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Here, I am defining 'social menu performance' as in, speed / quickness between you clicking another sim and the pie menus opening.

Note that I am making simplifications here and am not a computer engineer or the best person to talk about this. But because of a lot of posts and questions about this especially since the pre-Crystal Creations PATCH, I will explain it as well as I can and as far as it is relevant to my craft of making mods and relevant to your results in game re. slowness of menus.


When and what can make TS4 social menu performance worse:

  • At every new EA patch, performance might get worse, because of the added stuff.

  • At every new pack or expansion you install, workload WILL get worse, because of the added stuff - then potentially causing performance to get worse.

  • At every mod with Sim interactions that you add, workload WILL get worse, because of the added stuff - then potentially causing performance to get worse.

Whether you NOTICE those performance changes or NOT depends on:

  • How powerful your machine is. This is THE BIGGEST factor.
    If I am performant enough to make 10 pizzas an hour, and you used to ask me to make 1 an hour, but now ask me to make 3 an hour, I'll still be able to make all of them in the same time frame. Hence, the workload change is NOT visible on performance, no delay happens.

  • How many other demands exist on performance (number of packs, number of heavy mods, number of running programs).
    If there are increasing amounts of clients asking me to make more and more pizzas in that same hour, eventually I won't be able to do it in an hour and it'll spill over because workload is more than my possible hourly performance. A delay is suddenly visible.

So what can modders do to help performance?:

* limit the amount of interactions they add in the game and be wise about their tests, by considering what's worth a feature and what's not (that's a tough compromise always!);

* make their bigger mods modular so people can delete the parts they don't want;

attach interactions as much as possible to contextual elements that come and go on Sims according to relevancy of context (for example if Sims who just got divorced have an interaction to talk about it, it should be placed on a moodlet relative to the event, not injected to all Sims at all times).

* try to design mods, code and feature in efficient ways; be on top of it when there's issues legitimately reported

I ALREADY do all of these things (well, I try the first, and as completely as I can, I do the others). I can't do anything to help that I'm not already doing. Most modders do most of these things.



Exactly. There are no social-menu performance-related BUGS that anyone knows of (if anyone figures one out I sure will fix it) in my mods or anyone else's (there can be bugs because every program has them but they 99.9% likely or 99.9% don't have to do with your social menu delays).


My mods DO add a lot of interactions to the game. In that regard, they add to the demands on performance in terms of loading social menus (the amount of pizzas to make per hours). ANY mod with a lot of interactions would do the exact same. Because RPO Collection is 19-20 mods and people tend to install them all at once, ofc that's a more obvious increase on performance strain than when installing one mod at a time.


What YOU can do:

- be SELECTIVE about what you put in your game, be it mods or packs. RPO Collection is 19 mods. You can delete the ones you don't use and keep only the ones you do, for example.

- be REALISTIC about the abilities of your computer. Not everyone can afford to upgrade, if you can that's the most effective solution. For an example of realism: Growing Together is a massive resource hog in my game and my computer is weak, so I play with it deactivated.



There was ONCE a situation of - seemingly - cache problems, which happened for A FEW people switching from rpo 2.8 to 2.9, which caused extremely abnormal and extreme menu delays. There are workarounds to that cache issue and it is now off the table because this happened like a year ago. Completely irrelevant now.

I have never seen or heard any other such case and any struggles on social menu performance in your game is 99.9% likely to be due to the simple math mentioned above. It's cumulative workload demanded of your processor.



Here is an example of how it is on my computer. I have mentioned it often because it illustrates well the concepts discussed here.

  • running BG alone with all my mods there is NO social menu delay.

  • Running all packs without any mods has 1 sec delay

  • and all packs plus all my mods and some others has a nearly 2 sec delay.

    That is a simple example of a performance situation. It doesn't care about what mods or files or even EA packs add the resources. If resources are added to calculate for, performance is reduced. If your machine can't handle the combined performance drain, then it shows.



Someone accused me of that today, so let's be clear. Hm, no. Nope. Not at all.

I am doing support on Discord and patreon constantly, I stand behind my mods, I do my best to keep them bug free. I check on every legitimate bug report. I Love PROPER bug reports. Because I LOVE for my work to be as bug free and smooth as possible. Reports tell me where problems are so I can fix them as instantly as possible. If there was a problem I knew of, I'd admit to it and say so outright and work my butt off to fix it.
With the time and effort I DO spend on bugs (checking on reports is literally the first thing I do every day and yes I do it throughout the day too), this accusation is rather funny.


Questions welcome.

Thanks everyone. And thanks for your support. I do this whole modding thing thanks to you, with you and in big part for you.

Much love



We love and appreciate you SO much Lumpinou 💗 Thank you for all you do for our community!!


The game is so buggy never know if its the game or a mod, most times i blame the game as it is usually the game lol but i may mention i also have 430gb mod folder, yes i have alot of CC lol Sometimes theres a delay in menus sometimes theres not but i feel its more an EA issue. Thank you for all you do!

Daniela Vatore

Hello, I love the new update. However, I can't find some of the features that were available before in the Toolkit. I can't find the Toolkit anymore so I am assuming it went away with the update. Anyway, one main and important feature for me was the ability to add/remove Sentiments. Can you please tell me where this is located or is it no longer available? Please bring it back if it was accidentally removed. Thanks!


Hi, RPO mods and Sim Info Manager are two different mods. RPO Collection had a recent feature update, Sim Info Manager no (just a change for a broken interaction). Make sure you still have Toolbox and Sim Info Manager and you'll be fine. Nothing was removed from Sim Info Manager


I absolutely love this mod and refuse to play without it! you do so great at informing us and updating the mod regularly, I appreciate your work!


That explains a lot thank you!. I have all your mods and also all Adeepingo's mods. A lot of sim interactions added. My delay is 4 seconds at the moment. And playing on a good gaming laptop. But its worth it.