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Hello all you lovely people. There are quite a lot of you sticking around for the next month. Thank you! I always knew I could count on your exquisite taste. 

For all the fresh arrivals- glad you could join us! We run a pretty informal ship around here, so dont be shy to comment or send me a message when you feel like it or the need arises. I read everything and take your words to heart.

We already had the first release of the month and it was received more positively than I expected, so cheers for that.

That still leaves us with 4 polls to be held, with one of those being in progress right now. The winning choice being hotly contested, maybe it will be your vote that decides? Who knows.

Aside from several experiments that I have in mind, there are two more sets I am working on, or rather, two more objects, that might see a release this month. Both are fairly involved (one involves a lot of tuning, the other a lot of rigging) and both are never seen before stuff in Sims(4), so its not a guarantee, however if I manage to finish either of them, that set would bring up the total to expect up to 6. I am waiting on other people for both, so wish me luck.

Still, as always, 5 sets guaranteed this month.

Full speed ahead!



Sounds intriguing...


looking forward to your beguiling creations. 😉