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Hello, say no to backpain.


Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink

Includes Idle Animation For Use


Here is the winner of the second poll. I took some liberties with the design for technical reasons. Still, looks close enough.

Id like to have the final release of June stuff out on the 2nd, but I will be away for most of the day, so more likely will be us finishing on Sunday. Anyway, have fun. Cheers.




Would it be possible to add a leg-spreader-bar in an update...The Sim's feet are kinda hanging out there?


Possible? Sure. But I would have to add a new prop for that and I cant sneak a new prop set past a poll after repeatedly trying. So probably not.


I would not object in the slighest if you were to 'impose' one item on us each month ('The Kritical Selection'?)...At the end of the day, only you have a real oversight of what is possible and all of us must like what you make, or we wouldn't be here.