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Hello Patrons and thanks for your support! You are appreciated <3 !

Just a few notes today to keep you informed on what I'm doing.

Reminder of the main current works, for those who might have missed the last Work In Progress post:

  • LAW & DISORDER: I really want to get this done by this point and be done with it.

  •  RPO M4: subsequent paternity tests for children who aren’t the latest one (current system supports only the latest born child (or not born yet), new system will support any previous ones in addition to that)

  •  Continuing on RPO M20: broad DNA testing and family features (see here for when I talked about it in more detail). My problem with this one has to do with design; I feel that what I have isn’t quite optimal in term of gameplay enjoyment / simplicity to understand for players. I’m going to change a few things and then perhaps put it in beta so you can judge.

  • These and RPO M3 updates + small updates for Sim Info Manager

--- I. The Current Main Focus ---

I'm currently focusing on the "Law and Disorder" mod.

I WILL TELL YOU A LOT MORE SOON (a little later in June is the goal). And show more as well. There is a lot of infrastructure to this and so not that much to show at the onset.

I regret to ask that you
please do do not ask me for details about this as of now
. Considering how long this mod has been talked about, it doesn't take much for me to fall into paralyzing anxiety about it. I am trying to get done the ideas I have for now, which is enough of a tall order to begin with haha. I will let you know more soon once I have more images, to do my usual 'detailed, previews', and then listen to your suggestions etc. Thanks :)

I'd rather show nothing more than what I already had the previous times until I'm ready, but I know you'd rather see something new, anything may it be, so here's new images out of context.


--- II. A Side Thing ---

Besides this, because two requests happened within as many days regarding the 'separation reasons' menu of RPO m10, it's been on my mind.

That menu was due to be redone, and that's what I told the requesters. But I figured might as well just get it done with while I have it in mind, so I redid the things I wanted re done with it.
Which means I'm ready to add new things to it.

I know there's been a few suggestions, I might not recall all, so, Moons and Suns, if you had a suggestion for that, let me know in comments! 

What I recall to add as separation reasons:
- different family preferences (wanting more kids or not etc)
- different relationship preferences (poly or not)
- incompatible / different Woohoo preferences
- one sim is jobless (cruel, I know!)
- one sim has temper problems (erratic, hotheaded personality traits)

Keep in mind that m10 is STILL due for a batch of updates, revamps, additions etc - as are many other RPO mods. I don't know exactly when I'll get to it but just to say that this change won't be the only change coming to m10 by any means!


That's it for today!
Thanks for your support and time!



Sounds great.

Marie Giffin

Law and order is something this game has needed for a long time! I am SO exited to use it! Thank you for everything you do, this game wouldn't even be enjoyable to play without you!


the rpo dna testing sounds so cool! i would happily wait 5 years for your mods, as they are so awesom

Kristen Mason

Oooo 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

Liam Dudley

Oh this is exciting! I have all of your mods on my game because I love them so much. Can't wait for this one :)


SO excited for this. I'm sure I sound like a drone or a bot, but you and a few other creators I follow legit make this game playable for me.

Gbehlee Savice

this is great. will this be tied to basemental drugs or gangs mod to be arrested for illegal activity?

Jibriyl Almuniyr

Well, I hope you don't worry too much about animations for law/order mod. Will there be jail time for offenses? Like, the Sim will be unavailable for a period of time?