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 Guten Abend! Sleep like a boss.


Three Swatches - Black & Red, Red & Black, Pink & White

Top part - Regular bondage bed. To be used only in combination with the bottom part.

Bottom part - Large cage bed. Usable alone.

Top bed functions like a regular bed, save for some removed interactions that werent needed.

Bottom bed functions very much like my old cage bed.

Bottom bed has several deco slots in the front part to keep whoever is inside comfortable.


Whew, finished it before the weekend ended. Good. Hope it actually works like intended, had some unexpected obstacles I had to overcome to make it function. Anyway, not much else to say. Enjoy.




This is awesome i love that it comes in pink and white cus the other bed doesnt. Could we get a recolor swatch for the single bed?


Again, amazing work!


This is unbelievable, thank you!!

Fallen Angel Creations

very nice would love this bed IRL one thing the bottom bed only has nap function and WW stuff, if this was intentional cool, but would be cool to have my slaves sleep under me hahahahahah


Well, I am sure there are a few smiths on Etsy that can accommodate you ;). I went into why I had to remove the sleep action in the Cage Bed release post, so you can check it out there if you want. Napping and sleeping is basically the same thing anyway, if you have my nap duration override, included in the cage bed package.

Fallen Angel Creations

After I wrote that I remembered, animation conflicts from a on line VR chat I used to build for (Red Light Center) when you put 2 beds etc. in the same place and try to put the same animation script on them, that said keep up the great work!