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Oooooo this is definitely my favorite of the four, specifically for the exploration of morality, life, death, forgiveness, and just being human. And that is all I'll allow myself to say, though it's really really really hard not to answer some of your questions or speak to your theories/musings! I'm going to enjoy this watch through with you, I bet!


Oh! Some religious type info - I was raised Catholic though I'd classify myself as "non denominational" at the moment, I suppose. And Flanagan is the same type of way, raised Catholic but Agnostic/Atheist now. He did a fantastic job of recreating small town Catholic Mass. And I'll just go ahead and say that the whole season is pretty accurate in portraying the rituals and traditions as I experienced them, so, I hope that helps if you aren't familiar with those things. The show has a lot of Religious themes (obviously) but it's not a commentary on Religion as much as it might seem, so, I'm glad to see you look through that!