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 Salve! Modern art is finally making it into my collection.


Five Swatches - Black, Red, Pink, White, Cream

2 parts -

Flush - Place first, use it to play the toilet interactions.

Body - Place second, use it to play the WW idle.


Remember not to select "random" option when picking the animation from the object´s WW menu, unless you fancy reloading your game.



Alright, I realize this might be a bit too much for most of you, but let me tell you how this thing came to be.

I was, as I regularly do, browsing the internet for inspiration on more things to make. Its when I saw a picture taken from a JAV (I assume) that made me chuckle in how absurd it was. It also made wonder, as stuff often does, how would I go about making it for Sims 4. Few hours later, I had a working prototype that I decided to finish.

Consider this my tribute to all the weird porn coming from the land of the rising sun. More mainstream stuff coming at the beginning of the next week.... right .... mainstream.



Wongfoo 2003

Well, not quite the thing i need but i will try it. What does mainstream mean to you? Maybe a 'petbed' for our kitties?


Well that very much depends on the result of this week´s poll.

Wongfoo 2003

That wasn't a request but an idea. I'm looking for something like that for years now. So it doesn't matter when it will be done if someone will do it.




Well I dont see a problem in making it. Or rather, I see only one- the sleeping animation the game uses. I could use the napping action again like in my other non traditional beds, but I dont know, for a pet bet, it could use a bit more compacted posture while sleeping.

Kieran Hoare

Hey, I absolutely love this, but I'm having an issue of female characters are unable to 'use' the 'flush' but my male character can. Seems odd. Is this intentional or did i stuff something up?


Hello, females dont have a standing action to use toilets, which is why they cant use it.


Vampires not so keen on this one, makes lunch taste a bit odd!

Wongfoo 2003

I see your problem but when i saw your mystery box i thought that can be the right position for a person sleeping in a petbed. I replaced my napping position with the one of Princess Paranoia.

Kieran Hoare

Would it be hypothetically possible to create a standing or squatting action for women to use it? I'm really new to sims 4 in general so i'm not sure to the extent modders would be able to push the games?


Yes and no. without wishing to write up 800 word essay in here, lets just say it would involve not only animating it, but also extending the game behavior with the new action. While I can do the former, I am only getting to a point where I might be able to do the latter.


I downloaded the package, but I'm only getting the "flush" item in game without the toilet. The other mods I've downloaded work great though this is the only one I've had issue with, or I must have missed something.


Hello, the thing is made out of a basegame toilet and basegame sculpture. I cant think as to why you wouldnt see it. Anyone else having this problem?


I found it within "sculptures" after typing it into the search box. Your assets are great by the way. I'm eager to see what else you come up with in the future.