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January 3rd: Re-update to v1.1 after making BUG FIXES and PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS :)

EDIT December 30: Version 1.1 update:
Adding 2 new relationship types :)

For Sims to be able to ask to add a partner, there needs to be some romance existing between them first.

EDIT Nov 22: re-uploaded to fix a typo in a tuning file.
EDIT Nov. 17: finished cleaning out a bunch of tiny tuning mistakes, they didn't really impact anything but it's better to not have them haha.

EDIT Nov. 10:
made some tiny edits, you can re-download if you want, but it should be compatible with today's patch regardless.
EDIT Sept 30:
- Made the preference menus a little more predictable. Now they will not reset preferences if exited without a choice (this was confusing to a lot of people, oopsie).

EDIT Sept 29:
- Fix: Fixed notification for 'indifferent' which showed as 'non-exclusive' instead when asking a Sim about their preference.
- Fix: I mixed up my files at some point and the 'Never Jealous' trait was compromised, it's back to normal now. WooHoo Wellness 3 is making my brain mush, sorry.
- Improvement: Now Sims with the Jealous trait will automatically get the Exclusive preference; Sims with the Non-Committal trait will automatically get the Non-Exclusive preference.

NOTE: WooHoo Wellness pt 2 marks Sims for cheating, so, if you don't want your open / poly Sims who are Significant Others to be considered as having cheated on their SO, please re-download WooHoo Wellness pt2 which I updated to integrate this new mod properly. 

Minor Edit Sept 28: 
Fixed little phone-call issues pointed out by UrbanSims: when Sims asked another about preferences and then asked to become non-exclusive, they'd still get the phone call later asking to become non-exclusive. Also fixed reverse moodlets (Offerer gets offeree moodlets) when replying to the phone call.

It is 'normal' however that Sim may get the phone call when they're on the same lot or even in the same room: I didn't want to block it out in this circumstance because if Sims live together I still wanted them to have a chance to ask autonomously... It is a little awkward I will give you that! But I will leave it until I've thought of a better solution :) So far I have not found a way to have dialogue options pop up through anything other than the phone. 

Available translations:
French by Kimikosoma,
Chinese by GreenOnion,
Russian by Origamika.




Preview screenshots:


Compatibility with Simler90,'s Better Romance mod:
WHAT YOU LOSE by grabbing the compatibility version: 

" Non-exclusively inclined Sims will more easily accept romantic interactions from new Sims. Exclusively inclined Sims will not accept as readily."

This mod overwrites the following resource:
Compatibility version has NO OVERRIDES and should work with almost any mod.

- One user reported a glitch, at one point an NPC got jealous - just that one that one time. Either they had the jealous trait and then it was normal, or it was a system glitch. If you notice a Sim getting jealous, check their traits; if they don't have the jealous trait, write to me to let me know about it. Neither myself nor my testers have experienced issues there.

MASSIVE thanks to Triplis and Frank for their help with some script stuff.
Big thanks to the Special Agents on my Discord,  deww.drp, ToriGamez, Mia16 and RavenAstra.
Thank you to the testers at Discord.

NOTICE ANY ISSUE OR INCONSISTENCY? HAVE ANY QUESTION? CONTACT ME! Or Chat with Me and The Team on the Discord server :)





Available translations:
French by Kimikosoma,  
Chinese by GreenOnion,  
Russian by Origamika.

Download Only One File + translations if needed.

Curious about my other mods? See full mod list here.

NEED HELP? Contact me on Discord or here, or submit a support form here.



Sorry, the children have negative reactions to the poly group showing affection. I only have your mod. I can try again, but it happened in two different families. As in child of Person A and Person B see Person C kissing A or B, they react negatively and hate person C.


Hello Lumpinou!!! Are you going to update this mod? It is indispensable in my game.


https://www.patreon.com/posts/80025842 https://www.patreon.com/posts/80136100


hey lumpinou! i've noticed that my sim with loyal trait is getting guilty sentiments towards their boyfriend even though they're in an non-exclusive relationship with him. I'm unsure if the mod is not supposed to override the "Boyfriend" vanilla EA relationship and so this is normal behavior and i'll just have to break them up, or if this has something to do with the new(ish?) loyal trait overriding the mod abnormally so i thought i'd ask! :3


Yeah the loyal trait is what messes with it. Someday I'll work around it when I have the time :)


Thank you so much!! I'll just avoid making them use the vanilla dating option for now and see if it helps!


I made it a translation pt-br https://www.patreon.com/posts/81478132?pr=true


I don't see where i can find the french translation, can you help me ? (I'm sorry). I just checked the french site with your tag and also in your site but i don't find it. I try ctrl+f too and nothing


I'm gonna search again tomorrow, but this is the only mod i can't find


Hello. Je viens de la télécharger, tu trouveras la traduction française d'Open Love Life faite par Kimikosoma sur son site dédiés aux mods des Sims 4 (en bas de page) : https://modsims4.fr/gameplay_complet/mod-lgbtqia/ Sulsul !


Je te remercie ! Je comprends mieux pourquoi je ne l'avais pas trouvé avant, il se trouve dans la présentation d'un autre mod. Pas toujours facile ce site ^^"


Wow! That doesn’t sound like a “small” mod 🤣. Thank you

Carlia S

I freaking love it 😍

Tolu Oyefeso

Wow. You call this a small mod but this changes so much. Thank you for your hard work!


Compared to Woohoo Wellness it is small 😂 I think that the Woohoo Wellness behemoth may have warped my perspective 🤣 Hope you'll like the mod and thank you for your comment :)


Oh wow Thank You! It doesn't seem like a small mod, but I certainly love it! This is an amazing addition.

Evangelina Silvercloud

And once again: I can't believe what great mods you create. Your mods change the game for worlds, I could never play without them again. Thank you so much for all of your hard work! Best regards and pls. stay healthy


which mod do you download?


You mean which file? If you use Simler90's 'Better Romance' Mod then you can't have a small feature of two of this as they conflict and need to get the compatibility version. If you don't, then grab the top file, the normal version.


Yes I’m sorry I was typing fast 😅 and okay thank you your files make my game better and my stories as well


I'm so so excited to start playing with this mod!!


Yes only one. If you have Simler90's 'Better Romance' Mod, download compatibility version. Otherwise, download the normal version, first file.


one issue I've run into is with the " super rom com" it says " you make me feel like ......" the opposite gender. and the new one open love, my guy keeps changing his answer though his trait says either or he answers non exclusive, which is ironic because he's super jealous, his girl can't even chat with another girl without him throwing a hissy fit.


I'm repairing the game now to see if it fixes some glitches.


new issue with open love, my guy { mr jelly , faux representing, poly asked my girl for non exclusive, she being monogamous says no, it shows as him rejecting her and changes his moods instead. just repairing again to see if it's fixed.


Was that through a phone call? If so, I fixed that issue of reverse moodlets today


Preferences shouldn't come and go, they're basically traits. If you go to the menu to set preferences and exit without doing anything, it removes preferences however. Did that happen?... I'm a little puzzled.


i reinstalled it, after seeing the issue you mentioned above. it must have been updated after I reinstalled the first time for better romance. it seems to be working and no script errors either.


when does this go public


I am glad I have decided to become a Patreon. I am pleased with your mods and so much to it has added. Great job


love it <3 great job


with the fixes, do we need to uninstall the old one and reinstall the file?


Yes, ideally - if you do re download you do need to replace the files. If you chose not to re download that's ok but just be aware of these little issues existing in the previous version. Sorry again about this, I have testers and of course test myself as well but it seems I need more, and am looking into expanding the team so that less issues escape our combined vigilance and less tiny updates are needed.


I delete current then redownload , extract, then copy paste to mods. Am I doing it right?


looking for testers ? I can be your Huckleberry . I got tired of crap shows and bad news so in-between family and chores this is my life ...


I just don't have the guts to try making mods myself.


It's important to start small :) but it's ok, not everyone wants to mod, and tell you the truth it's kind of ruined the game for me, I can't play anymore I've sickened myself testing mods unfortunately 😂


now the confusion continues, it's def changing multiple sims preferences, in game somehow my guy trait now says nonex, as does checking through action , but when she asks him his pref he doesn't answer, and no phone call a lil later asking . earlier she talked with him about relationship goals, maybe that's why? one really kewl thing is my girl and her friend both prefer ex, so they can enthuse about exclusive as friendly with no rom needed, but just can't ask as friendly manually .


just saw you updated , so I'll try that .


If you go to actions to look at trait choice, but do not select anything it removes all preferences. To check a Sim's preference look at their traits. Once you checked through actions he was left with no preference.


mod so far so good, both my guy and girl came up exclusive pref, like the very first time. it had all my couple mixed up before ... I haven't checked all them yet but me one couple is good for now.

Evangelina Silvercloud

Thanks for the update. I wish you a happy time and pls. stay healthy. Lovely regards from Austria *waves*


Hi, I have no break up option for sims in a non-exclusive relationships.


Please refer to the 'breaking it off' section of the mod description https://lumpinoumods.com/2020/10/20/open-love-life/


Hello, maybe I missed it but what's the difference between these files.


Between what files? In doubt, refer to compatibility instructions, which explain version differences :)

Ms. Book

OMH ok just take all of my money already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are truly gifted!


I love this!


Aww thanks - heads up though there may be something off, I just noticed one scenario isn't running right anymore. I may need to re-upload in a few if that's the case. Sorry in advance and thanks for the nice words!


I'm glad you like it! Aww thanks - heads up though there may be something off, I just noticed one scenario isn't running right anymore. I may need to re-upload in a few if that's the case. Sorry in advance and thanks for the nice words!


That's fine. I'm just glad you created this great mod at all! ❤️


Hey just downloaded the updates for this and Woohoo Wellness and now my household won't load. It's on the loading screen forever.


This may be the cause, wait a minute I'll look into it. It's not WHW it's this

Sam D.

Had a problem with this mod- made the game unplayable. Long long loading times and then the game when loaded had weird arm flapping and unplayable or else that absent, but sims unplayable. I installed once - had the problem- uninstalled it, game then fine, reinstalled - same problem. I've now uninstalled it again.

Sam D.

I have your other mods but not WW so it was the normal version

Sam D.

The previous version of Open LL worked fine. And I've had your latest version of WooHoo Wellness, and that has been fine. It seems like its the Open LL update.


Yes, that's what it is indeed. I put back old files until I figure out why some games go crazy with it and what is wrong


You truly are gifted my friend! Thank you so much for these awesome mods :)


Thank you :) Please note v1. 1 is not out anymore as some people are having a game issue with it. Until I figure it out I put back previous files.


Hello, and thank for all your awesome works. You're truly a gift for our community. But...ehm, i have a problem with the latest update of Open Love Life. For some reasons in my game the new romance options appear to have no text description? I have the choice to select them but they don't show up properly.


Hello! I absolutely love this mod but my sims with a FWB relationship can't ask to be in a relationship and they are in the range of 81-100. They both get the sad feeling when they are around each other but they can't ask to be in a relationship.


Hi, I have this mod installed in my game and before the paranormal pack, I had the pie menu when I clicked on my sim to change their preference and now I don't see it. My married couple automatically got "Prefers Non-Exclusive" but with this family I want them "exclusive." Do you know if this needs an update? Or should I just re-download and see if that works?


Doesn't need an update at all. Changing preferences is under 'actions' then 'open love life'. Did you look there?


Hello, I downloaded this file to my mods. And the prefence option isn't showing in my actions within the game.


Is this still being updated and working with patches? I would love to download it so just wanted to check :) x


hi, i joined your patreon in hopes of downloading this mod. Forgive me if i overlooked anything but i do not see a link to download. Im very very new to this.


Did you find the download link? If you didn't just reading the above you'll see it.


Random question that might be dumb. But does this work with your who hoo mod? My sim is in a multi-relationship and got jealous.


Yes it does, all my mods play nice together. Do you have Turbodriver mods with settings that may impact jealousy?


Hey. I am having trouble where when I click on open love life it does not open. Instead it just plays the music like it is open.


Hi! I'm new here! So excited about all of your awesome cc! I have OLL installed and my sims have been assigned traits (i.e. prefers exclusive, prefers non-exclusive). I'm wondering how I can change those traits? I don't see any options when I click on my sim or when I shift-click using testingcheats.


Hello Lumpinou is tere also the possibility to translate the open love life mod to german?


Is there a way to make this compatible with wicked so sims don't get jealous?


is it possible to have three sims in a multiple exclusive relationship all engaged to each other?


Where's the download button? I can't find it.


Hello! First of all, thank you for making this! This was exactly what I had been looking for when I remembered that the base game doesn't allow poly relationships, after I had just started a household that I had planned to be a poly relationship haha. Are you planning on expanding the number of people that can be in a relationship? Even if it's just to 4 or 5? I want to build a bigger poly household and I'd love if it were possible to have them all be in one relationship. If not, I'm still happy just having two trios :)


They'd have to just all be in open relationship with each other at the moment. Adding more to 'official multiple exclusive' relationships would be too much for the system :)


Hello! My girlfriend is having some issues with the mod. We can get a poly relationship actually started. Sure we can date our second partner, but we can’t all three be in a relationship. I’m sure this is such an easy fix, but apparently we are dumb and don’t understand lol. Are we missing something here?


If you have them in an open relationship they're all open. You'd need them to have a 'multiple exclusive relationship'. If they're in a open one it might be a bit backwards to get it to show to offer to be multiple exclusive. You might have to end the open relationships (use cheats under actions if you don't want the sad moodlets etc), and then ask to be a multiple exclusive


Ww has a "open relationship" does it override yours?


Hi I love all your mods, sorry if this is a dumb question but I'm struggling to figure it out, how do I go about setting up a three person relationship? Do I need at least two of the sims in my household?


I love how your mods make the game way more interesting!! About the 'indifferent to being romantically exclusive' sims, I was wondering if it would be a cool idea to implement a jealous system... like, if they witness their partner being romantic with other sims in front of them, they could get insecure or secretly jealous. Something like "I'm fine with you seeing other people, but aren't you getting too attached to this person?". There could be a score for the nature of the relationship (like in 'no strings attached'), where both grow comfortable with things the way they are or start to become prone to monogamy. Maybe this feature could be optional! For it to work, some chatboxes would appear asking things, for instance: "Your partner just kissed someone in front of you. What is your reaction?" a) I'm cool with it b) Not bothered but let's get out of here (jealousy in denial) c) That made me feel jealous/insecure. And depending of each action, the couple would go somewhere else, have an argument or something like that (?) Don't know if that makes sense haha anyways, thank you for your hard work!


What can be done about the offspring of a poly relationship? When the children see their bio parent be affectionate with the non bio parent in the trouple it causes a negative reaction.


Hi! Negative reaction from what? I don't think the game does that, and none of my mods do either, so, another mod?