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Hey, so as I said last month, I am kinda done with converting old stuff to the Maxis bodyshape, so now I am left with time to spare and I thought I would get your opinion on how the time should be spent in the future.

I will still use v6 as a base for clothing (well, until a better version comes along), but I will convert any eventual clothing I make going forward to Maxis as an update regardless.

Now, as you probably suspect, this timeslot that has cleared up isnt big enough to actually make a full extra set every month but we can do this-

Option 1 - I know some of you like using BB and its a fairly popular bodyshape in general. The benefit of course is that its no longer developed, so the shape isnt likely to change. Therefore I will start converting to this shape at a similar pace as I did EvE to Maxis.

Option 2 - Maybe you guys dont share my dislike of the newer EvE shape redesigns, so I will, similarly to the first option, start working at conversion to the latest EvE shape.

Option 3 - For those of you who cant see polls ordinarily, there is always a struggle for clothing sets to win over objects. I thought about a solution and this is my idea- I will take the spare time (and probably add a bit more) every month and create an extra clothing item for you. Might be new blindfold type, might be new gag, might be some piercing designs etc. Notice that I said an item (maybe two) and not the whole set- that is simply too much of an time investment at present.

Anyhoo thank you for voting, as announced before, the final June set coming on the weekend, as I gotta leave to do other stuff today and its not quite finished. First regular poll of the month on Monday. Cheers.



I can work my way round WW body selector a lot easier than I can find new CC like yours...Bring it on!


Additional clothing is definitely going to win this poll obviously but I hope you’ll still considering doing BB conversions in the future.