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Hello again,

Just a quick warning for those who do not know: all patrons are charged the amount of their pledge by Patreon on the first day of the month, no matter when they joined. The subscription renews that way, which means that if this charge goes through, you have access all of next month.

Please take this into account depending on your financial situation or how much you planned to spend here :)


P. S. I cannot answer financial, legal or any such question. For questions regarding Patreon charges and such, please contact Patreon or use their help pages.



I'm one of those who just pledged, but I knew that in a few days I would be charged again. The quality of your mods are worth it. Thanks for the reminder. ;)


Yes, I joined today, and I know I'll be charged again in a couple of days, but it's cool. I really love what you are doing to give relationships some depth in this game.

True AI

Hey, do you offer an annual subscription? I know some on Patreon do, and with all the work you put into your mods, I'd subscribe annually if that were an option.


I subscribed a few days ago, and I did know I would be charged again on the 1st, but I just want to say this is so kind and respectful of you to go out of your way to warn patrons about this!


Honestly I had just subscribed to get the W&W mod after seeing a YouTube review of it but I have no problem continuing to be a subscriber because a) your mods have made me love the sims again and b) this message just shows the kind of character you have and you absolutely deserve to be supported. 10/10 would recommend (as a mod creator and just a human being)


if i could afford to pay $100 i would when finances are better i will up the amount i can do but thank you for making such great items even when we all can't afford a whole lot


Thanks so much for your kind words ❤️ I totally understand, and remember all mods are free within max 3 weeks of release so if you can't afford the Patreon support you can still get the mods of course, just after a bit. I truly appreciate your support, but please of course do prioritize your own finances :) support is not only financial and your nice words are support too! A good day to you :)


Trying to download and it has an error