo and some LittlemissSams mods that I wouldn't think would be relevant such as the ultrasound mod by her


Hi! I really enjoy this mod and all the previous ones you made! I have a small issue with the surrogate, she says that the baby is born and I can take them but I am not able to Welcome the new baby. I have only MCCC and sol I don't have any custom crib mods..


The problem is definitely something to do with mccc. I removed all my mods and added them back in one by one and when I added that back in I was unable to “welcome baby”. I have also removed the woohoo module from mccc and am still unable to welcome the baby . I have all the modules that come within the main mccc zip, these are; mc_cmd_center, mc_career, mc_cas, mc_cheats, mc_cleaner, mc_clubs, mc_control, mc_dresser, mc_gedcom, mc_occult mc_population, mc_pregnancy and mc_tuner. I do not have any custom bassinet mods. Hope this helps a little :)


Very interesting! Maybe one module of mccc in particular does this


I have managed to fix the issue in my game. Within the MC_Pregnancy module of MCCC I changed all the settings under the “Offspring” tab back to the default. I have not had to change any other settings and I am now able to “welcome new baby. I don’t know which one of these 8 settings is the one causing the issue however this narrows it down a lot. I am happy to play with the offspring tab defaults so won’t be looking into it any further. Hopefully this helps other people who are having the same issue :)


Thanks, I will mess with all these settings of mccc in my game and see if I can re create the issue that way.


am I the only person having a issue with teen pregnancy ? also with cheating or tell ng your partner you got another sim pregnant also with the teen pregnancy I have a issue with them not being able to tell the parent about the pregnancy


Hi there. What issues are you having, what is happening or not? I need more details. For the teen thing - the interaction to announce pregnancy is the same as for adults, the exact name depends on pregnancy wish. So you don't see that in the menus?


im having trouble downloading any mods. idk what i am doing wrong lol please help anyone?


Hiya, I’m having a little issue I can’t seem to figure out... I have wonderful whims, this mod, and mcwoohoo (and mccc ofc).. I’ve set risky woohoo % to zero, however even with birth control my sim is getting pregnant every time they woohoo. I can’t seem to find a solution online so I thought I would ask here.


If you have wonderful whims, and my mod on compatibility version, wonderful is handling pregnancy risk, not my mod. My birth control system should be working with that as we arranged for that. What's your pregnancy settings in Wonderful? And protection settings? What birth control is the sim using?


Give more details. Are you not able to download, in which case your web browser would be at cause, do you not know how to install, what's the issue?


Thanks for the speedy reply :) At the time, the pregnancy settings were set to menstrual cycle mode with realistic fertility %.. Protection settings were all set to realistic (?) mode too (not boosted or completely safe).. I tried using both birth control options from WonderfulWhims as well as the hormonal birth control from your mod (separately, not at the same time), and the issue still persisted. I believe I found a workaround though. I removed your risk & protection files, and switched on "native pregnancy override" through WonderfulWhims.. The pregnancy issue is solved that way, but Im yet to see if there have been any other consequences of this change, such as WTD's not working etc..


With Wonderful whims you're supposed to leave the native pregnancy override on anyways. It's with wicked that it should be off. There should not be issues with WTDs or any such as the two mods have been modified by each of us to work that way


Ohh okay, I read in a forum I should try turning it off. I may have misread it wrong. All good. So would you recommend re-downloading your Risk & protection files and trying again with Pregnancy override left on in WonderfulWhims? I should also mention I deleted MCWoohoo too. Unsure if that's required for your mod or not?


Ok so I was playing my game and realize that Woohoo Wellness wasn't there. So I checked here and there is an update, however the update link for the WonderfulWhims version is not working properly. Not sure if you were aware. Is there a way to re-share the link so it will download correctly?


Patreon was crapping out yesterday, for other creators too. Try again now


Hi There! I had a quick question about pregnancy announcement moodlets. I have both parent with the happy to have a child trait and when the woman tells her partner, she is excited her partner took the news well, but the partner is just happy to have an addition to the family. I thought there was another moodlet where the father was super excited to be a parent. Maybe I am mistaken, but was this moodlet changed? thanks a bunch!


What's their relationship? If they're officially together and they both have the 'would be happy to have a child' then yeah he should be super excited. If they have low relationship and he wants kids and the paternity module is in, he can be potentially less hyped. Check his traits again to be sure he's on 'happy'?


They are married with soulmate relationship and he is definitely happy to have a child because his wife even gets the excited moodlet that she is happy her and her partner are on the same page. I only noticed the change recently, so I wasn't sure why he's just normally happy about it. Thank you for the reply!


So I downloaded the newest version and while the menu options show up, my sim won't go to the rabbithole to begin a surrogate pregnancy at all. I'm not sure what mod I have that causes this issue since it wasn't happening for the previous version.


How do you have a daughter i been using the mod and it says i'm pregnant with a boy everytime


Gender of offspring in the game is partially random and partially directed by what the sim does during pregnancy. I'd look it up if I were you, could be your sim has been doing certain things pushing towards a certain gender. My mod doesn't impact that at all. Also think about your Mc pregnancy settings if you have that mod


Hello, I'm having an issue with the mod my sim is pregnant with an NPC's baby, but the pregnancy moodlet disappear when I change lot. I've tried in new saves, with mccommand center and without, with wonderfulwhims and without, but no change. My sim is still pregnant, when they enter a new trimester the new moodlet show, but only until I change lot.


Neutral I think ? I'm using the surrogacy system, my sim is the surrogate mother, i'm sorry if it was unclear. I'm still doing tests and another difference with other pregnancy moodlets (all working pefectly) is that there is no timer showing how long till next trimester.


So your sim is carrying for another? Then yeah the moodlet vanishes when traveling, that's a limitation of how they ngs are built as of now, it's written in the mod page under 'limitations'. It doesn't impact the pregnancy at all, just the moodlet will leave if you travel. Same for the timer being not there. This is a little complicated to explain and the reason I left it is because fixing it might break the pregnancy preferences. So this is the status quo for now


Oh, ok, I guess they'll have to stay at home for the next few days... Thank you for taking the time to answer me.


I've just downloaded this and I'm not able to get the surrogate or IVF options anywhere in game. I'm not sure if it's because I'm not looking in the right place. I have used your mod for ages so I know I didn't place it in the wrong folder or anything. I've even deleted WW & MCCC because I thought that they were conflicting.


Hi there, let's troubleshoot. If you look at compatibility chart, you will see there are compatibility specifications but in no case can either of these mods prevent the interactions from even showing up. So the issue is elsewhere, if there is an issue. Do you have any old files still in, files that don't have 2.22 in the name? That's one possibility. The options are under 'family and Pregnancy' then 'alternative pregnancy'


Just looking again now and I think I may have found the issue, somehowtheres a whole collection of 1.3 files


That would definitely cause some issues. Hopefully, removing them will free the menus to work properly ans the rest too :)


I have no options for surrogate or surrogate child

Dark Nebula

How do I tell if my teenager is pregnant? Does it randomly happen or is it like in sims 3 where we don't know for a couple days after they fool around.