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For those of you that watch my Doctor Who reactions would you want me to upload Classic Doctor Who alongside?

I really want to watch Classic Doctor Who all the way through and I want to know if I upload it here would you guys watch it?

How would you like them uploaded? Each 25 minute episode on it's own for example

Classic Doctor Who | 1x1/An Unearthly Child Reaction
Classic Doctor Who | 1x2/An Unearthly Child Reaction
Classic Doctor Who | 1x3/An Unearthly Child Reaction
Classic Doctor Who | 1x4/An Unearthly Child Reaction
Classic Doctor Who | 1x5/The Daleks Reaction

or would you rather one story one upload like

Classic Doctor Who | An Unearthly Child Reaction
Classic Doctor Who | The Daleks Reaction



Honestly, I haven't seen classic Who since I was a very little'un. My parents watched it when we lived in an Army base in Germany because British shows were always passing hands. I was 3-6 then, and that's the only time I've seen it. I'd be interested in checking it out to see how it's held up, at least!